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Good Form for All OccasionsGood Form for All Occasions - A Manual of Manners, Dress and Entertainment for Both Men and WomenCOOK BOOK OF LEFT-OVERS, by Clark and Rulon. 16mo net 1.00 MANNERS AND SOCIAL USAGES. Illd. Post 8vo 1.25 THE BABY, HIS CARE AND TRAINING, by Marianna...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Winnetou, the Apache KnightWinnetou, the Apache KnightIt is not necessary to say much about myself. First of all because there is not very much to tell of a young fellow of twenty-three, and then because I hope what I have done and seen will be more interesting...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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The Philosophy of MysteryThe Philosophy of MysteryWe so intreateth this serious and terrible matter of Spirites, that now and then insertyng some strange stories of counterfeyts, doth both very lybely display their falsehood, and also not a little recreate his reader: and yet in the ende he...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Four Phases of Morals: Socrates, Aristotle, Christianity, UtilitarianismFour Phases of Morals: Socrates, Aristotle, Christianity, Utilitarianism Dear Sir,As the substance of this book was originally delivered in the form of Lectures before the Royal Institution, London, I was naturally led, in giving my notes a more exact expression and a larger illustration,...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Couplées: RomanCouplées: RomanNote sur la transcription: Les erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont t corriges. L'orthographe d'origine a t conserve et n'a pas t harmonise. Les numros des pages blanches n'ont pas t repris. Comment, que dites-vous, madame? Vous avez t dans les forts,...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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The Babes in the Basket or, Daph and Her ChargeThe Babes in the Basket; or, Daph and Her ChargeEntered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1858, by ANSON D. F. RANDOLPH, In the Clerks Office of the District Court of the United States, for the Southern District of New York. Suddenly...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Páter Péter Asszonyt kisér — Istent kisértPáter Péter; Asszonyt kisér — Istent kisért Benedicite! kezd a perjel. Ecce nuntium patron nostr illustrissim. S letev a pecstes levelet az asztalra, a mit a krllk kzrl kzre adnak. Mind megrtettk: latinul volt. Az orrok elfintorultak, az ajkak lepittyedtek, a szemldk sszevonultak, a...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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The American Printer: A Manual of TypographyThe American Printer: A Manual of Typography - Containing practical directions for managing all departments of a printing office, as well as complete instructions for apprentices; with several useful tables, numerous schemes for imposing forms in every variety, hints to authors, etc.Usefulness rather than...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Hints on DrivingHints on DrivingIn the following pages an attempt has been made to explain to beginners the rudimentary principles and niceties of driving. In most treatises on this subject the minute details have been entirely omitted, the writer taking for granted that the reader has...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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W. Kent and Co's Annual Catalogue, October 1858W. Kent & Co's Annual Catalogue, October 1858The Loves of the Poets; or, Portraits of Ideal Beauty: being a series of original Steel Engravings, drawn by the most eminent Artists, and engraved by Mote, with Illustrative Text by Tennyson, Wordsworth, etc. Demy 4to, richly...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Meine Wasser-KurMeine Wasser-Kur - Durch mehr als 40 Jahre erprobt und geschrieben zur Heilung der Krankheiten und Erhaltung der GesundheitDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1921 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert; ungewhnliche und regional gefrbte Ausdrcke bleiben...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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More Stories of Married LifeMore Stories of Married LifeAnita Gibbons has been waiting outside at the station on the bench nearest the field since twenty minutes of six, and it was now nearly seven as she rose to go. The bright pleasure with which she had started out...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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A History of the Peninsular War, Vol. 4, Dec. 1810-Dec. 1811A History of the Peninsular War, Vol. 4, Dec. 1810-Dec. 1811 - Massena's Retreat, Fuentes de Oñoro, Albuera, TarragonaIn this volume are contained the annals of all the many campaigns of 1811, with the exception of those of Suchets Valencian expedition in the later...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Adventures in American Bookshops, Antique Stores and Auction RoomsAdventures in American Bookshops, Antique Stores and Auction RoomsTHESE sketches appeared originally in Pearsons Magazine, Brunos Weekly and the Book Hunter, and I make grateful acknowledgment for permission to reprint. On reading the proofs, I feel I have not done justice to my bookselling...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Ivar the VikingIvar the Viking - A romantic history based upon authentic facts of the third and fourth centuriesThe story of Ivar the Viking depicts the actual life of Norse chiefs who ruled at the period therein described, and also gives the customs, religion, life, and...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Turgenev: A StudyTurgenev: A StudyDear EdwardI am glad to hear that you are about to publish a study of Turgenev, that fortunate artist who has found so much in life for us and no doubt for himself, with the exception of bare justice. Perhaps that will...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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La vérité en marche: L'affaire DreyfusLa vérité en marche: L'affaire DreyfusJe crois ncessaire de recueillir, dans ce volume, les quelques articles que j'ai publis sur l'affaire Dreyfus, pendant une priode de trois ans, de dcembre 1897 dcembre 1900, au fur et mesure que les vnements se sont drouls. Lorsqu'un...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Sysmäläinen: Humoristinen historiallinen romaaniSysmäläinen: Humoristinen historiallinen romaaniSuuressa majatalossa, jonka saksalaiset kauppiaat olivat rakentaneet Turkuun asunnokseen kydessn siell kauppamatkoillaan, vallitsi suuri rhkk. Tuvan perll seisoi hajareisin nuori, roteva mies, joka miekallaan taisteli kymmenkuntaa hnen kimppuunsa hykkv kauppiasta vastaan. Hnen takanaan laiha miehen ruipelo koetti toisen leven seln takana...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Nuori-Viro: Muotokuvia ja suuntaviivojaNuori-Viro: Muotokuvia ja suuntaviivoja "Luoda taidetta ja kulttuurielm ilman vanhemmilta polvilta peritty taiteen ja kulttuurielmn traditsioita, se on nykyhetken tehtv Virossa. Krsi nykyisyyden saamattomuudesta, ja lihassaan ja luissaan samalla menneisyyden kuormaa kantaen kurkoittaa ktens Euroopan kypsi taiteen hedelmi kohti, siin saman polven traagillisuus." Friedebert...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Gleanings from the Harvest-Fields of Literature: A Melange of ExcerptaGleanings from the Harvest-Fields of Literature: A Melange of ExcerptaAn earlier edition of Gleanings having attracted the hearty approval of a limited circle of that class of readers who prefer a running banquet that hath much variety, but little of a sort, the present...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 561.65 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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