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Daily TrainingDaily TrainingThe following pages contain certain rules and suggestions concerning health, and certain simple and sensible ways in which it may, we hope, be acquired and maintained at a very small expense of time and self-denial, by a large number of people who are...
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Patty in the CityPatty in the CityNow, my child, said Mr. Fairfield, as they sat on the veranda after dinner, I will unfold to you my plans for the coming winter, and you may accept, or reject, or amend them as you please. To readers who are...
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The Gentle Persuasion: Sketches of Scottish LifeThe Gentle Persuasion: Sketches of Scottish LifeIdedicate these simple sketches of Scottish life to the beloved memory of the little lady, who for forty years was the inspiration of my life. When God called her to the rest of Paradise, those who knew and...
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D'Orsay or, The complete dandyD'Orsay; or, The complete dandyDaily Telegraph.All small investors in a hurry to make much out of little should read this novel, for it puts plainly and precisely before them some of the methods by which a swindler may, with seemingly virtuous intentions, appropriate, with...
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Dhs. 212.69 AED- Dhs. 23.66 AED
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ÁrnyképekÁrnyképekHa a szv mitsem rez, midn e szra gondol, ha a hazt csak akkor kell szeretni, midn ezt tenni lv s dicssg s akkor nem, midn a honszeretet neve keserv, ha a tvozni kszl nem hall lelkben semmi hangot, mely azt susogja: maradj, maradj!...
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Dhs. 212.69 AED- Dhs. 23.66 AED
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The Countess of Lowndes Square, and Other StoriesThe Countess of Lowndes Square, and Other StoriesI have divided the stories that are here collected under one cover into various classes, so that such readers as want to compare their own experiments, let us say, in blackmailing or spiritualistic sances, with those of...
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The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 9 (of 9)The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 9 (of 9) - Being His Autobiography, Correspondence, Reports, Messages, Addresses, and Other Writings, Official and PrivateThe General Index contains links to Volumes 1-8 of this nine volume work. The links are designed to work when the book...
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Dhs. 212.69 AED- Dhs. 23.66 AED
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Adrian Savage: A NovelAdrian Savage: A Novel TO GABRIELLE FRANCESCA LILIAN MARY THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED. UPON HER BIRTHDAY. AS A LOVE-TOKEN BY LUCAS MALET THE ORCHARD, EVERSLEY AUGUST 28, 1911 I will ask my readers kindly to understand that this book is altogether a work of...
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Dhs. 212.69 AED- Dhs. 23.66 AED
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Legends of Fire Island Beach and the South SideLegends of Fire Island Beach and the South SideThese stories embody only a small part of the folk-lore and tradition that pertained to the Great South Bay. They were told by a class of men now gone. Fact, imagination, and superstitioneach contributed its part....
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Poems from the Inner LifePoems from the Inner LifeFOURTEENTH EDITION. BOSTON: COLBY & RICH, PUBLISHERS, 9 Montgomery Place. {ii} Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1863 by E L I Z A B E T H D O T E N, In the Clerks Office...
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXX, No. 6, June 1847Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXX, No. 6, June 1847It was a lovely autumnal morning. The air was fresh, with just enough of frost about it to give ruddiness to the cheek and brilliancy to the eye. The rays of the sun streamed brightly up the...
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Dhs. 212.69 AED- Dhs. 23.66 AED
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NahkarattiNahkarattiYstvni Lionel Dacre asui Avenue de Wagramin varrella Pariisissa. Hnen pieni rauta-aidan ja ruohokentn ymprim talonsa sijaitsi Riemuportin vasemmalla puolella. Luulen, ett se sijaitsi siin jo ennenkuin avenue'a oli olemassakaan, sill harmaat kivilaatat olivat sammaltuneet ja muurit ajan vaikutuksesta iknkuin valkoisen homeen peitossa. Kadulta...
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Dhs. 340.31 AED- Dhs. 23.66 AED
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Water Wonders Every Child Should KnowWater Wonders Every Child Should Know - Little Studies of Dew, Frost, Snow, Ice, and RainOne of the most interesting and instructive phenomena in the lessons of nature is the falling of the dewa seeming miracle which begins with the setting of the sun,...
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The Birth of Civilization in the Near EastThe Birth of Civilization in the Near EastA full description of the birth of civilization in the Near East would require a work many times the size of the present book. We have concentrated on the social and political innovations in which the great...
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Breaking into the moviesBreaking into the moviesWere the average man suddenly called upon to assemble all the women in his town who looked like Mary Pickford, he might find himself at a loss as to how to commence. In fact, he might even doubt that there were...
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Dhs. 561.53 AED- Dhs. 23.66 AED
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The Right Honourable Sir Henry Enfield Roscoe P.C., D.C.L., F.R.SThe Right Honourable Sir Henry Enfield Roscoe P.C., D.C.L., F.R.S. - A Biographical SketchThis sketch of the life and activities of Sir Henry Enfield Roscoe is based, to a large extent, upon an obituary notice prepared at the request of the Councils of the...
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXX, No. 5, May 1847Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXX, No. 5, May 1847The world-renowned city of Paris, always gay, was, perhaps, never more so than in the autumn of the year 1776. Most prominent among the exciting topics of its excitable populace, at that period, was the American war....
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Dhs. 212.69 AED- Dhs. 23.66 AED
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Samling af Swenska OrdspråkSamling af Swenska Ordspråk - i ordning ställde efter alfabetet, med tillägg af någre utur Latinen och andre Språk, liklydande eller motswarandeAt Swenska Folket frn urldriga tider haft en srdeles smak och fallenhet fr mrka och gt-lika talestt, fwen som korta Ord- och Sedosprk,...
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Dhs. 561.53 AED- Dhs. 23.66 AED
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First Love: A Novel. Vol. 2 of 3First Love: A Novel. Vol. 2 of 3During the day, Lord Borrowdales attentions to Julia were public and unremitting, while the infatuated, unhappy Edmund witnessed it all in growing sorrow of heart. Had he then, he asked himself, already yielded to a passion so...
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXX, No. 4, April 1847Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXX, No. 4, April 1847In the Revolutionary war the plan of operations adopted by the British Ministry for the close of the year 1777 was as follows. General Howe, with a portion of the troops, was to occupy New York, and...
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