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Brain TeaserBrain Teaser"Damned centipedes!" Barnes said. "I still say they're telepathic." He looked at his watch. Zero hour minus twenty-six minutes. "Good luck, boy, and I hope this space warp dingus works like they think it will." He waddled down the boarding ramp and Engle...
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Annali d'Italia, vol. 8Annali d'Italia, vol. 8 - dal principio dell'era volgare sino all'anno 1750 Chiunque abbia letto sin qui gli Annali d'Italia compilati da Lodovico Antonio Muratori avr veduto quale immensa tela sia venuto intessendo l'illustre autore per discorrere l'italiana istoria di questi dieciotto secoli, senza...
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The American Agriculturist. Vol. II. No. XI, December 1843The American Agriculturist. Vol. II. No. XI, December 1843 - Designed to Improve the Planter, the Farmer, the Stock-breeder, and the HorticulturistAs Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years, are fast approaching, when the demand for poultry is at its greatest height, and the quality of...
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Dissertations on Inflammation, Vol. 2Dissertations on Inflammation, Vol. 2Apart from correction of a few typographic errors (intentention intention, citrinc citrine, scropulous scrophulous), the text of this e-book has been preserved in its original form including archaic language and some inconsistent spelling (citrine/cintrine, schirrous/schirrus, exsudation/exudation, eschoritics/escharotics). In this transcription...
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The Life of Charlemagne (Charles the Great)The Life of Charlemagne (Charles the Great)In the gradual transformation of the old world of classical antiquity into the world with which the statesmen of to-day must deal, no man played a greater part than Charles the Great,1 King of the2 Franks and Emperor...
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Shasta of the WolvesShasta of the Wolves I The Wolf-Child II The Coming of Shoomoo III Shasta Comes Very Near Being Eaten by a Bear IV The End of the Fight V Gomposh, the Wise One VI Shasta Sings the Wolf Chorus VII Shasta Joins the Wolf...
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Dearest EnemyDearest EnemyFrom somewhere there was a buzzing sound. It kept repeating. The gentle throb of it vibrated his eardrums; the vibrations registered somewhere at the bottom edges of his brain. Buzzzz. Insistently, like a wasp. Like a trapped wasp.... But there were no wasps...
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U.S.S. Cairo: The Story of a Civil War GunboatU.S.S. Cairo: The Story of a Civil War Gunboat - Comprising a Narrative of Her Wartime Adventures by Virgil Carrington Jones, and an Account of Her Raising in 1964 by Harold L. PetersonThe U.S.S. Cairo was sunk in the Yazoo River by a Confederate...
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Europe Since 1918Europe Since 1918Who does not share my lack of faith in the Versailles Covenant and whose judgments of men and events are less harsh and sweeping than mine, because he is older and wiser than the writer and because he has not allowed the...
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Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Walter Richard CasselsIndex of the Project Gutenberg Works of Walter Richard Cassels "Credulity is as real, if not so great, a sin as unbelief." Archbishop Trench. "The abnegation of reason is not the evidence of faith, but the confession of despair." Canon Lightfoot. You provide, in...
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Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Robert BurnsIndex of the Project Gutenberg Works of Robert Burns You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported to you within...
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Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Charles BradlaughIndex of the Project Gutenberg Works of Charles Bradlaugh You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported to you within...
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Il Ricciardetto, vol. IIIl Ricciardetto, vol. II Il favore che ottenne dal pubblico la prima serie della nostra BIBLIOTECA DI CLASSICI, s da richiederne una seconda edizione gi sotto ai torchi, e gli incoraggiamenti che da ogni parte ne vennero al nostro Istituto, ci inducono a proseguire...
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Il Ricciardetto, vol. IIl Ricciardetto, vol. I Il favore che ottenne dal pubblico la prima serie della nostra BIBLIOTECA DI CLASSICI, s da richiederne una seconda edizione gi sotto ai torchi, e gli incoraggiamenti che da ogni parte ne vennero al nostro Istituto, ci inducono a proseguire...
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Our Summer MigrantsOur Summer Migrants - An Account of the Migratory Birds Which Pass the Summer in the British Islands.For those who reside in the country and have both leisure and inclination to observe the movements and habits of birds, there is not a more entertaining...
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United States National Park Service. Historical handbook series, no. 2Jamestown, Virginia: The Townsite and Its StoryThis publication is one of a series of handbooks describing the historical and archeological areas in the National Park System administered by the National Park Service of the United States Department of the Interior. It is printed by...
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Me: A Book of RemembranceMe: A Book of RemembranceThe writing of this book seems to me one of the most astounding literary feats I have ever known. It is one hundred thousand words long; it was started on Thanksgiving day and finished before New Year's. The actual writing...
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Memories of the Russian CourtMemories of the Russian Court Chapter I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII, XXIV, Appendix A, Appendix B, IT is with a prayerful heart and memories deep and...
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A Military Dictionary and GazetteerA Military Dictionary and Gazetteer - Comprising ancient and modern military technical terms, historical accounts of all North American Indians, as well as ancient warlike tribes; also notices of battles from the earliest period to the present time, with a concise explanation of terms...
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ToveriToveriMaailman historiassa ei ole suinkaan harvinaista, ett ihmiset, joita jlkimaailma kunnioittaa ihmiskunnan etevimpin, elissn eivt saa tunnustusta, vaan saavat paljon kovaa krsi, tuntemattomina taistella suuria vaikeuksia ja vastuksia vastaan. Kirjallisuushistoriasta saamme myskin lukea monesta semmoisesta elmnvaiheesta. Espanjan suurin runoilija Cervantes sai kokea mit erilaisimpia...
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