Public Domain
The Washers and Scrubbers: The Men Who Robbed Them"White man bery unsartin": "Nigger haint got no friends, no how"; the blackest chapter in the history of the Republican Party; the men who robbed and combined to rob the freedmen of their hard earnings.The last report of the three Commissioners for winding up...
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Les Jeunes-France: romans goguenards suivis de Contes humoristiquesLes Jeunes-France: romans goguenards; suivis de Contes humoristiquesCeci, en vrit, mon cher monsieur ou ma belle dame, n'est autre chose qu'une prface, et une prface fort longue: je n'ai pas la moindre envie de vous le dissimuler ou de vous en demander pardon. Je...
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Hope Farm NotesHope Farm NotesMost of these notes were originally printed in the Rural New-Yorker from week to week and covering a period of about 20 years. Many readers of that magazine have expressed the desire to have a collection of them in permanent form. It...
- Dhs. 23.57 AED
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Hellenistic SculptureHellenistic SculptureAmong the losses which Oxford has suffered from the war, none is more to be regretted than that of the author of this volume. As an undergraduate, twenty years ago, Guy Dickins gave up his intention of entering the Indian Civil Service in...
- Dhs. 23.57 AED
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Medical Jurisprudence, Volume 1 (of 3)Medical Jurisprudence, Volume 1 (of 3)We have at length arrived at the third, and most important division of our work, comprehending the consideration of the principal pleas of the crown, three of which, Rape, Arson, and Murder, are pre-eminently the subjects of Medical Jurisprudence....
- Dhs. 23.57 AED
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Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, No. 747, April 20, 1878Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, No. 747, April 20, 1878Among the many marvels of art in the present day is the art of lifting sunk vessels from the bottom of the sea, or of rescuing them in a sadly injured condition...
- Dhs. 23.57 AED
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Siperialaisten maanpakolaisten elämästä: "Metsä humisee"Siperialaisten maanpakolaisten elämästä: "Metsä humisee" - MetsälegendaTy ei sujunut. En virittnyt tultakaan ja lyhyen, pohjoisen pivn ulkona sammuessa usvaiseen pakkaseen, vaivuin huomaamatta ymprivn hiljaisuuden ja pimeyden vaikuttamaan synkkn mielentilaan. Pivn viimeiset, himmet steet kimposivat pienen jurtan jisest ikkunasta: joka sopesta hiipi esiin sankka pimeys,...
- Dhs. 23.57 AED
Dhs. 47.16 AED- Dhs. 23.57 AED
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Pelican Pool: A NovelPelican Pool: A NovelWhere the equator girdles the earth, the Indian Ocean and the amorous waters of the Pacific have their marriage bed. Afire with the passions of the tropics, excited by breezes from a thousand islands of palm, of spice, of coral, of...
- Dhs. 23.57 AED
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Early Printed BooksEarly Printed BooksIn the following pages I have endeavoured to give a short account of the introduction of printing into the principal countries and towns of Europe, and to bring our information on the subject as far as possible up to date. Small books...
- Dhs. 23.57 AED
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Ajan käänteessä: Isänmaallisia runoja ja ballaadejaAjan käänteessä: Isänmaallisia runoja ja ballaadejaAleksin joulu. Menneit vaiheita. Elettihin ennenkin. Huhun huuhkain. Kun laulajat lauleli. Suomenlahdella. Saulin lankeemus. Sudet tulevat. Hakoisten linna. Itke, itke nurmen nukka! Epilijt. Ne kiltit lampaat. Lalmantin kotiintulo. Volhovin rannoilta. Kansa ermaassa. Pienen oikeus. Rikkahat neitoset. Tm maa. Poppa....
- Dhs. 23.57 AED
Dhs. 47.16 AED- Dhs. 23.57 AED
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Historia Pitoresca: Palavras e frases celebresHistoria Pitoresca: Palavras e frases celebresO PRESENTE livroPALAVRAS E PHRASES CELEBRES, como que uma Corbeille aonde esto reunidos, explicados, e, por vezes commentados, muitos factos, muitas palavras, phrases e circumstancias curiosas e originaes, que se empregam e se encontram, a cada momento, j n'alguma...
- Dhs. 23.57 AED
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Dirigible BalloonsDirigible BalloonsThis book was transcribed from scans of the original found at the Internet Archive. I have rotated some images. The caption for Figure 20 was illegible in the scanned pages so I used a description from a paragraph that referred to it. Of...
- Dhs. 23.57 AED
Dhs. 47.16 AED- Dhs. 23.57 AED
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China's Revolution, 1911-1912: A Historical and Political Record of the Civil WarChina's Revolution, 1911-1912: A Historical and Political Record of the Civil War TO THOSE WHO LAID DOWN THEIR LIVES AND TO THE NEW CHINA PARTY IN THE HOPE THAT THEIR STRUGGLES FOR FREEDOM MAY HERALD THE DAWNING OF A DAY OF RIGHT AND TRUTH...
- Dhs. 23.57 AED
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The Epidemics of the Middle AgesThe Epidemics of the Middle AgesThe Council of the Sydenham Society having deemed Heckers three treatises on different Epidemics occurring in the Middle Ages worthy of being collected into a volume, and laid before its members in an English dress, I have felt much...
- Dhs. 23.57 AED
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Castes In IndiaCastes In IndiaMany of us, I dare say, have witnessed local, national, or international expositions of material objects that make up the sum total of human civilization. But few can entertain the idea of there being such a thing as an exposition of human...
- Dhs. 23.57 AED
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Two StoriesTwo StoriesIt was a Sunday and the first day of spring, the first day on which one felt at any rate spring in the air. It blew in at my window with its warm breath, with its inevitable little touch of sadness. I felt...
- Dhs. 23.57 AED
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United States. Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bulletin no. 754The Bedbug [1934]A STRENUOUS STRUGGLE, a vigorous campaign, is before any housewife who is called upon to dispute the occupancy of her home with that persistent pest unfavorably known as the bedbug, who, gorged with the blood of his victim, lieth up in his...
- Dhs. 23.57 AED
Dhs. 47.16 AED- Dhs. 23.57 AED
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La quinta de PalmyraLa quinta de Palmyra - (Novela grande)El libro nuevo, 4 pesetas. Beltrn, Prncipe, 16.Virgueras, 4 pesetas (Los pedidos al autor, Velzquez, 4, torren)Variaciones. Ilustrado por el autor, Atenea, Ferraz, 21.El Prado, numerosos grabados, 2,50 pesetas. Beltrn, Prncipe, 16.Toda la Historia de la Puerta del...
- Dhs. 23.57 AED
Dhs. 47.16 AED- Dhs. 23.57 AED
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United States. Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bulletin no. 734Flytraps and Their Operation [1930]BOTH THE HOUSE FLY AND BLOWFLIES may be captured in traps. The character of the bait used and the location of the traps greatly influence the kind of flies caught. This bulletin tells how to make the flytraps that have...
- Dhs. 23.57 AED
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United States. Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bulletin no. 734Flytraps and Their Operation [1921]RESULTS obtained in experiments with the use of chemicals against fly larv in manure are presented in Bulletins Nos. 118, 245, and 408 of the Department of Agriculture. The biology of the house fly and the various methods of control...
- Dhs. 23.57 AED
Dhs. 47.16 AED- Dhs. 23.57 AED
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