Discover a variety of cooking books and recipes, including vegan and vegetarian cookbooks, modernist cuisine, and other food books. Find good recipe books, best-selling titles, and the best books to read.
Charcuterie: Pâtés, Terrines, Savory Pies: Recipes and Techniques from the Ferrandi School of Culinary ArtsThe ultimate reference on hearty French charcuterie boards and other savory spreads from FERRANDI Paris. This complete course on charcuterie, which comprises cooked terrines, pâtés, and savory pies, from the world-renowned culinary school FERRANDI Paris includes seventy French charcuterie recipes with step-by-step instructions for...
- CHF 51.98
- CHF 51.98
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Vegan Barbecue: More Than 100 Recipes for Smoky and Satisfying Plant-Based BBQLearn how to slow-smoke all sorts of veggies, fruits, vegan meats, and vegan cheeses in this beautifully photographed book that features 100 soul-satisfying recipes filled with flavor and spice. At last! Now vegans and vegetarians, plus the millions of omnivores and carnivores who are...
- CHF 32.47
- CHF 32.47
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KsiĄŻka Kucharska Na Deser Dla PoczĄtkujĄcychDeser to danie, które kończy posilek. Kurs sklada się ze slodkich potraw, takich jak slodycze i ewentualnie napojów, takich jak wino deserowe i likier. W niektórych częściach świata, takich jak większa częśc Afryki Środkowej i Zachodniej, a także w większości części Chin, nie ma...
- CHF 59.14
- CHF 59.14
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Carte de Butate de MĂcĂruri TradiȚionale ItalieneO masă tradițională italiană este unul dintre cele mai reconfortante și delicioase lucruri pe care oricine le poate bucura. Simțul autentic italian este transmis pe tot parcursul cărții pe măsură ce explorăm feluri de mâncare de la aperitive la deserturi pe care le-ai servi...
- CHF 68.19
- CHF 68.19
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Amanda's Baked Breads: Bread white wheat cinnamon pineapple kitchen oven dates sweet easy deliciousThis book has many bread recipes you will enjoy making. All loaves of bread smell wonderful while baking in the oven. Loaves of bread are easy to make and the family will enjoy them when served. Enjoy baking along with Amanda Author: Mary TaylorPublisher:...
- CHF 42.24
- CHF 42.24
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A Splash of Soy: Everyday Food from Asia"Simple beautiful food to electrify the tastebuds."-Meera Sodha From the beloved author of Coconut & Sambal, a cookbook on how to create authentic east and southeast Asian flavors at home using common ingredients, quickly and with minimal effort. Lara Lee used to spend her...
- CHF 45.49
- CHF 45.49
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The Flavor Thesaurus: More Flavors: Plant-Led Pairings, Recipes, and Ideas for CooksThe plant-led follow-up to The Flavor Thesaurus, "a rich and witty and erudite collection" (Epicurious), featuring 99 essential ingredients and hundreds of flavor combinations. With her debut cookbook, The Flavor Thesaurus, Niki Segnit taught readers that no matter whether an ingredient is "grassy" like...
- CHF 41.58
- CHF 41.58
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30 Dakİka YA Da Daha Daha AZ Zamanda SuŞİ YemeĞİ İçİn Tam RehberSuşi, geleneksel Japon yemeklerinden kaynaklanan çok ünlü bir yemektir. Bu yemek genellikle atıştırmalık olarak tüketilir. Çeşitli profesyonel suşi şefleri tarafından yapılan farklı türde suşi yemekleri vardır. Suşi aslında beyaz pirinçten yapılan ve pirinç sirkesinde pişirilen ve farklı malzemelerle servis edilen bir yemektir. Çiğ veya...
- CHF 57.16
- CHF 57.16
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Ghidul Complet Pentru Cina Sushi În 30 de Minute Sau Mai Mai MultSushi este un fel de mâncare foarte faimos care provine din mâncarea tradițională japoneză. Acest fel de mâncare este adesea consumat ca o gustare. Există diferite tipuri de feluri de mâncare sushi făcute de diverși bucătari profesioniști de sushi. Sushi este de fapt un...
