Explore our collection of education books and early education books at our online bookstore, including top titles for teachers and Pearson Education textbooks. Discover must-read and best-selling educational reads that provide valuable insights and resources for teaching and learning.
Next Level LeadershipNext Level Leadership From Dishwasher to Franchise Owner21 Lessons That Took My Career To The Next Level I've spent my entire career in the restaurant business. I've worked every position from the dish pit to the executive office. I've managed single units and supported...
- CHF 38.82
- CHF 38.82
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Half My Life: Special in Many WaysJordan is a loving, intelligent, and energetic boy who, at a very young age, was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. As a result, he is significantly limited in communication skills, social development, and academic progress. Additionally, Jordan and his family sometimes have to contend...
- CHF 38.77
- CHF 38.77
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Inventors: Black Historical FiguresThere are twenty-five Inventors in this book. Giving you a little insight on each of them. You are guaranteed to learn history that was made but not taught or celebrated. Get your copy today and be amazed at what these individuals have accomplished. Filled...
- CHF 24.25
- CHF 24.25
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世界的大千 张大千绘画精品集萃 Chang Dai-Chien A Cosmopolitan and HChang Dai-chien, deservedly the "Dai-chien of the World," has drawn the "Dai-chien World," and his name and paintings have soared worldwide and presented a wonderful art world. Throughout the ages, Chang Dai-Chien has been the world's only treasure. Therefore, valuing the study and dissemination...
- CHF 112.62
- CHF 112.62
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Professions: Black Historical FiguresThere are twenty-five professions in this book. Giving you a little insight on each of them. You are guaranteed to learn history that was made but not taught or celebrated. Get your copy today and be amazed at what these individuals have accomplished. Filled...
- CHF 24.25
- CHF 24.25
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La tromba nella trattatistica musicale del XVII secoloQuesto libro accompagner il lettore in un breve approfondimento della trattatistica per tromba del XVII secolo, il tutto preceduto da un viaggio storico che proceder dall'antichit sino all'epoca barocca. Sar molto utile a tutti gli allievi dei Conservatori italiani, iscritti ai corsi accademici di...
- CHF 41.06
- CHF 41.06
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The Slaves of Immanuel Kant: An Analysis of Kant's Idealism and Its Corrosive Effect on America's First CollegesDid you know that the first colleges of America were all Christian colleges that prepared their students not only for this life but for the eternal life to come? Sadly, these schools today are effectively atheistic.How did this change happen, and was it justified?...
- CHF 62.04
- CHF 62.04
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Daily Reading Comprehension Grade 3Students will hone essential reading comprehension skills with this must-have resource. Each selection encourages students to read with a purpose. Follow up questions emphasize making connections, inferences and synthesizing what students have read. Graphic organizers for extended learning are also included.Author: David MacDonaldPublisher: Chalkboard...
- CHF 24.58
- CHF 24.58
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Daily Reading Comprehension Grade 4Students will hone essential reading comprehension skills with this must-have resource. Each selection encourages students to read with a purpose. Follow up questions emphasize making connections, inferences and synthesizing what students have read. Graphic organizers for extended learning are also included.Author: David MacDonald, Elizabeth...
- CHF 24.58
- CHF 24.58
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Changes Facing CaitlinIn a NEW and exciting approach, hormone characters help our children learn about how their body changes when growing upUnderstanding How Changes Happen to the Human Body When Girls Go Into Adulthood - A Story Book With A Practical ApproachCaitlin is a thirteen-year-old that...
- CHF 59.52
- CHF 59.52
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This May Be Difficult to Read: But You Really Should (for your child's sake)There's no baby Einsteins in cribs anymore, our babies can't read, and no one is still hooked on phonics - so what's left? This may be difficult to read, but we haven't been selling reading skills very well... Our society has put a premium...
- CHF 25.88
- CHF 25.88
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Effective Helping: Interviewing and Counseling TechniquesLearn the skills and strategies you need to be an effective and empathic helper with EFFECTIVE HELPING: INTERVIEWING AND COUNSELING TECHNIQUES, Eighth Edition. Today's helpers must have a wider, more diverse range of knowledge and skills than ever before-including an understanding of culturally diverse...
- CHF 356.53
- CHF 356.53
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A Study of Selected British Dystopian NovelsDystopian novels examine the fate of an individual in a technologically advanced society. 'Utopia' is defined as an ideally perfect place, especially in its social, political, and moral aspects. The exact definition, given in the Oxford dictionary for Utopia is, 'an imagined place or...
- CHF 41.42
- CHF 41.42
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Searching for Happiness?Happiness is a common goal that everyone strives to attain. Philosophers, intellectuals, doctors, and artists alike have all strived in search of the causes of happiness and ways to escape anxiety.The truth is that does not deny any human being stripped of passions: that...
- CHF 34.95
- CHF 34.95
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Star Figures Plane and Three-Dimensional with Physical ApplicationsThe book makes use of mathematics to characterize plane and three-dimensional star figures beginning with the familiar 5-point star and continuing through N-point star figures. Included in the analyses are the development of conditions under which a three-dimensional star can be constructed by folding...
- CHF 34.94
- CHF 34.94
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Ponderings with Roy & Irv"Doug Rucker's latest, and perhaps final opus, is a touching, thoughtful, and often-humorous compilation of "found" essays and poems about life, aging, the universe and the meaning of it all, presented as a lively conversation between old friends."Author: Doug RuckerPublisher: Helane Designs, Inc.Published: 11/17/2022Pages:...
- CHF 61.50
- CHF 61.50
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ABC Facilitated Reading: Teach Reading At HomeABC Facilitated Reading is a how-to book for reading literacy. It effectively addresses crazy English spelling in a simple, interactive process that parents, grandparents, caregivers, and learners all enjoy. Part One is an ABC Picture Book that introduces a range of sounds letters can...
- CHF 43.06
- CHF 43.06
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State Board Exam Review for the Esthetician StudentOur Esthetician practice exams are designed to help Esthetics students and graduates prepare for the written state board licensing exam. In order to practice professionally as an esthetician, you will first need to pass an esthetician exam. To assist in increasing your knowledge in...
- CHF 26.68
- CHF 26.68
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Exploring the Diversification Discount: A Focus on High-Technology Target FirmsWhen firms choose to acquire others, those acquisitions can either be considered diversifying or non-diversifying. Whether the firm diversifies or not has been shown to affect the post-acquisition performance of that firm. Past merger and acquisition (MA) research has identified a diversification discount when...
- CHF 100.43
- CHF 100.43
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The Unspoken Arabic: Arabic Alphabet for beginnersThe Arabic Alphabet workbook is the only book you need to master handwriting the Arabic letters. It uses a scaffolding learning method that starts from the low to the higher level in an illustration approach to make it easier and more fun.Author: Mohamed MoghazyPublisher:...
- CHF 108.21
- CHF 108.21
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