Explore our collection of education books and early education books at our online bookstore, including top titles for teachers and Pearson Education textbooks. Discover must-read and best-selling educational reads that provide valuable insights and resources for teaching and learning.
Comparison between Different DC Motor Control SchemesThe ultimate goal of this paper is to control the angular speed, in a model of a DC motor driving an inertial load has the angular speed,, as the output and applied voltage,, as the input, by varying the applied voltage using different control...
- CHF 21.90
- CHF 21.90
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Zoom Video Conferencing Beginner's GuideZoom is a video telephony software program developed by Zoom Video Communications. Zoom is a free (plus paid-for options) video conferencing tool that can be used on PCs, Macs and mobile devices. The free plan provides a video chatting service that allows up to...
- CHF 20.99
- CHF 20.99
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Carmen's Legacy: Second EditionLife does not always hand out red roses.This book is dedicated to: Every brave parent who has lost a child in a car crash.Every brave child who has lost a parent in a car crash.Every brave child who has lost a brother or sister...
- CHF 27.04
- CHF 27.04
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Challenging Traditional Classroom Spaces with Young Adult Literature: Students in Community as Course Co-DesignersAs a high school teacher, Ricki Ginsberg realized that a truly student-centered classroom requires student input. To foster a more ethical, community-based approach to curriculum design and instruction, she worked with her students to reimagine and co-design existing, grade-level courses, and in doing so,...
- CHF 54.74
- CHF 54.74
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How to Lead a SchoolTargeted primarily at those running a school, or contemplating doing so, this book talks frankly about the pleasures and pitfalls of the job, common to all schools across the world. Each chapter considers in detail the different constituencies a Principal or Head will encounter.The...
- CHF 12.82
- CHF 12.82
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The Baby TrailHopeful parents set off on a winding, whimsical journey to find their babies. Along the way they encounter helpful guides and enchanting places where their little ones may be waiting. Whether we're bunnies, alligators, giraffes or dingoes, the Baby Trail highlights the unique journeys...
- CHF 29.11
- CHF 29.11
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Kylah Goes To KindergartenIt's time for Kylah's first day of kindergarten and it's her first time being in school. She has first day jitters as she prepares for her big day. How will she like her school and her teacher? Will she make any friends? Will she...
- CHF 24.14
- CHF 24.14
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The South Beach Method for Conversational PortugueseRevolutionary learning method for conversational Portuguese. You'll be speaking Portuguese in a matter of weeks, just by studying 10 minutes a day.Speak Portuguese through four verbs. Quickly learn the essential words and vocabulary to communicate. Learn to speak in present, past and future in...
- CHF 32.14
- CHF 32.14
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Kids Have Questions, Too! What Does the U.S. Constitution Say?Most people have heard about the U.S. Constitution. But do you know what it actually says?What it means for you? The four pages of the U.S. Constitution shaped history, and it is so important that we understand it. This book is based on unbiased...
- CHF 27.04
- CHF 27.04
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Liberia In Need of Education (LINE)Liberia in Need of Education (Line): The need for sound primary and secondary education in Liberia is an imperative. Education enables a people to think creatively and act productively in the process of nation-buildingDr. Nyonbeor A. Boley, Sr.This very tiny book about the history...
- CHF 15.46
- CHF 15.46
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Radical Teaching in Turbulent Times: Martin Duberman's Princeton Seminars, 1966-1970Chapter 1. IntroductionSection I. Duberman in the late 1960sChapter 2. "An Experiment in Education" (1969)Chapter 3. "On Misunderstanding Student Rebels" (1968)Section II. Other VoicesChapter 4. "50 Years Later-History 308 Revisited"Chapter 5. Martin and Peter Discuss the Fall, 1969 seminarChapter 6. Princeton Undergraduates Defend and...
- CHF 164.25
- CHF 164.25
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Questionable DismissalDr. Keith Bernard has earned a reputation as a professor with strong convictions and warm rapport with students, rarely has reason to recall that he was once considered a human resources "hit man." But to those who observed him from a safe distance in...
- CHF 22.14
- CHF 22.14
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Juvenile Delinquency: The CoreJUVENILE DELINQUENCY: THE CORE, 6th Edition delivers cutting-edge coverage of essential theory, policy, and the latest research in one value-priced, reader-friendly paperback. Renowned for its balanced approach and engaging writing style, this brief book helps you understand the nature of delinquency and its causes,...
- CHF 414.01
- CHF 414.01
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Invest Your Way to Financial Freedom: A Step-By-Step Guide to Investing and Building Wealth in the Stock MarketWhether you are a seasoned stock investor looking for higher and more consistent returns, or a relative newcomer seeking to build the necessary knowledge to be successful in the stock market, Invest Your Way to Financial Freedom was written for you.Regardless of your level...
- CHF 54.11
- CHF 54.11
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Natural PhilosophyTreatiseThe author created Natural Philosophy from over twenty-five years of documentaries, colloquiums, lectures, personal experience, open-source learning, and university.The universe supposedly begins with a bang, so they say. Quite a big one, the biggest of all, in fact. This is a hypothetical conjecture for...
- CHF 16.68
- CHF 16.68
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Write Here and Now: The Mindful Writing Teacher's Guide to Finding the Zen in Their PenMake Every Encounter with Writing More MeaningfulSimply put, mindfulness is the practice of being present and living in the current moment, free from distraction and judgment. Pursuing writing with an eye toward mindfulness can make putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard a...
- CHF 34.72
- CHF 34.72
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Kia & Jordon Activity BookBookmaking Activities: This book is a Fun Activities book for Students K-G to grade two, to help them engage in stages of the learning process that would help to improve their learning ability.Here you will find a variety of engaging author's purpose activities in...
- CHF 25.76
- CHF 25.76
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Since You Asked, Here's a StoryIn follow-up to the first book, Which Reminds Me of a Story, this book, Since You Asked Here's a Story, is a second collection of short autobiographical anecdotes written for the tween and early teen. Each is an entertaining true story of life as...
- CHF 32.20
- CHF 32.20
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Awrak أوراق حائرةThis book contains articles published in the past between 1995 and 2005 in my own newspaper. The importance of having these articles published today in one book, is because they are still describing the same problems and situations.Author: Khaled HomaidanPublisher: Khaled HomaidanPublished: 11/05/2022Pages: 162Binding...
- CHF 25.77
- CHF 25.77
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Blue Beam Project A Zionists-Illuminatis Advanced Weapon In the 21st CenturyIn the contrary of the forties, fifties, sixties and seventies eras were the mainstream media try to discredits all the sightings and information about extraterrestrials, unidentified flight objects, for years now and for a future ones, you see and you'll see mainstream media talks...
- CHF 27.46
- CHF 27.46
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