- CHF 58.45
- CHF 58.45
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Perfectly Good Food: A Totally Achievable Zero Waste Approach to Home CookingWant to cook better while saving money and reducing your trash? Learn to eat less wastefully and more sustainably in this combination cookbook and field guide, full of ingenious use-it-up tips, smart storage ideas, and infinitely adaptable Hero Recipes. Whether you've got a lingering...
- CHF 36.39
- CHF 36.39
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Top 100 Amazing Recipes Milkshakes and SmoothieThe blender now has a permanent spot on kitchen counters in no small part due to the rise of smoothies as a snack fave. Strawberry is the most popular smoothie flavor, while chocolate is the milkshake fave. Although most smoothies share banana as a...
- CHF 23.91
- CHF 23.91
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The Forme of CuryReceipts from the Master Cooks of King Richard II, rendered into Modern English by Glyn Hughes. Not only lasagna, macaroni, bacon and beans, rice pudding and scrambled eggs on toast, but also porpoise, fake hedgehogs, deer broth and novelty edible flower-pots. In this, the...
- CHF 33.10
- CHF 33.10
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The Rnz Cookbook: A Treasury of 180 Recipes from New Zealand's Best-Known Chefs and Food WritersAn authoritative and above all useful cookbook from New Zealand's favourite broadcaster, featuring 180 trusted (and tested) recipes hand-picked from the thousands of delicious recipes that have featured on RNZ shows such as Nine to Noon, Afternoons, and Saturday Morning in recent decades. The...
- CHF 71.48
- CHF 71.48
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Oh $#!% What's for Dinner?: No-Fuss Weeknight Recipes You'll Swear byIf you ever looked at the clock and thought, Oh $#!%, what's for dinner? This is your book! Emmy award-winning TV host, social media personality, lifestyle expert, and mom of two, Maria Sansone, knows that when it comes to weeknight dinners . . ....
- CHF 32.47
- CHF 32.47
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Kompletny Przewodnik Po Kolacji Sushi W 30 Minut Lub MniejSushi to bardzo znane danie wywodzące się z tradycyjnego japońskiego jedzenia. To danie jest często spożywane jako przekąska. Istnieją różne rodzaje dań sushi przygotowywanych przez różnych profesjonalnych kucharzy sushi. Sushi to wlaściwie danie z bialego ryżu ugotowanego w occie ryżowym i podawane z różnymi...
- CHF 57.16
- CHF 57.16
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100 Recepten Voor Vegan Burgers En SandwichesSandwiches zijn een van de meest veelzijdige voedingsmiddelen die over de hele wereld worden bereid. Ze bestaan meestal uit een of twee sneetjes brood met een vulling van vlees, kip, vis, kaas, groenten of andere ingrediënten. Brood is er in verschillende vormen en maten...
- CHF 55.87
- CHF 55.87
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Den Viktiga GrönsakskookbokenAtt förbereda mer grönsaker och laga mat hemma är en enkel strategi som avsevärt kan förbättra din hälsa. Dessutom har forskning rapporterat att att laga mat hemma är förknippat med mindre snabbmatskonsumtion och pengar som spenderas på mat.Ett av de första stegen mot att...
- CHF 58.44
- CHF 58.44
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Het Ultieme Kaas Recepten KookboekAls je op elk pastagerecht Parmezaanse kaas strooit en op je boterham liever Emmentaler dan worst hebt, ben je hier aan het juiste adres: of het nu gaat om romige camembert, pittige bergkaas of smeltende mozzarella, koud of warm, hartig of zoet, om te...
- CHF 45.44
- CHF 45.44
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MilAuthor: Pia León, Virgilio Martinez, Malena MartinezPublisher: CatapultaPublished: 07/17/2023Pages: 324Binding Type: HardcoverISBN: 9789876379410Language: Spanish
- CHF 84.47
- CHF 84.47
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A Recipe for Pleasure: Journey into Love, Freedom, and NourishmentIn A Recipe for Pleasure, author Solunis Nicole Bay takes you on a journey back to the late '90s /early 2000s to share her struggles to be an integrated, aware, and passionate person in a world that seeks to define black women like her...
- CHF 40.22
- CHF 40.22
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