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Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Charles DarwinIndex of the Project Gutenberg Works of Charles Darwin Porto Praya Ribeira Grande Atmospheric Dust with Infusoria Habits of a Sea-slug and Cuttle-fish St. Paul's Rocks, non-volcanic Singular Incrustations Insects the first Colonists of Islands Fernando Noronha Bahia Burnished Rocks Habits of a Diodon...
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The Sunny South Oölogist. Vol. 1, No. 2The Sunny South Oölogist. Vol. 1, No. 2We have been having a bountiful share of rain in this neighborhood of late; and while we have been having warm drenching rains in the low lands, there has been a steady fall of snow in the...
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Key and guide to the woody plants of Dallas CountyKey and Guide to Native Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines of Dallas CountyThis simple key and guide to the woody plantstrees, shrubs and woody vineswhich grow naturally in Dallas County, Texas, has been prepared to help beginners of any age in getting better acquainted...
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Pioneers of progress. Men of scienceThe Copernicus of Antiquity (Aristarchus of Samos)The title-page of this book necessarily bears the name of one man; but the reader will find in its pages the story, or part of the story, of many other Pioneers of Progress. The crowning achievement of anticipating...
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The Bay State Oologist, Vol. 1 No. 4, April 1888The Bay State Oologist, Vol. 1 No. 4, April 1888 - A Monthly Magazine Devoted to the Study of Birds, their Nests and EggsThe AUK will present, as herefore, timely and interesting papers on the subject to which it relates, and its readers may...
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Use of the Dead to the LivingUse of the Dead to the LivingThe following pages contain an article extracted from the Westminster Review, an English periodical of considerable reputation. On its appearance in Great Britain, it excited great attention; and, indeed, has been there reprinted in a cheap form for...
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The Child's Book of NatureThe Child's Book of Nature - Three parts in oneNote.The three parts of this book can be had in separate volumes by those who desire it. This will be advisable when the book is to be used in teaching quite young children (from six...
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