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Gegen den StrichGegen den Strich Gedrngt und eingeengt in ihre alten Rahmen, die sie mit ihren breiten Schultern gnzlich ausfllen, knnten sie uns mit ihren starren Augen, den la yatagans gedrehten Schnurrbrten und ihrer mit gewlbtem Panzer bedeckten Brust nahezu erschrecken. So sahen die Ahnen der...
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The Wolf Demon or, The Queen of the KanawhaThe Wolf Demon; or, The Queen of the KanawhaThe great, round moon looked down in a flood of silver light upon the virgin forest by the banks of the Scioto, the beautiful river which winds through the richest and fairest valley in all the...
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The Dolphin in HistoryThe Dolphin in HistoryRecently the dolphin has become the focus of much scientific interest and investigation which have led to flattering pronouncements about its remarkable intelligence, amiability, and astonishing friendliness towards man. It was in consequence of such activities that a symposium was held...
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English HoursEnglish Hours The papers gathered into this series, originally published in various periodicals, have already been reprintedthe earliest in date more than thirty years ago; the others, with the exception of two, more recently, in a volume entitled Portraits of Places. They have been...
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The Mary Frances Sewing Book Or, Adventures Among the Thimble PeopleThe Mary Frances Sewing Book; Or, Adventures Among the Thimble PeopleThe entire contents of this book are protected by the stringent new copyright law, and all persons are warned not to attempt to reproduce the text, in whole or in part, or any of...
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Soljalan emäntäSoljalan emäntäErn kevisen iltapivn, jolloin aurinko valaa maisemille surunvoittoisinta kullanhohtoansa, istui pienen pappilan akkunan ress mietteisiins vaipuneena nuori nainen. Hnen ulkonssn oli samalla sek ylhiseen vivahtavaa kauneutta ett maalaismaista rotevuutta ja terveytt. Nen oli hiukan kymy, suu erittin kauniisti muodostunut, kulmakarvat ja pitkt silmripset...
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The causes of prostitutionThe causes of prostitutionA prostitute is a woman who offers her body for hire to men for their sexual pleasure. Sexual promiscuity on the part of women, not practised for money, does not constitute prostitution. Nor does the mere granting of sexual privileges for...
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The Somerset CoastThe Somerset CoastOn confiding to personal friends, journalistic paragraphists, and other Doubting Thomases, professional sceptics, chartered cynics and indifferent persons, the important and interesting literary news that a proposal was afloat to write a book on the Somerset Coast, the author was assured with...
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Early Voyages to Terra Australis, Now Called Australia:Early Voyages to Terra Australis, Now Called Australia: - A Collection of Documents, and Extracts from Early Manuscript Maps, Illustrative of the History of Discovery on the Coasts of That Vast Island, from the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century to the Time of Captain...
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A Vagabond in the CaucasusA Vagabond in the Caucasus - With Some Notes of His Experiences Among the RussiansPortions of Chapters VI., VII., IX., XI., XXVIII. appeared originally in articles contributed to Country Life, and Chapter XXII. and parts of II., X., XXXIII. in articles contributed to the...
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Legendary Tales of the Highlands (Volume 2 of 3)Legendary Tales of the Highlands (Volume 2 of 3) - A sequel to Highland RamblesThere is a long, low, flat-topped, and prettily wooded eminence, that rises out of the middle of the bonny haughs of Kilmaichly, at some distance below the junction of the...
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It Happened in JapanIt Happened in JapanTwo men, side by side, were slowly pacing the deck of the Empress of India on her outward voyage to Japan. A week had almost passed since the boat had sailed from Vancouver, and the extremely bad weather encountered until this...
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A Strange World: A Novel. Volume 2 (of 3)A Strange World: A Novel. Volume 2 (of 3)He was the best of all, she said; Mr. Balfour we saw very little of after he grew up, being the youngest to marry and leave home; Mr. James was a kind, easy-going young fellow enough;...
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Princess Kiku: A Japanese Romance. A Play for GirlsPrincess Kiku: A Japanese Romance. A Play for GirlsScene II. Same as before. Sakara bribes little Ito to bring misfortune on the Princess by a play-act, which the Princess believes is reality. Mimosas description of the Emperors reception. The working of Sakaras spell. The...
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The American Phrenological Journal and Miscellany, Vol. 1. No. 8, May 1, 1839The American Phrenological Journal and Miscellany, Vol. 1. No. 8, May 1, 1839In a previous number of this Journal (see Art. I, page 161), we entered somewhat at length upon the discussion of the above proposition. We there contrasted the merits of phrenology, as...
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXI, No. 5, November 1847Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXI, No. 5, November 1847Whatever our political independence may be, we are slavish imitators of Europe in every thing appertaining to society. We may boast of being republicanswe may beard England and France, conquer the Mexicans and annex Cuba, but we...
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Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of John FiskeIndex of the Project Gutenberg Works of John Fiske (p. xxviii) CHAPTER IV. THE SEARCH FOR THE INDIES. EASTWARD OR PORTUGUESE ROUTE. (p. xxxiii) CHAPTER VI. THE FINDING OF STRANGE COASTS. ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number: 58925 Author: Fiske, John Release...
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The International Scientific Series, Vol. XXVIIIThe Crayfish: An Introduction to the Study of Zoology.In writing this book about Crayfishes it has not been my intention to compose a zoological monograph on that group of animals. Such a work, to be worthy of the name, would require the devotion of...
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Select Books Published by Mr. T. Fisher UnwinSelect Books Published by Mr. T. Fisher UnwinThe Author has supervised the translation, and has added fresh matter, so that the volume differs in some degree from La Vie Nomade. Many of the illustrations are taken from illuminated manuscripts, and have never been published...
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National Park Service Historical Handbook Series No. 28Scotts Bluff National Monument, NebraskaThis publication is one of a series of handbooks describing the historical and archeological areas in the National Park System administered by the National Park Service of the United States Department of the Interior. It is printed by the Government...
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