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Practical Exercises in Elementary MeteorologyPractical Exercises in Elementary MeteorologyWe live in the laboratory of the earths atmosphere. The changes from hot to cold, wet to dry, clear to cloudy, or the reverse, profoundly affect us. We make and unmake our daily plans; we study or we enjoy vacations;...
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New Subspecies of the Rodent Baiomys from Central AmericaNew Subspecies of the Rodent Baiomys from Central America - University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural HistoryThe southern pygmy mouse, Baiomys musculus, is known as far north as the Mexican states of Jalisco, Michoacn, south of the Mesa Central, east to central Veracruz...
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The Butterfly BookThe Butterfly Book - A Popular Guide to a Knowledge of the Butterflies of North AmericaIn studying any subject, it is always well, if possible, to commence at the beginning; and in studying the life of animals, or of a group of animals, we...
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Prodromus Florae NorfolkicaeProdromus Florae Norfolkicae - Sive, Catalogus stirpium quae in insula Norfolk annis 1804 et 1805 a Ferdinando Bauer collectae et depictae, nunc in Museo caesareo palatino rerum naturalium Vindobonae servantur[Transcriber's note: Spelling in the original has been preserved without correction, including typographic errors. This...
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Woodland Gleanings: Being an Account of British Forest-TreesWoodland Gleanings: Being an Account of British Forest-Trees The forest teems With forms of majesty and beauty; some, As the light poplar, wave with every sigh Of zephyr, and some scarcely bend their heads For very mightiness, when wintry storms Are maddening the sea!...
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The Children's Book of BirdsThe Children's Book of BirdsThe Children's Book of Birds combines under a single cover the First and Second Books of Birds, originally published in 1899 and 1901 respectively and still popular with children in and out of school and with other beginners in the...
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The Storm. An EssayThe Storm. An Essay. I'm told, for we have News among the Dead, Heaven lately spoke, but few knew what it said; The Voice, in loudest Tempests spoke, And Storms, which Nature's strong Foundation shook. I felt it hither, and I'd have you know...
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Grim: The Story of a PikeGrim: The Story of a PikeClear running water filled the ditch, but the bottom was dull black, powdery mud. It lay inches deep, layer upon layer of one tiny particle upon another, and so loose and light that a thick, opaque, smoke-like column ascended...
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Everyday AdventuresEveryday AdventuresOf the chapters of this book, three have appeared as separate articles in The Atlantic Monthly, three in The Yale Review, two in The Youths Companion, and the others, in whole or in part, in St. Nicholas, Good Housekeeping, and The Christian Endeavor...
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The Ether of SpaceThe Ether of Space"Ether or ther ( probably from I burn,) a material substance of a more subtle kind than visible bodies, supposed to exist in those parts of space which are apparently empty." So begins the article "Ether," written for the ninth edition...
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Our British SnailsOur British SnailsIt has been said that a childs education should begin thirty years before its birth, since what he is, or becomes, or does, depends largely upon what his parents were, and not solely on what he learns at home or in school,...
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True Bear StoriesTrue Bear StoriesMy Bright Young Reader: I was once exactly your own age. Like all boys, I was, from the first, fond of bear stories, and above all, I did not like stories that seemed the least bit untrue. I always preferred a natural...
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Versuche über PflanzenhybridenVersuche über PflanzenhybridenDer groartige Aufschwung, den die Naturwissenschaften in unsrer Zeit erfahren haben, ist, wie allgemein anerkannt wird, nicht zum kleinsten Teile durch Ausbildung und Verbreitung der Unterrichtsmittel, der Experimentalvorlesungen, Laboratorienarbeiten u. a. bedingt. Whrend durch die vorhandenen Einrichtungen zwar die Kenntnis des gegenwrtigen...
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A Watcher in The WoodsA Watcher in The WoodsLeading superintendents of schools and teachers have been pointing out that in "Wild Life Near Home," by Dallas Lore Sharp, there is much valuable supplementary reading for schools, and no less an authority than Mr. John Burroughs, in his recent...
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Het Leven der Dieren: Deel 2, Hoofdstuk 11 tot 14: Hoenderkoeten Nandoes Kasuarisvogels Struisen HagedisvogelsHet Leven der Dieren: Deel 2, Hoofdstuk 11 tot 14: Hoenderkoeten; Nandoes; Kasuarisvogels; Struisen; HagedisvogelsDe Hoenderkoeten (Palamedeidae) verschillen van alle overige Vogels door het gemis van de haakvormige uitsteeksels aan de wervelribben; de veeren zijn bij hen, althans aan de bovenzijde van het lichaam,...
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The Behavior of the Honey Bee in Pollen CollectionThe Behavior of the Honey Bee in Pollen CollectionWhile working upon the problem of wax-scale manipulation during the summer of 1911 the writer became convinced that the so-called wax shears or pinchers of the worker honey bee have nothing whatever to do with the...
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Smithsonian Institution - United States National Museum - Bulletin 240Smithsonian Institution - United States National Museum - Bulletin 240 - Contributions From the Museum of History and Technology Paper 34 == Produced by Colin Bell, Joseph Cooper, Stephanie Eason Paper 35 == Produced by Chris Curnow, Joseph Cooper, Louise Pattison Paper 36 ==...
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Lamarck et son OEuvreLamarck et son OEuvreNote sur la transcription: Les erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont t corriges. L'orthographe d'origine a t conserve et n'a pas t harmonise. Les numros des pages blanches n'ont pas t repris. Le Musum d'histoire naturelle de Paris inaugurera, dans...
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An Introduction to the History of ScienceAn Introduction to the History of ScienceIf you consult encyclopedias and special works in reference to the early history of any one of the sciences,astronomy, geology, geometry, physiology, logic, or political science, for example,you will find strongly emphasized the part played by the Greeks...
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