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The Mythology of All Races, Vol. 11: Latin-AmericanThe Mythology of All Races, Vol. 11: Latin-AmericanTop face of the monolith known as the "Dragon" or the "Great Turtle" of Quirigua. This is one of the group of stelae and "altars" which mark the ceremonial courts of this vanished Maya city (see Plate...
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Cassell's History of England, Vol. 5 (of 8)Cassell's History of England, Vol. 5 (of 8) - From the Peninsular War to the Death of Sir Robert PeelNapoleon's Desire for an HeirThe Archduchess Maria LouisaThe Divorce determined uponThe MarriageNapoleon quarrels with his FamilyAbdication of Louis BuonaparteNapoleon's bloated EmpireAffairs of SwedenChoice of Bernadotte...
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Harper's Young People, June 27, 1882Harper's Young People, June 27, 1882 - An Illustrated WeeklyMr. Stubbs's brother had been a close observer of all that was going on, with a view probably to guarding against another sudden fright such as the overture had given him, and the moment Ben...
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The Passing of EmpireThe Passing of Empire Most people when they talk of India, most books when they treat of India, are concerned with its differences from the rest of the world. It is the appearance and the dress of its peoples, their customs and habits, their...
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The Three BrothersThe Three Brothers From Great Trowlesworthy's crown of rosy granite the world extended to the moor-edge, and thence, by mighty, dim, air-drenched passages of earth and sky, to the horizons of the sea. A clear May noon illuminated the waste, and Dartmoor, soaking her...
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Viisas tyttöViisas tyttöI. Tilanne. II. "Neiti Exeterin kasvot." III. "Meille on vain yksi yhteist." IV. Elman uusi puku. V. Lady Alfreton ehdottaa kynti kukkasnyttelyss. VI. Matkalla juhlaan. VII. Mertounin herttuatar ja hnen tyttrens. VIII. "En ole ikipivinni nhnyt sopimattomampaa kohtausta." IX. Piers selittelee maailman tapoja....
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La vecchia casaLa vecchia casa Lei mi domanda una prefazione per la ristampa di Vecchia casa sul genere di quella che feci per l'Indomani, ma una prefazione talvolta pi difficile di un romanzo, sempre pi delicata, e ad ogni modo non cosa che si possa improvvisare...
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Religion und KosmosReligion und KosmosDies Buch handelt von der so brennenden Krise, in der heute Religion und Wissenschaft stehen. Eine Krise, die unter Umstnden zu einer ungeheueren Gefahr fr die europaeische Soziett werden kann. Angesichts dieser Gefahr aber kommt alles auf den glcklichen und endgltigen Austrag...
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Dhs. 125.02 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Solidarismus: Natürliche wirtschaftliche Erlösung des MenschenSolidarismus: Natürliche wirtschaftliche Erlösung des MenschenHast du nicht eigene Mittel zur Beschaffung der Materialien und Werkzeuge, so kannst du dieselben gegen bliche Verzinsung und ratenweise Rckzahlung entlehnen, wenn ein vermgender Freund, welcher Vertrauen in deine Ehrenhaftigkeit, Arbeitskraft und Fhigkeiten setzt, dafr haftet. Das Produkt...
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The opium smokerThe Chinese Opium-SmokerThe opium-smoker, still portly and well-dressed, is entreated by his poor wife on bended knees to desist from the disastrous habit. His child is running off with the dreaded pipe; while the aged grandmother is seen coming, leaning on her staff, to...
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History of GeographyHistory of GeographyThis is not a history of geographical exploration, though the leading episodes in the advance of our knowledge of the face of the Earth are necessarily referred to in tracing the evolution of geography as a department of science. That is the...
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An Artist in EgyptAn Artist in EgyptI ENDEAVOURED, in a former book on Egypt, to give my first impressions while the glamour of the East had not been dimmed by familiarity; and the kind reception of that, my first literary attempt, has encouraged me to write again...
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A History of AeronauticsA History of AeronauticsAlthough successful heavier-than-air flight is less than two decades old, and successful dirigible propulsion antedates it by a very short period, the mass of experiment and accomplishment renders any one-volume history of the subject a matter of selection. In addition to...
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Within the Maze: A Novel, Vol. 2 (of 2)Within the Maze: A Novel, Vol. 2 (of 2)Lucy came down with sad eyes and a pale face. Her night had been one of mental pain. She was wondering how much longer she could keep up this mask of cheerfulness--which she would especially have...
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Within the Maze: A Novel, Vol. 1 (of 2)Within the Maze: A Novel, Vol. 1 (of 2)The house was ugly and old-fashioned, with some added modern improvements, and was surrounded by a really beautiful garden. Though situated close upon a large market town of Northamptonshire, it stood alone, excluded from the noise...
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Siddhartha: A Poem of IndiaSiddhartha: A Poem of IndiaIn the shade of the house, in the sunshine on the river bank where the boats were, in the shade of the forest of shala trees, in the shade of the fig tree, this is where Siddhartha grew up, the...
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Hatsu: A Story of EgyptHatsu: A Story of EgyptThe fifth day of the first month of summer had come, and in a sunset of gold and purple hues, the Nile was glorified; birds had ceased their songs, the air was heavy with the perfume of flowers, and away...
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Siebeneichen: Roman aus dem Alt-Meissner LandSiebeneichen: Roman aus dem Alt-Meißner LandZu alten Zeiten bedeckte das heutige Sachsen dichter Wald. Nheres ber seinen damaligen Zustand wissen wir nicht. Das Land ist viel spter als der Westen Germaniens in die Geschichte eingetreten. Tacitus verwechselte die Elbe mit der Saale, indem er...
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NovelleNovelle Per ringraziarvi degnamente delle cortesi accogliente che mi faceste in Siviglia, dovrei dedicarvi un libro, nel quale fossero descritte le meraviglie della vostra bellissima citt natale; ma poich quel libro non anche fatto, e a me preme d'esprimervi la mia gratitudine, vi prego...
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TarrTarrLouvrage eust t moins mien: et sa fin principale et perfection, cest destre exactement mien. Je corrigerois bien une erreur accidentale, dequoy je suis plain, ainsi que je cours inadvertemment; mais les imperfections qui sont en moy ordinaires et constantes, ce seroit trahison de...
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