Public Domain
Sanctuary: A Bird MasqueSanctuary: A Bird MasqueIS THIS IN SOOTH MINE OLD SICILIAN FAUN? ALWYN Stark. Ornis. Alwyn. Shy. SirHere is No Hunting Lo, I am Ornis, and I love you still! In the original production of this masque, referred to in the Foreword, the sanctuary stage...
- Dhs. 23.68 AED
Dhs. 212.81 AED- Dhs. 23.68 AED
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Ketchup: Methods of Manufacture Microscopic ExaminationKetchup: Methods of Manufacture; Microscopic ExaminationThis brief presentation of some facts concerning the manufacture of ketchup and discussion of the methods for its examination is offered in appreciation for the many favors shown to us by manufacturers. The text has been kept as free...
- Dhs. 23.68 AED
Dhs. 212.81 AED- Dhs. 23.68 AED
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Rhandensche JongensRhandensche Jongens't Zonnetje zette buiten alles in gloed, en door de ruiten zag je, hoe de boomen in de lekkere lentelucht stonden te trillen van genot. De kastanje-knoppen zwollen en spreidden hun teere groen voorzichtig uit. Door de beuken ritselde het; 't oude loover...
- Dhs. 23.68 AED
Dhs. 212.81 AED- Dhs. 23.68 AED
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The Story of the Woman's PartyThe Story of the Woman's PartyIn 1912 the situation in the United States in regard to the enfranchisement of women was as follows: Agitation for an amendment to the National Constitution had virtually ceased. Before the death of Susan B. Anthony in 1906, Suffragists...
- Dhs. 23.68 AED
Dhs. 212.81 AED- Dhs. 23.68 AED
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"Mormon" Doctrine Plain and Simple Or, Leaves from the Tree of Life"Mormon" Doctrine Plain and Simple; Or, Leaves from the Tree of LifeThere is no subject of popular comment on which there is so little general information as that called "Mormonism." This little work is designed to explain, in a simple way, leading features of...
- Dhs. 23.68 AED
Dhs. 212.81 AED- Dhs. 23.68 AED
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The Stone Axe of BurkamukkThe Stone Axe of Burkamukk Year by year the old black tribes are dying out, and many of their legends and beliefs are dying with them. These legends deal with the world as the blacks knew it; with the Bush animals and birds; the...
- Dhs. 23.68 AED
Dhs. 212.81 AED- Dhs. 23.68 AED
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The Latter-Day Prophet: History of Joseph Smith Written for Young PeopleThe Latter-Day Prophet: History of Joseph Smith Written for Young PeopleIn sending out this little work, the author hopes with all his heart that he has made interesting and instructive a subject that has been a source of inspiration to him. The book was...
- Dhs. 23.68 AED
Dhs. 212.81 AED- Dhs. 23.68 AED
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A Little Book of BoresA Little Book of BoresQueenThis is one of the most delightfully whimsical collections of sketches with both pen and pencil which are always so dear to the hearts of children. Mr. Herfords rhymes are full of that simple fun which it requires no effort...
- Dhs. 23.68 AED
Dhs. 212.81 AED- Dhs. 23.68 AED
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Arqtiq: A Study of the Marvels at the North PoleArqtiq: A Study of the Marvels at the North PoleTo obviate the dangers of the trip I invented a coach, that was also ship and balloon. Its silken canopy is inflatable to strong wings or wide sails. Its wheels are wide rimmed, to glide...
- Dhs. 23.68 AED
Dhs. 212.81 AED- Dhs. 23.68 AED
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The Radio Boys with the Border PatrolThe Radio Boys with the Border PatrolAuthor of The Radio Boys on the Mexican Border, The Radio Boys with the Revenue Guards, The Radio Boys on Secret Service Duty, The Radio Boys Search for the Incas Treasure, The Radio Boys Rescue the Lost Alaska...
- Dhs. 23.68 AED
Dhs. 212.81 AED- Dhs. 23.68 AED
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Five Little Bush GirlsFive Little Bush GirlsAnd then five very disconsolate little girls swung five pairs of very disconsolate legs vigorously as they sat in a row on the wooden verandah. At least, Baby tried to swing hers in unison with the others, but she only succeeded...
- Dhs. 23.68 AED
Dhs. 212.81 AED- Dhs. 23.68 AED
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The Boy in the BushThe Boy in the BushThe impudent scoundrel! Just look at this, mamma. I should like to see him at it, exclaimed Sydney Lawson in great wrath, as he handed his mother a very dirty note which a shepherd had brought home. On coarse, crumpled...
- Dhs. 23.68 AED
Dhs. 212.81 AED- Dhs. 23.68 AED
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Editha's Burglar: A Story for ChildrenEditha's Burglar: A Story for ChildrenMamma has left it for me to deside if I will let you have my picture for your book I think it wold be very nice. wont it seem funny to see my very own picture in Editha like...
- Dhs. 23.68 AED
Dhs. 212.81 AED- Dhs. 23.68 AED
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Saturday Night ThoughtsSaturday Night Thoughts - A Series of Dissertations on Spiritual, Historical, and Philosophic ThemesMost of the contents of this volume appeared originally as a series of articles in Saturday issues of the Deseret Evening News, beginning October 26, 1918, and ending May 31, 1919....
- Dhs. 23.68 AED
Dhs. 212.81 AED- Dhs. 23.68 AED
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Adventures of the Teenie WeeniesAdventures of the Teenie WeeniesThe Teenie Weenies are a very tiny little people. The Teenie Weenie children are about half an inch in height and the older Teenie Weenies are from two and a half to three inches tall. Paddy Pinn is the tallest...
- Dhs. 23.68 AED
Dhs. 212.81 AED- Dhs. 23.68 AED
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The Victories of Wellington and the British ArmiesThe Victories of Wellington and the British ArmiesIntroduction.State of England, military and political.India.Critical situation of British interests.Marquis Wellesley appointed to the Government.His measures.War declared.Tippoo attacks the army of Cannanore.Seringapatam invested.Stormed by General Baird.Death, character, and anecdotes of the Sultaun of Mysore.Military observations.Acts of cruelty.Tippoo...
- Dhs. 23.68 AED
Dhs. 212.81 AED- Dhs. 23.68 AED
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Handbook of Railroad Construction; For the use of American engineersHandbook of Railroad Construction; For the use of American engineers. - Containing the necessary rules, tables, and formulæ for the location, construction, equipment, and management of railroads, as built in the United States.They build not merely roads of earth and stone, as of old,...
- Dhs. 23.68 AED
Dhs. 212.81 AED- Dhs. 23.68 AED
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The Soil (La terre): A Realistic NovelThe Soil (La terre): A Realistic NovelThat morning Jean, with a seed-bag of blue linen tied round his waist, held its mouth open with his left hand, while with his right, at every three steps, he drew forth a handful of corn, and flung...
- Dhs. 23.68 AED
Dhs. 212.81 AED- Dhs. 23.68 AED
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Tom Temple's CareerTom Temple's Career ON THE main street, in the town of Plympton, stood a two-story house, with a narrow lawn in front. It had a stiff, staid look of decorum, as if no children were ever allowed to create disorder within its precincts, or...
- Dhs. 23.68 AED
Dhs. 561.84 AED- Dhs. 23.68 AED
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Mr. Durant of Salt Lake City, "That Mormon"Mr. Durant of Salt Lake City, "That Mormon"Mormonism is a subject which has been handled by many authors. Some have written in its favor, with prayerful hearts, seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit as their honest convictions were recorded; while others have declared...
- Dhs. 23.68 AED
Dhs. 212.81 AED- Dhs. 23.68 AED
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