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Calvinin aikoinaCalvinin aikoinaI. St. Clairen nunnat. II. Ami Berthelierin historia. III. Suuri valkea valtaistuin. IV. Ranskan pakolaiset ja Geneven libertinit. V. Caulaincourtin kaksi ystv. VI. Muuan Norbert de Caulaincourtin ystv. VII. Sisar Claudine. VIII. Uusi Geneve. IX. Onnettomuus ja vetoomus. X. Valon vlkhdys. XI. Onko...
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In the Dead of Night: A Novel. Volume 3 (of 3)In the Dead of Night: A Novel. Volume 3 (of 3) Two hours after the receipt of Mrs. McDermotts second letter, Squire Culpepper was on his way to Sugdens bank. His heart was heavy, and his step slow. He had never had to borrow...
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In the Dead of Night: A Novel. Volume 2 (of 3)In the Dead of Night: A Novel. Volume 2 (of 3) Within a week of Tom Bristows first visit to Pincote, and his introduction to the Copes, father and son, Mr. Cope, junior, found himself, much to his disgust, fairly on his way to...
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In the Dead of Night: A Novel. Volume 1 (of 3)In the Dead of Night: A Novel. Volume 1 (of 3) A hot, windless August day had settled down into a dull, brooding evening, presageful of a coming storm. It was nearly dark by the time Lionel Dering was ready to turn his face...
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Burgo's RomanceBurgo's RomanceA dark handsome face bent close to a fair and glowing one, a trembling white hand clasped in a sinewy brown one, two black eyes aflame with the light of love, two blue eyes cast down in a sweet confusion and shaded by...
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A Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an AngleA Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle - Being a facsimile reproduction of the first book on the subject of fishing printed in England by Wynkyn de Worde at Westminster in 1496HE scholarly angler is here presented with an exact facsimile of the first...
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Tent life with English Gipsies in NorwayTent life with English Gipsies in Norway Since the succeeding pages were written, Norway and Sweden have mourned the death of their King, Carl XV., at Malmoe, on the 18th September, 1872. The dedication of this work is, therefore, with the kind and special...
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War Department Technical Manual TM 5-362Engineer Port Repair ShipRESTRICTED. DISSEMINATION OF RESTRICTED MATTER.The information contained in restricted documents and the essential characteristics of restricted material may be given to any person known to be in the service of the United States and to persons of undoubted loyalty and discretion...
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La donna fiorentina del buon tempo anticoLa donna fiorentina del buon tempo antico Nei primi secoli del Comune Da Dante al Boccaccio Beatrice La donna ispiratrice Nel Rinascimento e negli ultimi anni della libert Una madrefamiglia del cinquecento Un'altra lettera dell'Alessandra Macinghi Strozzi. Conservo a questo e ad altri degli...
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The Fall River Tragedy: A History of the Borden MurdersThe Fall River Tragedy: A History of the Borden MurdersWhen the assassination of Andrew J. Borden and Abbie D. Borden, his wife, was announced, not only the people of Fall River and of Massachusetts, but the public throughout the country manifested the deepest interest...
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Uuteen maailmaanUuteen maailmaan - Romaani Pennsylvanian ensimmäisistä uutisasukkaistaUuden ja Vanhan Maailman vlill. Uusi maa. Uuden Ruotsin siirtokunta. Pietari Rambo. "Charitas" tuo ylltyksen. Oman kodin raivaus ky mahdolliseksi. Erkki ja Stina. Suomi-siirtola pannaan alulle. "Marjetan krki". Ridder luopuu. Kuvernri Printz saapuu. Uusi vauhti siirtokunnan kehityksess. Tervehdykset...
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The Dread Voyage: PoemsThe Dread Voyage: Poems Entered, according to the Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety three, by William Wilfred Campbell, Ottawa, in the office of the Minister of Agriculture, at Ottawa. (This poem is founded on...
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Adventures with the Connaught Rangers, 1809-1814Adventures with the Connaught Rangers, 1809-1814While engaged during the last ten years in the task of mastering the original authorities of the history of the Napoleonic wars, I have had to peruse many scores of diaries, autobiographies, and reminiscences of the British military and...
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National Park Service Historical Handbook Series, No. 21Vicksburg National Military Park, MississippiThis publication is one of a series of handbooks describing the historical and archeological areas in the National Park System administered by the National Park Service of the United States Department of the Interior. It is printed by the Government...
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The Third Alarm: A Story of the New York Fire DepartmentThe Third Alarm: A Story of the New York Fire DepartmentDo you see that boy sitting on the curbstone over the way? Well, hes been there for the last half hour, and Id just like to know what hes up to. Run over, Charley,...
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Angels of the BattlefieldAngels of the Battlefield - A History of the Labors of the Catholic Sisterhoods in the Late Civil WarThe object of this volume is to present in as consecutive and comprehensive form as possible the history of the Catholic Sisterhoods in the late Civil...
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Heidi osaa käyttää oppiansa: Kertomus AlpeiltaHeidi osaa käyttää oppiansa: Kertomus Alpeilta 1. Matkapuuhia. 2. Muudan vieras tunturilla. 3. Ers Palkinto. 4. Talven viettminen "Kylss". 5. Talvea kest viel. 6. Ystvt Frankfurtissa tekevt lht. 7. Miten tunturilla edelleen eletn. 8. Tapahtuu ers seikka, jota ei kukaan ole aavistanut. 9. Jtetn...
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The Russo-Japanese Conflict: Its Causes and IssuesThe Russo-Japanese Conflict: Its Causes and IssuesThis is an attempt to present in a verifiable form some of the issues and the historical causes of the war now waged between Russia and Japan. Powerfully as it appeals to me, I would not have discussed...
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Poliisikoira: Kertomus Bellan suorittamasta urotyöstä Kytölän kulmakunnallaPoliisikoira: Kertomus Bellan suorittamasta urotyöstä Kytölän kulmakunnalla No silt se vhn tuntuu, vitti Paavo. Se on niin varma ja selv merkki, ett kun rosvot ja vorot alkavat tulla oikein rohkeiksi, niin on se talvikin silloin tulossa ne yrittvt ennen lumen maahan lankeamista saada riistansa...
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Selections from Saint-SimonSelections from Saint-SimonPeople who are old enough to write memoirs have usually lost their memory. This epigrammatic remark with which a recent writer, not old enough to have lost his memory, opens his reminiscences, has considerable truth in it. Historians now recognise that memoirs...
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