Discover a variety of cooking books and recipes, including vegan and vegetarian cookbooks, modernist cuisine, and other food books. Find good recipe books, best-selling titles, and the best books to read.
Cocina cómica: Recetas de guisos y postres, poesías culinarias, y otros excesosCocina cómica: Recetas de guisos y postres, poesías culinarias, y otros excesosNo aludo al hecho de que algunas cocineras tengan sobre el fogn tal cual novela para honesta distraccin del espritu atribulado y grasiento. Me refiero lo que se ha escrito de poco tiempo...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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California Mexican-Spanish Cook Book: Selected Mexican and Spanish RecipesCalifornia Mexican-Spanish Cook Book: Selected Mexican and Spanish RecipesAn announcement that my lesson for the day would be Spanish dishes, invariably brought record-breaking crowds in any city in the United States, and a demand for recipes induced me to search for the best to...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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The Hotel St. Francis Cook BookThe Hotel St. Francis Cook Book Inconsistent hyphenation, accents, capitalization and spelling in the original text have been preserved. Obvious punctuation and spelling errors have been corrected. Page number and spelling inconsistencies between the index and the text have been corrected to agree with...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Clayton's Quaker Cook-BookClayton's Quaker Cook-Book - Being a Practical Treatise on the Culinary Art Adapted to the Tastes and Wants of All ClassesOne of the sacred writers of the olden time is reported to have said: "Of the making of many books, there is no end."...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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The Mary Frances Cook Book Or, Adventures Among the Kitchen PeopleThe Mary Frances Cook Book; Or, Adventures Among the Kitchen PeopleThis book tells the story of Mary Frances, a little girl whose great ambition was to help her mother. So anxious was she to do this that even the humble Kitchen People became her...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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New Royal Cook BookNew Royal Cook BookThe new Royal Cook Book has been prepared to meet the large and ever increasing demand for a guide to wholesome and palatable home cooking. The young housewife will find here complete simple directions for making delicious cakes and other culinary...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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KeukenboekKeukenboekHet is ruim een jaar geleden dat de Huisvrouw van Henritte Davidis, voor Hollandsche vrouwen bewerkt, bij de Uitgevers dezes in het licht kwam, en dit werkje schijnt zoo algemeen de goedkeuring van de dames te hebben weggedragen, dat er thans reeds een tweede...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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The Myrtle Reed Cook BookThe Myrtle Reed Cook BookMiss Reeds books are peculiarly adapted for dainty yet inexpensive gifts. They are printed in two colors, on deckle-edge paper, and beautifully bound in four distinct styles: each, cloth, $1.50 net; red leather, $2.00 net; antique calf, $2.50 net; lavender...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Cookery for Little GirlsCookery for Little GirlsThis book has been prepared with the special purpose of assisting mothers throughout the country to train their small daughters in the art of cookery. Scarcely any child can be trusted to take a recipe and work alone, as the clearest...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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The New England Cook Book, or Young Housekeeper's GuideThe New England Cook Book, or Young Housekeeper's Guide - Being a Collection of the Most Valuable Receipts; Embracing all the Various Branches of Cookery, and Written in a Minute and Methodical MannerThe writer deems that no apology need be offered for adding another...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Hand-Book of Practical Cookery, for Ladies and Professional CooksHand-Book of Practical Cookery, for Ladies and Professional Cooks - Containing the Whole Science and Art of Preparing Human FoodFood is the most important of our wants; we cannot exist without it. The man who does not use his brain to select and prepare...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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A Course of Lectures on the Principles of Domestic Economy and CookeryA Course of Lectures on the Principles of Domestic Economy and CookeryThis course of lectures is designed to meet the wants of two classes of persons: FirstThose who are experienced housekeepers, familiar with the principles and practice of cookery, but who desire information concerning...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Cloud City Cook-BookCloud City Cook-Book"Of making many books there is no end," said a wise man; but probably he had good cooks. There is a "place" for all things as well as a "time," and every hungry man knows the place for a good dinner. If...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Domestic French Cookery, 4th edDomestic French Cookery, 4th ed.The design of the following little book is to furnish receipts for a select variety of French dishes, explained and described in such a manner as to make them intelligible to American cooks, and practicable with American utensils and American...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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The Century Cook BookThe Century Cook BookIn France various honors are awarded to cooks. Accomplished chefs de cuisine are by compliment called cordon-bleu, which is an ancient and princely order. A successful culinary production takes the name of the inventor, and by it his fame often lasts...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Better Meals for Less MoneyBetter Meals for Less MoneyWith the steadily increasing cost of all staple foods the need of intelligent buying, cooking, and serving is greater than ever before: more money must be spent for food, or more consideration must be given to selecting and using it....
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Suppers: Novel Suggestions for Social OccasionsSuppers: Novel Suggestions for Social OccasionsTo that much abused, but very eminent class, the society women of America, this book is dedicated. It is with a realization that they constitute the better half of the best aristocracy in the worldprobably the only real aristocracy...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Il libro della cucina del sec. XIV, testo di lingua non mai fin qui stampatoIl libro della cucina del sec. XIV, testo di lingua non mai fin qui stampatoA un caldissimo amatore e felice coltivatore de' nostri antichi classici studii, quale la S. V., non puote certamente ispiacere l'offerta di questo LIBRO DI CUCINA, dettato, a quel...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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The Kitchen EncyclopediaThe Kitchen Encyclopedia - Twelfth Edition (Swift & Company)Butter fat in butter is all obtained by churning. In Swift's Premium Oleomargarine from to is obtained in that way, the remainder is pressed from the choicest fat of Government inspected animals. This pressed fat is...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Gala-Day Luncheons: A Little Book of SuggestionsGala-Day Luncheons: A Little Book of SuggestionsTo give a luncheon is to indulge one's self in the most charming and satisfying form of entertaining. All the dignity of the stately dinner-party is lacking, it is true, but all the delight of informality is present;...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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