Public Domain
El OmbúEl OmbúWho has lived with and knows (even to the marrow as they would themselves say) the horsemen of the Pampas, and who alone of European writers has rendered something of the vanishing colour of that remote life. The two short stories included in...
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Follow the BallFollow the BallThe school year was nearly over and there were many things that he had meant to do and hadnt done. There was that extra course in the spring term, there was that reading that was to have made next year easier, there...
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Virran kummitus: Kertomus intiaanimetsistäVirran kummitus: Kertomus intiaanimetsistä 1. Yt odotellessa. 2. Variksenraakkuna. 3. Levhdys metsss. 4. Metsnreunassa. 5. Uskalias ja arka tehtv. 6. Tottelematon Jetro. 7. Ers omistusoikeuskysymys. 8. Matkalla. 9. "Onnettomuustapaus". 10. Kalkkalokrmelahden luona. 11. Valvomista ja odotusta. 12. Taistelua afrikalaiseen tapaan. 13. Kiusallinen kohtalo. 14....
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The Trial of Captain John Kimber, for the Murder of Two Female Negro Slaves, on Board the Recovery, African Slave ShipThe Trial of Captain John Kimber, for the Murder of Two Female Negro Slaves, on Board the Recovery, African Slave Ship - Tried at the Admiralty Sessions, Held at the Old Baily, the 7th of June, 1792ON a business which has so long agitated...
- Dhs. 23.79 AED
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Scenes and PortraitsScenes and PortraitsIt is a necessity of the human mind to give everything a name, thus recognising a difference between one thing and another, and recording it. Science, which is the highest development of this necessity, recognises, and records systematically, all the facts of...
- Dhs. 23.79 AED
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The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. XX, No. 1014, June 3, 1899The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. XX, No. 1014, June 3, 1899essie appeared. It was marvellous to note how the traces of her recent outbreak had nearly disappeared. She looked almost her old decorous self, save for a slight tearfulness and quivering of the lips,...
- Dhs. 23.79 AED
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Woman Triumphant: The story of her struggles for freedom, education and political rightsWoman Triumphant: The story of her struggles for freedom, education and political rights. - Dedicated to all noble-minded women by an appreciative member of the other sex.Are you aware of the fact that you are living in the most important period of human history?...
- Dhs. 23.79 AED
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Tottisalmen perillinenTottisalmen perillinenMutta Klaus ei hnt kuullut. Hnell oli muuta trkemp tointa. Hn oli juuri avaamassa sikarilaatikkoa, jonne suurella vaivalla oli samana aamuna saanut ampiaispesn suljetuksi, ja juuri samalla hetkell kun sparttalaiset maisteri Tickleniuksen johdolla viimeiseen mieheen suistuivat Thermopylain solassa, kuului huoneessa kauhea prin, ja...
- Dhs. 23.79 AED
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Otava, Osa IIOtava, Osa II - eli Suomalaisia huvituksia "Accipies igitur hoc parvum opusculum, lucubratum his jam contractioribus noctibus: quoniam illud majorum vigiliarum munus in tuo nomine apparuit. Non est enim, ut in arce poni possit, quasi illa Minerva Phidi; sed tamen ut ex eadem officina...
- Dhs. 23.79 AED
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KertomuksiaKertomuksiaSe rautatierakennusten aikakausi, joka tmn vuosikymmenen alusta on koittanut Suomessa, on johtanut ajatuksiini nimen tlle viholle, nimen, jonka siis luulisi olevan "ajanmukaisen." Nit kertomuksia voi tietysti merellki lukea. Olinpa vhn aatellut nimitt tt pient kokoelmaa "hyryss", vaan peljten, ett tuo sana voitaisiin asettaa jonkinmoiseen...
- Dhs. 23.79 AED
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The Downhill Side of ThirtyThe Downhill Side of ThirtyChuck Dane patted shaving lotion on his face, enjoying the second of vicious sting. He closed the medicine cabinet and stood for a minute examining himself in the fluorescent lighted mirror. He was lean and hard and, of course, tanned....
- Dhs. 23.79 AED
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BattlewrackBattlewrackThe sun hung in the mists of morning, swollen, blood-red, a symbol of augury, as the artillery brigade pulled out of the village where it had been billeted for the night. At the tail of its long line of slowly moving vehicles marched a...
- Dhs. 23.79 AED
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The Fascinating Stranger, and Other StoriesThe Fascinating Stranger, and Other StoriesMR. GEORGE TUTTLE, reclining at ease in his limousine, opened one eye just enough to perceive that daylight had reached his part of the world, then closed that eye, and murmured languidly. What he said, however, was not, Home,...
- Dhs. 23.79 AED
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The Owls' HouseThe Owls' HouseIt was late evening when John Penhale left the Helston lawyers office. A fine drizzle was blowing down Coinage Hall Street; thin beams of light pierced the chinks of house shutters and curtains, barred the blue dusk with misty orange rays, touched...
- Dhs. 23.79 AED
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Mr. Justice MaxellMr. Justice MaxellIT was two hours after the muezzin had called to evening prayer, and night had canopied Tangier with a million stars. In the little Sok, the bread-sellers sat cross-legged behind their wares, their candles burning steadily, for there was not so much...
- Dhs. 23.79 AED
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Jean of GreenacresJean of GreenacresIt was Monday, just five days before Christmas. The little pink express card arrived in the noon mail. The girls knew there must be some deviation from the usual daily mail routine, when the mailman lingered at the white post. Yes, I...
- Dhs. 23.79 AED
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The Dinner ClubThe Dinner ClubOn a certain day in the year of grace 1920, there came into being a special and very select club. There was no entrance fee and no subscription, in which respect it differed from all other clubs. Its membership was limited to...
- Dhs. 23.79 AED
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The Pageant of British HistoryThe Pageant of British HistoryThis ebook is made available at no cost and with very few restrictions. These restrictions apply only if (1) you make a change in the ebook (other than alteration for different display devices), or (2) you are making commercial use...
- Dhs. 23.79 AED
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The Torch-Bearers: A Satirical Comedy in Three ActsThe Torch-Bearers: A Satirical Comedy in Three ActsI cannot remember if it was one of those torrid and terrible nights of August when the chain-gang of New Yorks critics was tolled off to the Forty-Eighth Street Theatre for the premire of The Torch-Bearers. But...
- Dhs. 23.79 AED
Dhs. 47.60 AED- Dhs. 23.79 AED
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Schein und Sein: Nachgelassene GedichteSchein und Sein: Nachgelassene Gedichte Mein Kind, es sind allhier die Dinge, Gleichviel, ob groe, ob geringe, Im Wesentlichen so verpackt, Da man sie nicht wie Nsse knackt. Wie wolltest du dich unterwinden, Kurzweg die Menschen zu ergrnden. Du kennst sie nur von auerwrts....
- Dhs. 23.79 AED
Dhs. 47.60 AED- Dhs. 23.79 AED
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