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The history of the proceedings in the case of Margaret, commonly called Peg, only lawful sister to John Bull, EsqThe history of the proceedings in the case of Margaret, commonly called Peg, only lawful sister to John Bull, Esq.There being no history with which every learned reader is better acquainted in general, than that of John Bull, and his sister Peg, we shall...
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Sheikin pojat: Romaani aavikoiltaSheikin pojat: Romaani aavikoiltaMuodottomina paksuissa, tiukkaan kiedotuissa vaipoissansa, selk taivutettuna tuulen mukaan, ratsasti hmyss kolme miest verkkaisesti ja varovasti rosoisella, kivisell maaperll. Maanpintaa peittv ohut juoksuhiekka-kerros piilotti monta ilket salahautaa; kavion luiskahtaminen niihin olisi saattanut aiheuttaa vakaviakin seurauksia sek hevoselle ett miehelle. Johtaja oli...
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Clásicos castellanos [3]ObrasGarcilaso de la Vega naci en Toledo, ao de 1503; fue hijo segundo de D. Garca[1], notable poltico de la Corte catlica, y de D. Sancha de Guzmn, seora de Batres; hubo en su estirpe escritores, artistas, santos y guerreros, desde D. Pedro Laso,...
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A handbook of library appliancesA handbook of library appliances - The technical equipment of libraries: fittings, furniture, charging systems, forms, recipes, etc.The Council of the Library Association have arranged for the issue of a series of Handbooks on the various departments of Library work and management. Each Handbook...
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Carlyle's laugh, and other surprisesCarlyle's laugh, and other surprisesThe two papers in this volume which bear the titles A Keats Manuscript and A Shelley Manuscript are reprinted by permission from a work called Book and Heart, by Thomas Wentworth Higginson, copyright, 1897, by Harper and Brothers, with whose...
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Memorials of the counties of EnglandMemorials of Old Dorsethe editing of this Dorset volume was originally undertaken by the Rev. Thomas Perkins, the scholarly Rector of Turnworth. But he, having formulated its plan and written four papers therefor, besides gathering material for most of the other chapters, was laid...
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Told to the Children SeriesStories from the Iliad; Or, the siege of TroyProduced by: D A Alexander and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This book was produced from images made available by the HathiTrust Digital Library.) Thank you to the librarians at Brigham Young University for...
- Dhs. 23.18 AED
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My Diary: North and South (vol. 2 of 2)My Diary: North and South (vol. 2 of 2)Friday, June 14th.Last night with my good host from his plantation to the great two-storied steamer General Quitman, at Natchez. She was crowded with planters, soldiers and their families, and as the lights shone out of...
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Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, fifth series, no. 118, vol. III, April 3, 1886Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, fifth series, no. 118, vol. III, April 3, 1886Just as the old familiar landmarks of a place undergo in the course of time that change and decay which are the common lot of all things earthly...
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With the pilgrims to Mecca: The great pilgrimage of A.H. 1319 A.D. 1902With the pilgrims to Mecca: The great pilgrimage of A.H. 1319; A.D. 1902Amongst the varied and manifold impressions of my long and intimate connection with the Mohammedan world none is more lively and more interesting than my experiences with the Hajees, the dear, pious...
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The chronicles of Michael Danevitch of the Russian Secret ServiceThe chronicles of Michael Danevitch of the Russian Secret ServiceA year or two before the outbreak of the Franco Prussian War a daring attempt was made upon the life of the Emperor of Russia. He had been out shooting in the neighbourhood of St....
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The Hollow EarthThe Hollow EarthA Crank that revolves only half way will not always accomplish much of a change, and in many cases would only aggravate the situation. Were it not for Cranks nearly all mechanical appliances would be motionless. Mens thoughts and opinions would all...
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Pelos suburbios e visinhanças de LisboaPelos suburbios e visinhanças de LisboaNa falda norte da serra de Monsanto est o logar de S. Domingos de Bemfica; um antigo mosteiro em parte abandonado, rodeado de quintas fidalgas com seus palacios, jardins, cascatas e alamedas de secular arvoredo; e uma pinha de...
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Army Pulse Radiation FacilityArmy Pulse Radiation FacilityThe Army Pulse Radiation Facility (APRF) is designed to meet an Army need for a facility located near the Eastern Seaboard capable of providing large fast neutron and gamma radiation doses within microseconds. This fast pulse radiation capability is necessary for...
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Address of President Roosevelt at Keokuk, Iowa, October 1, 1907Address of President Roosevelt at Keokuk, Iowa, October 1, 1907I am glad indeed to see you and to speak to you in this thriving city of your great and prosperous State. I believe with all my heart in the people of Iowa, for I...
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Correlated courses in woodwork and mechanical drawingCorrelated courses in woodwork and mechanical drawingThe author wishes to state that the basis of the following courses rests more upon the art or practice of teaching manual training than upon the theory. It is the result of carefully prepared plans executed under public...
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Puolan juutalainenPuolan juutalainenSali Elsassilaisessa ravintolassa. Pyti, penkkej, rautauuni, iso seinkello. Ovia ja ikkunoita perseinss kadulle pin. Oikealla ovi, joka viepi sishuoneisin. Kykin ovi vasemmalla. Oven vieress iso tamminen tarjinpyt. Ilta, lamppu palaa pydll. Catherine, pormestarin vaimo, istuu rukkinsa ress. Metsnvartija Heiniich tulee perovesta; hn on...
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Nick Carter Stories No. 150, July 24, 1915: The House of Fear or, Nick Carter's CounterstrokeNick Carter Stories No. 150, July 24, 1915: The House of Fear; or, Nick Carter's Counterstroke.How to Send MoneyBy post-office or express money order, registered letter, bank check or draft, at our risk. At your own risk if sent by currency, coin, or postage...
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Kálozdy Béla: Regény (2. kötet)Kálozdy Béla: Regény (2. kötet)A Vrs Bika kedvelt vrosvgi szll volt Karmoson s nevt minden faluban jl ismertk az egsz krnyken, a melynek csak valami keresni valja volt benn a vrosban. Pedig szemgyre vve a nagy, de cska plet roskatag falait, mll vakolatt, itt...
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Kálozdy Béla: Regény (1. kötet)Kálozdy Béla: Regény (1. kötet)Az elbeszl irodalom az utols flszzadban, a hetvenes vek krl vrszegnysgbe esett. Kemny, Etvs, Jsika mr nem ltek, csak az egy Jkai uralkodott. Egy csom r hiszen elkvetett egy-egy regnyt, vagy elbeszlst, de az vagy selejtes volt, vagy utnzs, ha...
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