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The Evolution of Modern Band Saw Mills for Sawing LogsThe Evolution of Modern Band Saw Mills for Sawing LogsThe history herein given and the facts stated are taken from authentic records and also are the result of the personal experiences and observations of the author. It is intended to show the efforts made...
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The Industrial History of EnglandThe Industrial History of EnglandSince the original publication of this book in 1890, twenty-one years have elapsed, and the author, whose untimely death all scholars deplore, was able to embody various corrections which made this book harmonize more completely with his larger work Industry...
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Dhs. 351.42 AED- Dhs. 23.70 AED
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The Outcasts, and Other StoriesThe Outcasts, and Other StoriesThe High Street consists of two rows of one-storeyed hovels, squeezed close one against another; old hovels with leaning walls and crooked windows, with dilapidated roofs, disfigured by time, patched with shingles, and overgrown with moss; here and there above...
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Dhs. 351.42 AED- Dhs. 23.70 AED
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La Comédie humaine - Volume 09. Scènes de la vie parisienne - Tome 01La Comédie humaine - Volume 09. Scènes de la vie parisienne - Tome 01Il s'est rencontr, sous l'Empire et dans Paris, treize hommes galement frapps du mme sentiment, tous dous dune assez grande nergie pour tre fidles la mme pense, assez probes entre eux...
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Dhs. 579.85 AED- Dhs. 23.70 AED
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The West IndiesThe West IndiesIn Britain we have lost the art of correct perspective. We see distant things through jaundiced eyes; as a nation we are too prone to regard over-sea lands and peoples with compassion tempered with contempt, or with envy and timidity. To ensure...
- Dhs. 23.70 AED
Dhs. 351.42 AED- Dhs. 23.70 AED
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The Girl Scouts' Canoe TripThe Girl Scouts' Canoe TripAt a peaceful spot along the Silver Creek, where the water was so still that it seemed to belong rather to a lake than to a stream, five new canoes lay upturned on the shore. Their long, graceful curves, their...
- Dhs. 23.70 AED
Dhs. 351.42 AED- Dhs. 23.70 AED
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Cynthia Ann ParkerCynthia Ann Parker - The Story of Her Capture at the Massacre of the Inmates of Parker's Fort; of Her Quarter of a Century Spent Among the Comanches, as the Wife of the War Chief, Peta Nocona; and of Her Recapture at the Battle...
- Dhs. 23.70 AED
Dhs. 351.42 AED- Dhs. 23.70 AED
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The Travels and Extraordinary Adventures of Bob the SquirrelThe Travels and Extraordinary Adventures of Bob the SquirrelThe following little story has been put in the present shape by a Father; and he takes the privilege of a Preface to say a word in behalf of children, as REASONABLE BEINGS. Whoever will take...
- Dhs. 23.70 AED
Dhs. 351.42 AED- Dhs. 23.70 AED
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Un hollandais à Paris en 1891: Sensations de littérature et d'artUn hollandais à Paris en 1891: Sensations de littérature et d'artIl faut bien quil soit dans la petite ville dHilversum, o lon tisse la laine et le coton, un de ces poles de Hollande, dans lesquels le sage, comme au temps de Descartes, senferme...
- Dhs. 23.70 AED
Dhs. 956.75 AED- Dhs. 23.70 AED
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Letters from the Raven: Correspondence of L. Hearn with Henry WatkinLetters from the Raven: Correspondence of L. Hearn with Henry WatkinIt is felt that no apology is necessary for offering to the interested public, even though it be a limited one, the letters and extracts from letters which appear in this little volume. In...
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Dhs. 956.75 AED- Dhs. 23.70 AED
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Kaarlo Bergbomin kirjoitukset 2. Tutkimukset ja arvostelutKaarlo Bergbomin kirjoitukset 2. Tutkimukset ja arvostelutHistoriallinen draama Saksassa (v. 1868). Heinrich Heine. Luonnekuva (v. 1864). Ranskan toinen keisarikausi ja sen kirjallisuus I-III (v. 1866). Karl Jonas Ludvig Almqvist (v. 1866). Ulkomaan kirjallisuutta. Uusia romaaneja (v. 1867). Nelj vuotta Suomen kirjallisuuden historiasta (v. 1870)....
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Dhs. 351.42 AED- Dhs. 23.70 AED
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The Children of CupaThe Children of CupaThe mother had been very ill, and the question was, where shall we take her so that she may get thoroughly well? It must be some place where the family might accompany her. She had declared that she would not go...
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Dhs. 351.42 AED- Dhs. 23.70 AED
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The Wishing Horse of OzThe Wishing Horse of OzWhat could be more interesting than an Oz mystery? What, indeed? "Why," I can almost hear you shout, "Two Oz mysteries." And here you have them in this newest Oz story, two very mysterious mysteries to solve and ponder over...
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Dhs. 351.42 AED- Dhs. 23.70 AED
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Leaves from the Diary of an Impressionist: Early WritingsLeaves from the Diary of an Impressionist: Early WritingsOn a memorable day a good many years ago a certain sub-editor, exploring the morning's mail, found his sense enthralled by a weird, sad, delicious odor. Perfumes in the mail were not unheard-of: violets there had...
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Dhs. 351.42 AED- Dhs. 23.70 AED
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Truth [Vérité]Truth [Vérité]Conspicuous among the writings which influenced the great changes witnessed by the world at the end of the eighteenth century were the 'Nouvelle Hloise,' the 'Contrat Social,' the 'mile ou l'ducation' of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. At the close of the nineteenth, the advent of...
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Dhs. 351.42 AED- Dhs. 23.70 AED
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Satuja ja tarinoita IVSatuja ja tarinoita IV 60 Se on totinen tosi. 61 Joutsenenpes. 62 Hyv tuuli. 63 Sydnsuru. 64 Kaikki paikoilleen. 65 Ruokakauppiaan tonttu. 66 Vuosituhansien kuluttua. 67 Piilipuun alla. 68 Viisi hernett. 69 Lehti taivaasta. 70 Hn ei kelvannut mihinkn. 71 Viimeinen helmi. 72 Kaksi...
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Dhs. 562.32 AED- Dhs. 23.70 AED
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Known to the PoliceKnown to the PoliceThe kind reception accorded to a previous book encourages me to believe that another volume dealing with my experiences in the great under-world of London may not prove unacceptable. For twenty-five years I have practically lived in this under-world, and the...
- Dhs. 23.70 AED
Dhs. 562.32 AED- Dhs. 23.70 AED
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Boat Sailing in Fair Weather and Foul, 6th edBoat Sailing in Fair Weather and Foul, 6th ed.When the first edition of this little book was printed in 1894 my publishers thought they would be very lucky if they ever disposed of half the number of copies turned out by the press. I...
- Dhs. 23.70 AED
Dhs. 351.42 AED- Dhs. 23.70 AED
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The Boy Fortune Hunters in EgyptThe Boy Fortune Hunters in EgyptI was standing on the deck of the Seagull, looking over the rail and peering into the moonlight that flooded the bay where we lay at anchor, when the soft dip of an oar caught my ear. I glanced...
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Dhs. 351.42 AED- Dhs. 23.70 AED
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Military Service and Adventures in the Far East: Vol. 1 (of 2)Military Service and Adventures in the Far East: Vol. 1 (of 2) - Including Sketches of the Campaigns Against the Afghans in 1839, and the Sikhs in 1845-6.Any one who has coasted the Andamans will bear witness to the beauty of those Islands, of...
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Dhs. 351.42 AED- Dhs. 23.70 AED
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