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Heil dir im Siegerkranz!: ErzählungHeil dir im Siegerkranz!: Erzählung - (Zweite Auflage) Sie war eine alte Jungfer, das heit eine berzhlige Kreatur in der Schpfung, ein Gegenstand des Mitleids fr reife ein Gegenstand des Gespttes fr unreife Mnner, fr viele von Familiensorgen berbrdete, sich zwischen unharmonischen ehelichen Zustnden...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 50.89- CHF 5.66
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Bull-dog Drummond: The Adventures of a Demobilised Officer Who Found Peace DullBull-dog Drummond: The Adventures of a Demobilised Officer Who Found Peace DullTitle: Bull-Dog Drummond The Adventures of a Demobilized Officer Who Found Peace Dull Author: H. C. (Herman Cyril) McNeile Release Date: September 10, 2015 [EBook #49935] Language: English Character set encoding: UTF-8 In...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 50.89- CHF 5.66
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A Bullet for CinderellaA Bullet for Cinderella"And we'll have to be very careful," he answered. "He likes the night. He even likes us right now, waiting for us to come out, to give him the pleasure of killing us. Killing ... that's really his only pleasure." A...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 50.89- CHF 5.66
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Der kleine Ritter (Herr Wolodyjowski): Historischer RomanDer kleine Ritter (Herr Wolodyjowski): Historischer RomanNach dem ungarischen Kriege, nach welchem die Trauung des Herrn Andreas Kmiziz mit Frulein Alexandra Billewitsch stattgefunden hatte, sollte auch der nicht minder berhmte und um die Republik ebenso verdiente Ritter Herr Georg Michael Wolodyjowski mit Frulein Anna...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 50.89- CHF 5.66
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Pearl-Fishing Choice Stories from Dickens' Household Words First SeriesPearl-Fishing; Choice Stories from Dickens' Household Words; First SeriesThat work has had a smaller circulation in this country than its merits entitle it to, in consequence of its being issued in such form as to make it troublesome to preserve the numbers, and have...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 50.89- CHF 5.66
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The Land of Promise: A Comedy in Four ActsThe Land of Promise: A Comedy in Four ActsScene: The drawing-room at Miss Wickhams house in Tunbridge Wells. It is a room in which there is too much furniture. There are armchairs covered with faded chintz, little tables here and there, cabinets containing china,...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 50.89- CHF 5.66
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The 10th Man: A Tragic Comedy in Three ActsThe Tenth Man: A Tragic Comedy in Three ActsThe Performing Rights of this play are fully protected, and permission to perform it, whether by Amateurs or Professionals, must be obtained in advance from the authors Sole Agent, R. Golding Bright, 20 Green Street, Leicester...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 50.89- CHF 5.66
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My Adventures During the Late WarMy Adventures During the Late War - A narrative of shipwreck, captivity, escapes from French prisons, and sea service in 1804-14While engaged during the last ten years in the task of mastering the original authorities for the history of the Napoleonic wars, I have...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 50.89- CHF 5.66
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My Lady Nobody: A NovelMy Lady Nobody: A NovelGods Angel of Human Love sat alone in the garden of lilies. Her arms hung listless among the blooms she had gathered into her lap. For her eyessole mirrors of the Inapproachable Presencewere gazing steadfastly down upon the darkness, deep...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 50.89- CHF 5.66
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Il Cavaliere dello Spirito Santo: Storia d'una giornataIl Cavaliere dello Spirito Santo: Storia d'una giornata Una dolce sera mediterranea cadeva su la focense capitale dei Massalioti, or divenuta Marsiglia di Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde, sotto lo scettro imperatorio di Raimondo I. La citt incurvata sul duplice suo porto, come sul gemino seno la madre...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 50.89- CHF 5.66
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A Day Well Spent: A Farce, in One ActA Day Well Spent: A Farce, in One ActIt is with the greatest pleasure, I dedicate to you a Farce, the success of which is so much to be attributed to your exertions. Accept my most hearty thanks for your inimitable performance of the...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 50.89- CHF 5.66
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Der Postsekretär im Himmel, und andere GeschichtenDer Postsekretär im Himmel, und andere GeschichtenSeine Seele schickte sich jedoch nicht sogleich zur Reise an, sondern sie gab wohl acht, ob den irdischen Resten auch alle bliche Ehre widerfahre, und zhlte und prfte die Krnze, welche von einigen Verwandten, auch vom Stammtisch im...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 50.89- CHF 5.66
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The Robber, A TaleThe Robber, A Tale.It was in the olden time of merry England--not at that far removes period when our native land first received its jocund name from the bowmen of Sherwood, and when the yeoman or the franklin, who had wandered after some knightly...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 50.89- CHF 5.66
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How the Poor Live; and, Horrible LondonHow the Poor Live; and, Horrible London - 1889 The papers which form this volume appeared originally in The Pictorial World and The Daily News. The interest now evinced in the great question of Housing the Poor leads me to hope that they will...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 50.89- CHF 5.66
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Ahi, Giacometta, la tua ghirlandella!Ahi, Giacometta, la tua ghirlandella! Agli uomini cortesi, di belle e avvedute lettere, ai cacamillesimi, agli speziali della letteratura e a tutti coloro i quali han giudicato dell'opera mia con furiosa malevolenza, con languida acquiescenza o con savonaroliana anima piagnona! ai molti parlatori e...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 50.89- CHF 5.66
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Niebla (Nivola)Niebla (Nivola)Se empea don Miguel de Unamuno en que ponga yo un prlogo a este su libro en que se relata la tan lamentable historia de mi buen amigo Augusto Prez y su misteriosa muerte, y yo no puedo menos sino escribirlo, porque los...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 50.89- CHF 5.66
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De Abbé ConstantijnDe Abbé ConstantijnEen groot meester als Ludovic Halvy behoeft niet aan het publiek voorgesteld te worden. Ieder kent hem als novellist en librettist, een volbloed Parijzenaar, bekende figuur op de boulevards, die het in geestigheid nog wint van Anatole France, Aurlien Scholl, en Flicien...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 50.89- CHF 5.66
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Pygmalion and the ImagePygmalion and the Imageith the exception of "The Doom of King Acrisius," "Pygmalion and the Image" is the only poem of The Earthly Paradise for the illustration of which Burne-Jones actually executed a complete series of pictures; and though the finished paintings are but...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 50.89- CHF 5.66
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La sorteLa sorte La presente edizione della Sorte non una semplice ristampa del volume pubblicato con questo titolo nel 1887. Alle prime sette novelle, ritoccate qua e l, se n' aggiunta una nuova; e per rendere meglio evidente l'unit d'ispirazione con cui furono scritte, sono...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 50.89- CHF 5.66
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Addie's Husband or, Through clouds to sunshineAddie's Husband; or, Through clouds to sunshine"I'm to marry a gentleman, brother Hal? Well, I guess I've no particular objection! Whenever he comes, he will find me ready to do him homage, and no mistake! Can't you tell me more about him? 'A gentleman'...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 50.89- CHF 5.66
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