Public Domain
A soldier's mother in FranceA soldier's mother in FranceOn the lapel of my coat I wear a little pin, a pin with a single star, ruby red on a bar of white. My only son is a member of the American Expeditionary Force in France. More than a...
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20 tales by 20 women: From real life in ChicagoTwenty tales by twenty women: From real life in ChicagoWithout women, the beginning of our life would be helpless; the middle, devoid of pleasure, and the end of consolation. In London alone there are eighty thousand fallen women, and, while the number is infinitely...
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LeliënstadLeliënstadVan de breede Koninginne-brug zag Paulus huiverend over de wijde, grijze rivier, die Lelinstad scheidt in twee helften, de oude stad en de nieuwe.Wild voortgezweept door den snijdenden wind stroomde het water met schuimende golven onder hem door, waar hij peinzend gebogen stond over...
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The gnome's gneissThe gnome's gneissA mood was upon Kevan MacGreene. As of the moment, he did not consider this the best of all possible worlds. In fact, many arguments to the contrary were running through his headon shoes of iron, it seemed. Only twenty-five years of...
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The alley cat's kittenThe alley cat's kittenClick on the [Listen to MP3] link to download and listen to the music file. If you are reading this e-book in a format other than HTML you may not be able to use the link. SHE had not really minded...
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Dogs of all nationsDogs of all nations - a complete work, profusely illustrated, bearing on the world's different varieties of the dog, grouped under their several nationalities, with descriptive matter explaining the characteristics and utility of each The world-wide and constantly increasing interest in dogs prompts the...
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A history of social thoughtA history of social thoughtThis book is written for the world of students. In it any seriously-minded person should find a fundamental background for understanding the central theme of human progress, a substantial basis for attacking the most important problems of the day, and...
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How Jack Mackenzie won his epaulettesHow Jack Mackenzie won his epaulettes There is a glamour and romance about war that appeals to the heart of every young man worthy of the name in these islands. This is as it should be. We are a nation of sailors, it is...
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Bishop Joseph Blount Cheshire: His Life and WorkBishop Joseph Blount Cheshire: His Life and WorkFrom my earliest memories I can recall the annual visits of Bishop Cheshire to the home of my parents. As very young boys my brothers and I were fond of looking at him, for with his flowing...
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King Edward's realm: Story of the making of the EmpireKing Edward's realm: Story of the making of the Empire As Englishmen we have been born to a great inheritance, which we hold in common with our kinsmen in all parts of the empire. It is quite time that all who share in its...
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Le livre du chevalier de La Tour Landry pour l'enseignement de ses fillesLe livre du chevalier de La Tour Landry pour l'enseignement de ses fillesLe livre du chevalier de La Tour a joui dune grande vogue au moyen ge. Souvent transcrit par les copistes, il obtint de bonne heure les honneurs de limpression. Publi dabord par...
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Ballada a néma férfiakról: NovellákBallada a néma férfiakról: NovellákReggel, mikor felbredt, nehz kdk fekdtek az utcn, de az g tiszta lehetett vrvrs korong a bartsgtalan nap s valami fojt szag szrdtt be a rsek kztt. Fradt volt, egszen sajtsgos fradtsgot rzett ezen a reggelen, ami j is volt,...
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21 Jahre in Indien. Dritter Theil: Sumatra21 Jahre in Indien. Dritter Theil: Sumatra.Im Text werden Passagen aus mehreren Fremdsprachen eingebracht, z. B. Niederlndisch, Franzsisch oder Latein. Diese wurden unkorrigiert bernommen. Eigen- und Ortsnamen erhalten oft verschiedene Schreibweisen, mitunter auch innerhalb eines Absatzes. Dies wurde nicht korrigiert, sofern beide Schreibweisen im...
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21 Jahre in Indien. Zweiter Theil: Java21 Jahre in Indien. Zweiter Theil: Java.Im Text werden Passagen aus mehreren Fremdsprachen eingebracht, z. B. Niederlndisch, Franzsisch oder Latein. Diese wurden unkorrigiert bernommen. Eigen- und Ortsnamen erhalten oft verschiedene Schreibweisen, mitunter auch innerhalb eines Absatzes. Dies wurde nicht korrigiert, sofern beide Schreibweisen im...
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21 Jahre in Indien. Erster Theil: Borneo21 Jahre in Indien. Erster Theil: Borneo.Im Text werden Passagen aus mehreren Fremdsprachen eingebracht, z. B. Niederlndisch, Franzsisch oder Latein. Diese wurden unkorrigiert bernommen. Eigen- und Ortsnamen erhalten oft verschiedene Schreibweisen (z. B. Passir/Pasir), mitunter auch innerhalb eines Absatzes; Maeinheiten werden teilweise mit oder...
- Dhs. 23.24 AED
Dhs. 46.50 AED- Dhs. 23.24 AED
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Ihanteen kaipuuIhanteen kaipuuMuutamien romaanien laita on sama kuin joidenkuiden taulujenkin. Vaikuttaaksensa ne tarvitsevat sopivan kehyksen. Ihanteen kaipuu on kirjoitettu yksinomaan siin tarkoituksessa, ett ranskalaiset saisivat jonkinmoisen yleiskatsauksen Suomesta. Se kuvaa suomalaista henke, sanoo La Franaise tydell syyll siit. Kaikki se, mik tss teoksessa on uutta...
- Dhs. 23.24 AED
Dhs. 46.50 AED- Dhs. 23.24 AED
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La firmao de la kato kiu pilkludasLa firmao de la kato kiu pilkludasHonor de Balzac naskiis en Tours 1799 kaj mortis en Parizo 1850. Li estis filo de ekssekretario de la rea konsilantaro. Li studis en Vendma kolegio, liveris psedonime tre juna mezbonajn romanojn; li estis presisto en Parizo (1826-1829),...
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Dhs. 46.50 AED- Dhs. 23.24 AED
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DeklaracioDeklaracioLa atoro, sinjoro Takeo Ariima, naskiis la 4an de Majo 1878 en Tokio kiel unua filo de iu oficisto de financa ministrejo. 1882 lia patro fariis estro de l lim-impostejo en Jokohama kaj transloiis tien kun sia familio. Tie la atoro estis edukita en...
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A tóparti gyilkosság és egyéb elbeszélésekA tóparti gyilkosság és egyéb elbeszélésekAhogy befordultam a Szent Anna-utcba, hrom fit pillantottam meg, akik kzl kettt, ltsbl, mr ismertem. Az egyiket a Holdvilgkpnek, a msikat a Kutyafej Tatrnak hivtk a cimborim. Mind a kett tizenegy esztends lehetett, mint n; de a Kutyafej Tatr...
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Dhs. 46.50 AED- Dhs. 23.24 AED
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Unparliamentary papers and other diversionsUnparliamentary papers and other diversionsI happen to frequent Captain Berkeleys company on the cricket field. When he is there, and the wicket is bumpy, it might suitably be called a stricken field. He bowls very fast and very straight. As his publisher usually keeps...
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