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American Journal of Science, Vol. 1American Journal of Science, Vol. 1.In issue No. 2, the incorrect numbering of Articles in the text has been left unchanged. The Table of Contents for this issue is correct. This error is noted in an Addendum, Footnote [16], by the publisher. Sold by...
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The OrnithosauriaThe Ornithosauria - An elementary study of the bones of Pterodactyles made from fossil remains found in the Cambridge Upper Greensand, and arranged in the Woodwardian Museum of the University of CambridgeThis memoir is a portion of the Catalogue of the Woodwardian Museum which...
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Dhs. 46.12 AED- Dhs. 23.05 AED
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Forest Trees of Texas: How to Know ThemForest Trees of Texas: How to Know ThemThe buds, root tips, and cambium layer are the growing parts of the tree. Water containing a small quantity of minerals in solution is absorbed by the roots, carried up through the sapwood to the leaves and...
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Dhs. 46.12 AED- Dhs. 23.05 AED
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Bird PortraitsBird PortraitsThis book is called "Bird Portraits" because Mr. Seton-Thompson's pictures are always faithful and charming portraits of the birds which he draws. But since a bird's portrait, no matter how accurate, can show its subject in only one position, singing, feeding, flying, or...
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Pearls and ParasitesPearls & ParasitesMost of the following essays have appeared in the pages of the Quarterly Review, and I am greatly indebted to the editor and to the proprietor of that periodical for permission to reprint them. The article on The Infinite Torment of Flies...
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EvolutionEvolutionFor many of the illustrations the Publishers are indebted to the Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt (from Gnther's Vom Urtier zum Menschen) and Herr Wilhelm Engelmann (from Haeckel's Anthropogenie). Acknowledgment is also made to Messrs. Watts & Co., London, the Publishers of the English Edition of Haeckel's...
- Dhs. 23.05 AED
Dhs. 46.12 AED- Dhs. 23.05 AED
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Saguaro National Monument, ArizonaSaguaro National Monument, ArizonaThis book is a simple account of the natural history of Saguaro National Monument. It is intended to help you understand the relationships between land, climate, plants, wild animals, and man in the environment of a hot desert. While it includes...
- Dhs. 23.05 AED
Dhs. 46.12 AED- Dhs. 23.05 AED
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Traité élémentaire de chimie, tomes 1 & 2Traité élémentaire de chimie, tomes 1 & 2 - Présenté dans un ordre nouveau et d'après les découvertes modernes; avec FiguresCe n'est pas sans dessein que je ne me suis pas tendu davantage dans les deux premires parties de cet Ouvrage, sur les oprations...
- Dhs. 23.05 AED
Dhs. 46.12 AED- Dhs. 23.05 AED
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Traité élémentaire de chimie, tome 2Traité élémentaire de chimie, tome 2 - Présenté dans un ordre nouveau et d'après les découvertes modernes; avec FiguresCe n'est pas sans dessein que je ne me suis pas tendu davantage dans les deux premires parties de cet Ouvrage, sur les oprations manuelles de...
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Dhs. 46.12 AED- Dhs. 23.05 AED
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Traité élémentaire de chimie, tome 1Traité élémentaire de chimie, tome 1 - Présenté dans un ordre nouveau et d'après les découvertes modernes; avec FiguresPar M. Lavoisier, de l'Acadmie des Sciences, de la Socit Royale de Mdecine, des Socits d'Agriculture de Paris & d'Orlans, de la Socit Royale de Londres,...
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Dhs. 46.12 AED- Dhs. 23.05 AED
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NatuurfantazieënNatuurfantazieënKan ik er iets aan doen? Zeker niet veel. Ik zou wel willen dat ik veler menschen pad met bloemen kon bestrooien, zooals de aloude spreekwijs luidt. Maar in de gegevene omstandigheden kan ik niet meer doen dan: hopen dat ik hier en daar...
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The Subterranean WorldThe Subterranean WorldNature displays her wonders not only in the starry heavens or in the boundless variety of animal and vegetable life on the surface of our earth. In the dark regions underground she likewise shows us much that is remarkable or beautiful, or...
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Dhs. 46.12 AED- Dhs. 23.05 AED
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An Essay to Shew the Cause of Electricity; and Why Some Things are Non-ElectricableAn Essay to Shew the Cause of Electricity; and Why Some Things are Non-Electricable. - In Which Is Also Consider'd Its Influence in the Blasts on Human Bodies, in the Blights on Trees, in the Damps in Mines; And as It May Affect the...
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Mammals of Mount Rainier National ParkMammals of Mount Rainier National ParkIn looking back through the years during which mammal studies have been carried on at Mount Rainier, three periods stand out in which considerable field research was accomplished. The first of these was in July and August, 1897, when...
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Dhs. 46.12 AED- Dhs. 23.05 AED
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Studies of Birds Killed in Nocturnal MigrationStudies of Birds Killed in Nocturnal MigrationThis paper is primarily an analysis of a sample of migrant birds killed in the autumn of 1954 by striking a television tower one mile west of Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas. Secondarily, some aspects of migration involved in...
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Dhs. 46.12 AED- Dhs. 23.05 AED
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Die MilchstrasseDie MilchstraßeDie Gesellschaft Kosmos will die Kenntnis der Naturwissenschaften und damit die Freude an der Natur und das Verstndnis ihrer Erscheinungen in den weitesten Kreisen unseres Volkes verbreiten. Dieses Ziel glaubt die Gesellschaft durch Verbreitung guter naturwissenschaftlicher Literatur zu erreichen mittels des Ferner sind...
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Het Leven der Dieren. Deel 3. Afdeling 2. De VisschenHet Leven der Dieren. Deel 3. Afdeling 2. De VisschenDe Visschen zijn Gewervelde Dieren, die gedurende geheel hun leven uitsluitend door kieuwen ademen. Deze weinige woorden behelzen een veel scherper en duidelijker bepaling van de klasse der Visschen dan door een nauwkeurige beschrijving van...
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Dhs. 73.78 AED- Dhs. 23.05 AED
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Science and Culture, and Other EssaysScience and Culture, and Other EssaysThe Addresses, Lectures, and Essays gathered together in this volume have appeared at intervals during the past seven years, and I can give no better reason for republishing them in their present form, than the fact that three earlier...
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Dhs. 46.12 AED- Dhs. 23.05 AED
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The Geologic Story of Colorado National MonumentThe Geologic Story of Colorado National Monument - Revised EditionFrom 1946 until about 1956 I carried out fieldwork intermittently on the geology and artesian water supply of the Grand Junction area, Colorado, the results of which have been published.[1] The area mapped geologically contains...
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The Methods and Scope of GeneticsThe Methods and Scope of Genetics - An inaugural lecture delivered 23 October 1908The Professorship of Biology was founded in 1908 for a period of five years partly by the generosity of an anonymous benefactor, and partly by the University of Cambridge. The object...
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Dhs. 46.12 AED- Dhs. 23.05 AED
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