Public Domain
Sestrina: A romance of the South SeasSestrina: A romance of the South SeasThe speaker, Royal Clensy, was an ardent dreamer, romanticist and mystic. He did not wear a flowing robe or seers beard, he was simply a handsome young Englishman attired in a serge suit, wearing a topee as he...
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Island Trail at Walnut CanyonIsland Trail at Walnut Canyon - Walnut Canyon National MonumentIn order to insure your safety and to preserve the unspoiled beauty of your National Monument, as well as protect its valuable archeological and historic structures, we urgently request your cooperation in observing the following...
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United States. National Park Service. Historical handbook series, no. 32Vanderbilt Mansion National Historic Site, New YorkThis publication is one of a series of handbooks describing the historical and archeological areas in the National Park System administered by the National Park Service of the United States Department of the Interior. It is printed by...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Grundfragen der SoziologieGrundfragen der SoziologieDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1917 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und heute nicht mehr gebruchliche Schreibweisen bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert; fremdsprachliche Passagen wurden nicht korrigiert. Das Original wurde in Frakturschrift...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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The Book Review Digest, Volume 02, 1906The Book Review Digest, Volume 02, 1906 - [Annual Cumulation] Book Reviews of 1906 in One AlphabetThis volume is the second annual cumulation of the Book Review Digest. In the main it includes the books of 1906 that have been commented upon by the...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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The Geologic Story of Glacier National ParkThe Geologic Story of Glacier National ParkUntil recently a geologist was visualized by most people as a queer sort of fellow who went around the countryside breaking rocks with a little hammer. Fortunately, the general public today has a much clearer picture of the...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 47.36 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Punainen lentohävittäjäPunainen lentohävittäjäAlkusanat. Vhn suvustani. Kadettiaikani. Tuloni armeijaan. Ensimminen upseeriaikani. Sota syttyy. Rajan yli. Ranskaan. Kun tiedusteluretkelt kuulin ensimmisen kerran luotien vinkuvan. Partiossa Loenin kanssa. Ikvi aikoja Verdunin edustalla. Ensi kerran ilmassa. Tiedustelulentjn Mackensenin joukoissa. Holckin mukana Venjll. Venjlt Ostendeen. Pisara verta isnmaan puolesta. Ensimminen...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 47.36 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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My Young Master: A NovelMy Young Master: A NovelAuthor of "The Carpetbagger," "Old Ebenezer," "The Jucklins," "On the Suwanee River," "The Colossus," "A Kentucky Colonel," "A Tennessee Judge," "Len Gansett," "Emmett Bonlore," "The Tear in the Cup and Other Stories," "The Wives of the Prophet." This is the...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 47.36 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Shenstonen rouvaShenstonen rouvaShenstonen puiston suuret puut seisoivat alastomina ja paljaina, ojennellen pitki ksivarsiaan yli likomrn ruohikon. Koko luonto tuntui odottavan talven ensi lunta, joka peittisi sen kuolleet ja kuihtuneet jsenet suloisella, hohtavalla valkoverhollaan, jonka alla tulevan uuden elmn lupaus voisi hiljalleen liikahdella ja siirrehti puhjetakseen...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 47.36 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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History of the Conquest of Mexico vol. 4/4History of the Conquest of Mexico; vol. 4/4{iv} Copyright, 1843, by William H. Prescott Copyright, 1871, by William G. Prescott Copyright, 1873, by J. B. Lippincott & Co. Copyright, 1904, by J. B. Lippincott Company Electrotyped and Printed by J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 47.36 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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The Lay of the Nibelung MenThe Lay of the Nibelung Men{p. vii} If we accept as our definition of an Epic:(a) A long poem, (b) of an interest not less than national[1], describing (c) in noble language (d) a series of naturally and organically connected actions (e) of heroic...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 47.36 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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History of the Conquest of Mexico vol. 3/4History of the Conquest of Mexico; vol. 3/4{iv} Copyright, 1843, by William H. Prescott Copyright, 1871, by William G. Prescott Copyright, 1873, by J. B. Lippincott & Co. Copyright, 1904, by J. B. Lippincott Company Electrotyped and Printed by J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 47.36 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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The Queer Folk of Fife: Tales from the KingdomThe Queer Folk of Fife: Tales from the KingdomFifty years ago, the little burgh-town of Sandyriggs was a sleepy place. The inhabitants led, what they themselves called, "an easy-osy life." So little stir was there in the life of the small shopkeeper or tradesman,...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 47.36 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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The String of Pearls Or, The Barber of Fleet Street. A Domestic RomanceThe String of Pearls; Or, The Barber of Fleet Street. A Domestic Romance.The Romance of The String of Pearls having excited in the Literary world an almost unprecedented interest, it behoves the author to say a few words to his readers upon the completion...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 75.76 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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My Life and Loves, Vol. 1 (of 4)My Life and Loves, Vol. 1 (of 4)Here in the blazing heat of an American August, amid the hurry and scurry of New York, I sit down to write my final declaration of Faith, as a preface or foreword to the Story of my...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 47.36 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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The Unadjusted Girl, With Cases and Standpoint for Behavior AnalysisThe Unadjusted Girl, With Cases and Standpoint for Behavior AnalysisThe rapid development of criminological research in this country since the organization of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology, has made a place in America for this series of Criminal Science Monographs. Their...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 47.36 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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A Case of SunburnA Case of SunburnJonner's hand dropped to his pistol and he edged cautiously behind a big rock as another groundcar appeared among the dunes to the south and approached the little group of men. He was sure Sir Stanrich had told him there were...
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- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 47.36 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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The White FlagThe White FlagElizabeth Spellman opened her eyes, turned on her pillow, and minutely studied the face of her sleeping husband. To her, Mahlon Spellman was not a vain, pompous, erratic little man of fifty. When she looked at him she saw the man who...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 47.36 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Epidemics Resulting from WarsEpidemics Resulting from WarsIn countries which have the misfortune to be the scene of protracted wars, the mortality regularly undergoes a considerable increase. This is caused chiefly by the infectious diseases which in war times so often appear in the form of epidemics. These...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 47.36 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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