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Het eerste ontwerp voor de bedijking der Zuiderzee, 1848Het eerste ontwerp voor de bedijking der Zuiderzee, 1848Overduidelijke druk- en spelfouten in het origineel zijn gecorrigeerd; deze zijn voorzien van een dunne rode stippellijn, waarbij de Brontekst via een zwevende pop-up beschikbaar is. Variaties in spelling zijn behouden. Op het Ingenieurs-congres tijdens de...
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A Thousand Ways to Please a Husband with Bettina's Best RecipesA Thousand Ways to Please a Husband with Bettina's Best Recipes"Hotel? Why, Bob! with our house and our dishes and our silver just waiting for us? I'm ashamed of you! We'll take the first car for homea street-car, not a taxi! Our extravagant days...
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Living on a LittleLiving on a LittleMrs. Thorne laid down the letter she was reading and looked across the table to her husband, who, as he was industriously engaged in buttering a muffin, paid scant attention to her for the moment. Presently, however, as he became aware...
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The Boy CraftsmanThe Boy Craftsman - Practical and Profitable Ideas for a Boy's Leisure Hours HANDICRAFT BOOKS BY A. NEELY HALL 8vo. Cloth. Illustrated with hundreds of photographs and working drawings by the author and Norman P. Hall THE BOY CRAFTSMAN HANDICRAFT FOR HANDY BOYS (Revised...
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Cocina del tiempo, ó arte de preparar sabrosos y exquisitos platos propios de cada estaciónCocina del tiempo, ó arte de preparar sabrosos y exquisitos platos propios de cada estaciónPastelillos de foigrs.Lenguado al gratn.Raya la marsellesa.Patatas la francesa.Galleta de patata.Pote provinciano.Pollo con setas.Pepitoria de gallina.Frito de lechuga.Ensalada espaola.Huevos al plato.Crema de caf.Ensalada de naranja.Budn de patatas.Gelatina de fresa.Varias maneras...
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Friendship Club Cook BookFriendship Club Cook BookEvery effort has been made to replicate this text as faithfully as possible. Missing punctuation and spaces have been added, and capitalization has been fixed. Some other changes have been made. They are listed at the end of the text. The...
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San Francisco and the Nicaragua CanalSan Francisco and the Nicaragua CanalYour valued favor of August 23d requests me to contest the argument of a mutual friend entitled to our personal esteem, in regard to the Nicaragua Canal, to the construction of which he objects. The admission made by him...
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The Steam Engine Explained and Illustrated (Seventh Edition)The Steam Engine Explained and Illustrated (Seventh Edition) - With an Account of Its Invention and Progressive Improvement, and Its Application to Navigation and Railways; Including Also a Memoir of WattThe Drawings for several of the Cuts in this Volume have been taken, by...
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The Art and Practice of Silver PrintingThe Art and Practice of Silver Printing Silver printing has been often doomed, but it still survives. Other processes of photographic printing have been introduced, nearly all of them having their individual merits, especially that of permanency, but all lacking in two essential qualitiesease...
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Historic InventionsHistoric InventionsAnna took the playing-card from her husbands hand. It represented a figure that was known as the Knave of Bells. Its an unsightly creature, she said, studying it, and not to be compared with our picture of good St. Christopher on the wall...
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Die Luftschiffahrt der GegenwartDie Luftschiffahrt der GegenwartNimmt man verschiedene Zeitungsbltter zur Hand, so stt man fast jeden Tag auf irgend eine Notiz aronautischen Inhaltes. Betrifft diese sportliche Fahrten mit Ballons oder Berichte ber lenkbare Ballons, Flugmaschinen oder simultane Ballonfahrten u. dgl. m., stets wird dem Leser zugemutet,...
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Housekeeping in Old VirginiaHousekeeping in Old VirginiaVirginia, or the Old Dominion, as her children delight to call her, has always been famed for the style of her living. Taught by the example of her royal colonial governors, and the numerous adherents of King Charles, who brought hither...
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L'art de faire le vin avec les raisins secsL'art de faire le vin avec les raisins secsPAR J.-F. AUDIBERT Crateur et Promoteur en France de cette Industrie 7 fois Mdaill Chevalier de lordre Royal du Sauveur (Grce), de lOrdre Imprial du Medjidi, Mdaill par M. le Ministre de lAgriculture, Ex-Candidat la Chaire...
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MotorsMotorsThis is a subject in which every boy is interested. While few mechanics have the opportunity to actually build an automobile, it is the knowledge which he must acquire about every particular device used, that enables him to repair and put such machines in...
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My Airships The Story of My LifeMy Airships; The Story of My LifeTwo young Brazilian boys strolled in the shade, conversing. They were simple youths of the interior, knowing only the plenty of the primitive plantation where, undisturbed by labour-saving devices, Nature yielded man her fruits at the price of...
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Toy-Making at Home: How to Make a Hundred Toys from Odds and EndsToy-Making at Home: How to Make a Hundred Toys from Odds and EndsThis work has been compiled with the assistance of Mr. Walter Higgins, the well-known instructor in woodwork. The volume fulfils a long-felt want in that it supplies fascinating amusement for evenings at...
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Miss Leslie's Lady's New Receipt-Book, 3rd edMiss Leslie's Lady's New Receipt-Book, 3rd ed. - A Useful Guide for Large or Small Families, Containing Directions for Cooking, Preserving, Pickling...The present volume is designed as a sequel to my book, entitled Directions for Cookery in all its Branches. Since the first appearance...
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Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910 - The New York Tunnel Extension of the Pennsylvania Railroad.The section of the Pennsylvania Railroad Tunnel work described in this paper is that lying between Tenth Avenue, New York City, and the...
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Electric Gas Lighting: How to Install Electric Gas Ignition ApparatusElectric Gas Lighting: How to Install Electric Gas Ignition ApparatusThe Electric Light possesses the great advantage over gas, in that it can be turned on or lighted from a distance. The customary means of igniting gas with a match or taper is both dangerous...
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La web, una enciclopedia multilingüeLa web, una enciclopedia multilingüeLa web ser una enciclopedia del mundo, hecha por el mundo y para el mundo. Ya no habr informacin o conocimientos tiles que no estn disponibles para la gente, de manera que se eliminar la barrera principal para la comprensin...
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