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The Destruction of the Greek Empire and the Story of the Capture of Constantinople by the TurksThe Destruction of the Greek Empire and the Story of the Capture of Constantinople by the TurksMy object in writing this book is to give an account of the capture of Constantinople and the destruction of the Greek empire. In order to make the...
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Les trois pirates (1/2)Les trois pirates (1/2)En composant ce nouvel ouvrage, j'ai voulu mettre en prsence et en opposition trois hommes agissant avec la plus entire libert, sous l'influence de causes diverses, pour arriver au mme but ou plutt au mme crime. L'un de mes personnages est...
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Kaunis ja sen laitKaunis ja sen laitSuomentajan alkusanat. I. Taiteen synty ja kehitysoppi. II. Yleisptevt esteettiset arvostelmat. III. Ei-esteettisi tekijit. IV. Ulkonaisen luonnon vaikutelmat. V. Uskonnollinen tunne ja luonnonksitys. VI. Muotojen kauneuslait. VII. Symmetria. VIII. Vrisymboliikka. IX. Vastavrit. X. Kaunis ja tarkoituksenmukaisuus. XI. Kaunis luonnossa ja taiteessa....
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The Poems of Madison Cawein, Volume 5 (of 5)The Poems of Madison Cawein, Volume 5 (of 5) - Poems of meditation and of forest and field Title: The Poems of Madison Cawein, Volume 5 (of 5) Subtitle: Poems of meditation and of forest and field Author: Madison Julius Cawein Release Date: October...
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Cardenio: Scènes de la Vie MexicaineCardenio: Scènes de la Vie MexicaineLe Texas, qui fait aujourd'hui partie de la Confdration des tats-Unis du Nord, auxquels il s'est librement donn aprs s'tre, en 1845, spar du Mexique, est encore, l'heure o nous crivons ces pages, une des contres les moins connues...
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The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet, Vol. 07 [of 13]The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet, Vol. 07 [of 13] - Containing an account of the cruel civil wars between the houses of Orleans and Burgundy, of the possession of Paris and Normandy by the English, their expulsion thence, and of other memorable events...
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The Adventures of an Ugly GirlThe Adventures of an Ugly GirlThey Act Like Magic on the Vital Organs, Regulating the Secretions, restoring long lost Complexion, bringing back the Keen Edge of Appetite, and arousing with the ROSEBUD OF HEALTH the whole physical energy of the human frame. These Facts...
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The French in AlgiersThe French in Algiers - The Soldier of the Foreign Legion; and The Prisoners of Abd-el-Kader Clemens Lamping, the author of the first part of this little volume, is a young lieutenant in the Oldenburg service, who, tired of the monotonous life of a...
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poems of yes and nopoems of yes and no search the wild wind lesson on five fingers journey to jerusalem prayer for four seasons ekstasis challenge while I live odyssey life I love mood on a string time is a palette dusk I love the lovers whatever else...
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Observations on the Sermons of Elias HicksObservations on the Sermons of Elias Hicks - In Several Letters to Him; With Some Introductory Remarks, Addressed to the Junior Members of the Society of Friends.The situation in which the Society of Friends has of late been placed, has, I have no doubt,...
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Caliban by the Yellow Sands: Shakespeare Tercentenary MasqueCaliban by the Yellow Sands: A Community Masque of the Art of the TheatreThree hundred years alive on the 23rd of April, 1916, the memory of Shakespeare calls creatively upon a self-destroying world to do him honor by honoring that world-constructive art of which...
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Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Arnold BennettIndex of the Project Gutenberg Works of Arnold Bennett Chapter One. THE MILLIONAIRE AND THE WAITER Chapter Two. HOW MR RACKSOLE OBTAINED HIS DINNER Chapter Three. AT THREE A.M. Chapter Four. ENTRANCE OF THE PRINCE Chapter Five. WHAT OCCURRED TO REGINALD DIMMOCK Chapter Six....
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Secrets of RadarSecrets of RadarWhats the big idea? The sergeant in command of the anti-aircraft gun sat up. The air of India was hot and moist that afternoon. He had been half asleep. Now he stared at the cart and its odd contents and then sent...
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The Unity of the Church Essential to the Conversion of the WorldThe Unity of the Church Essential to the Conversion of the World - A Sermon, Preached Before the Directors and Friends of the London Missionary Society, During Their Anniversary in May, 1846, in the Church of St. Mary, Spital Square, LondonNeither pray I for...
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A Letter on Suspended AnimationA Letter on Suspended Animation - containing experiments shewing that it may be safely employed during operations on animalsAt the particular request of gentlemen of the first rate talent, and who rank high in the scientific world, it is, that the author of the...
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Home Life in Russia, Volumes 1 and 2Home Life in Russia, Volumes 1 and 2 - [Dead Souls]In laying before English readers a Work, of which the scene is exclusively laid in Russia, and which, it is confidently anticipated, will be recognised as furnishing a most interesting and graphic account of...
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