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Conversations on the Plurality of WorldsConversations on the Plurality of WorldsI find myself nearly in the situation of Cicero, when he undertook to write in his own language on philosophical subjects, that, till then, had never been treated of but in Greek. He tells us that his works were...
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The Ivory King: A popular history of the elephant and its alliesThe Ivory King: A popular history of the elephant and its alliesThe elephant is the true king of beasts, the largest and most powerful of existing land animals, and to young and old a never ceasing source of wonder and interest. In former geological...
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The Moon: A Popular TreatiseThe Moon: A Popular TreatiseONE serene evening, when the full moon, rising slowly above the tree tops, began to spread over the landscape that peculiar radiance which, by half revealing and half concealing, by softening all outlines, and by imparting a certain mystery to...
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The Ancient Volcanoes of Great Britain, Volume 2 (of 2)The Ancient Volcanoes of Great Britain, Volume 2 (of 2)D.C.L. Oxf., D. Sc. Camb., Dubl.; LL.D. St. And., Edinb. DIRECTOR-GENERAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND; CORRESPONDENT OF THE INSTITUTE OF FRANCE; OF THE ACADEMIES OF BERLIN, VIENNA, MUNICH, TURIN, BELGIUM,...
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The Ancient Volcanoes of Great Britain, Volume 1 (of 2)The Ancient Volcanoes of Great Britain, Volume 1 (of 2)In no department of science is the slow and chequered progress of investigation more conspicuous than in that branch of Geology which treats of volcanoes. Although from the earliest dawn of history, men had been...
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Our Nuclear Future: Facts, Dangers and OpportunitiesOur Nuclear Future: Facts, Dangers and OpportunitiesThis book has been written for the layman who has no knowledge about atoms, bombs and radioactivity. He knows that the world is made of atoms, that bombs might destroy it and that radioactivity could make it a...
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Reglas y consejos sobre investigación científicaReglas y consejos sobre investigación científica - (Los tónicos de la voluntad)Como otras muchas oraciones acadmicas harto ms merecedoras de publicidad, este discurso habra quedado olvidado en los anaqueles de las bibliotecas oficiales, si un querido amigo nuestro, el Dr. Lluria, no hubiera tenido...
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A Monograph of the Trilobites of North America: with Coloured Models of the SpeciesA Monograph of the Trilobites of North America: with Coloured Models of the SpeciesSome geologists imagine that the order of creation is registered in the rocks which compose the external crust of the earth, and that they can there clearly read a progressive development...
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Illinois State Geological Survey. Educational series, 9Inside Illinois: Mineral ResourcesAlthough Illinois has been nicknamed the Prairie State, many parts of it are hilly and scenic. The idea of large areas of the state being nothing more than broad, flat prairies has come about because the major highways have been built...
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Illinois State Geological Survey. Educational series, 5Guide to Rocks and Minerals of IllinoisThe rich prairies that gave the state its nickname are themselves derived from ancient rocks, worn and changed by millions of years of action by weather, water, wind, plants, and animals. Unmeasured depths of rock underlie the prairies,...
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Stray Feathers From a Bird Man's DeskStray Feathers From a Bird Man's DeskIn looking back over the preparation of these sketches I feel as though each evening I'd gathered up the bits and pieces left over from the day's work and fashioned them into designs for my own amusement and...
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Antony van Leeuwenhoek, de ontdekker der infusorien, 1675-1875Antony van Leeuwenhoek, de ontdekker der infusorien, 1675-1875Op den 24sten September van het jaar 1874, bij gelegenheid der 47ste Vergadering van Duitsche natuuronderzoekers en artsen te Gratz ving Dr. Ferdinand Cohn, Hoogleeraar aan de Universiteit te Breslau zijn redevoering Over de onzichtbare vijanden in...
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Self-Organizing Systems, 1963Self-Organizing Systems, 1963The papers appearing in this volume were presented at a Symposium on Self-Organizing Systems, which was sponsored by the Office of Naval Research and held at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, on 14 November 1963. The Symposium was organized with...
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EläinvaltiaitaEläinvaltiaitaVesi tuntui paljaaseen ihoon lmpimlt kuin maito ja vkevn suolaisuutensa vuoksi niin kantavalta, ett Johns mielestn saattoi pysy sen pinnalla vaikka kuinka kauan. Voimallisena ja taitavana uimarina hnen ei muuta tarvinnut kuin uida suoraan eteenpin vain, vakaasti ja htilemtt, kunnes joko maan tapaisi tai...
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Summer Flowers of the High AlpsSummer Flowers of the High AlpsNo one can visit Switzerland for the first time without being struck with the singular beauty of its wild flowers. In the early summer the whole country from the lowland meadows right up to the snowline is ablaze with...
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Voorstel tot uitbreiding der tegenwoordig in de scheikunde gebruikte structuur-formules in de ruimteVoorstel tot uitbreiding der tegenwoordig in de scheikunde gebruikte structuur-formules in de ruimte - Benevens een daarmeê samenhangende opmerking omtrent het verband tusschen optisch actief vermogen en chemische constitutie van organische verbindingenAls voorloopige medeeling zij mij vergund eenige gedachten te vermelden, waarvan de uiting...
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Winter Butterflies in BolinasWinter Butterflies in BolinasThe Monarch Butterfly Anosia Plexippus is a familiar object in many parts of 4 the United States, but the fact that it migrates, covering in its flights hundreds and even thousands of miles, is not generally known. This butterfly appears in...
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Understanding the Atom SeriesOur Atomic World: The Story of Atomic EnergyNuclear energy is playing a vital role in the life of every man, woman, and child in the United States today. In the years ahead it will affect increasingly all the peoples of the earth. It is...
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Icarus or, The Future of ScienceIcarus; or, The Future of ScienceIn the last few years the study of Radioactivity has brought about amazing advances in our knowledge of the properties and nature of the Atom; and into this fascinating wonderland of the infinitely small yet infinitely complex and infinitely...
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Literary Pilgrimages of a NaturalistLiterary Pilgrimages of a NaturalistDown in Marshfield early morning brings to the roadside troops of blue-eyed chicory blooms, shy memories of fair Pilgrim children who once trod these ways. They do not stay long with the wanderer, these early morning blooms. The turmoil and...
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