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The Mentor: Famous English Poets, Vol. 1, Num. 44, Serial No. 44The Mentor: Famous English Poets, Vol. 1, Num. 44, Serial No. 44Modern English poetry is rich not only in its quality, but in its variety, both of theme and of manner. The exuberant imagination and splendid profusion of Swinburne are in striking contrast with...
- CHF 5.67
CHF 50.96- CHF 5.67
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Personal Sketches of His Own Times, Vol. 3 (of 3)Personal Sketches of His Own Times, Vol. 3 (of 3)To experience the approbation of the public in general must ever be gratifying to the author of any literary work, however humble may be its subject: such has been my fortunate lot as to the...
- CHF 5.67
CHF 50.96- CHF 5.67
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Personal Sketches of His Own Times, Vol. 2 (of 3)Personal Sketches of His Own Times, Vol. 2 (of 3)The general approbation of a literary work must be highly gratifying to any Author. But the cordial approval of an eminent individual, whose grave, sound judgment, and profound erudition, give authenticity to his opinions, affords...
- CHF 5.67
CHF 50.96- CHF 5.67
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Personal Sketches of His Own Times, Vol. 1 (of 3)Personal Sketches of His Own Times, Vol. 1 (of 3)This trifle, the pastime of a winters evening, is presentedto a person of whom I have long held the highest opinion among the circle of my friends and the crowd of my contemporaries, and for...
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CHF 50.96- CHF 5.67
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La Marquise de SadeLa Marquise de SadeLa petite fille se faisait tirer par le bras, car la chaleur de ce mois de juillet tait vraiment suffocante. Elle voyait, de loin en loin, des places trs dsirables dans les fosss de la route, des places o une petite...
- CHF 5.67
CHF 50.96- CHF 5.67
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The Profligate: A Play in Four ActsThe Profligate: A Play in Four ActsIt is now more than four years since The Profligate was written, and in the interval we have seen many conflicting influences at work upon the theatre, many signs of progress; but in June 1887, although the dramatic...
- CHF 5.67
CHF 50.96- CHF 5.67
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The Unknown A Play in Three ActsThe Unknown; A Play in Three ActsThe author ventures to suggest to the readers of this play that he makes no pretensions to throw a new light on any of the questions which are discussed in it, nor has he attempted to offer a...
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CHF 50.96- CHF 5.67
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Erämiehet: Historiallinen kertomus PirkkalanpohjastaErämiehet: Historiallinen kertomus PirkkalanpohjastaYlsatakunnan vainioilla ja lehdoissa oli kevt hernnyt. Tuores nurmi harsoi kedot, maa tihkui ylenpalttisesta nesteest, valkovartisten koivujen punaisissa virviss piirotti uusi lehti. Vesituuli leuhutti kevn vkev tuoksua kylst kyln. Kaikki olivat rientneet kyttmn hyvkseen otollista hetke. Peltokalut oli viety ulos, pellot...
- CHF 5.67
CHF 50.96- CHF 5.67
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Le Roi au Masque d'OrLe Roi au Masque d'OrIl y a dans ce livre des masques et des figures couvertes; un roi masqu d'or, un sauvage au mufle de fourrure, des routiers italiens la face pestifre et des routiers franais avec des faux visages, des galriens heaumes de...
- CHF 5.67
CHF 50.96- CHF 5.67
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La QuimeraLa QuimeraHaba prescindido en mis novelas de todo prefacio, advertencia, aclaracin prlogo, entregndolas mondas y lirondas al lector, que all las interpretase su antojo, puesto que tanta molestia quisiera tomarse; y esta costumbre seguira en La Quimera si, apenas iniciada su publicacin por la...
- CHF 5.67
CHF 50.96- CHF 5.67
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Brief Diversions: Being Tales, Travesties and EpigramsBrief Diversions: Being Tales, Travesties and EpigramsNEARLY all these pieces have appeared in the Cambridge Review, and I thank the Editor for his courtesy in allowing me to reprint them. A few travesties and epigrams have been added, and others have been revised. Most...
- CHF 5.67
CHF 50.96- CHF 5.67
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Aura: 5-näytöksinen näytelmäAura: 5-näytöksinen näytelmäREETU AHKIO, tehtaalainen, ikpuoli, hiljainen, vakava, toisissa naimisissa oleva mies. AURA, hnen vaimonsa, nuori, pulska nainen. MANU TUULENSUU, tehtaan isnnitsijn renki, puolivliss kolmattakymment oleva, komea, vilkas ja ovela mies. LAINA TELSO, ei viel kahtakymment tyttnyt sievhk puotitytt tehtaan osuuskaupassa. HELENA HKKINEN, keski-ikinen...
- CHF 5.67
CHF 50.96- CHF 5.67
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Orchard and VineyardOrchard and VineyardSome of these poems have already appeared in The London Mercury, The Observer, Country Life, The Womans Leader, The Anglo-French Review; to the editors of these papers I am indebted for permission to republish. [The scene is laid in a circular space...
- CHF 5.67
CHF 50.96- CHF 5.67
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Teste quadreTeste quadre Di recente in Francia un dramma del signor Ponsard ha subitamente rialzata la fama di Galileo, che giacevasi ancora dei colpi datile, or fa qualche anno, dall'Arago. Oggi col un gran parlare e discutere sopra di lui, la sua vita, l'ingegno, l'opere...
- CHF 5.67
CHF 50.96- CHF 5.67
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Florence Nightingale to Her NursesFlorence Nightingale to Her Nurses - A selection from Miss Nightingale's addresses to probationers and nurses of the Nightingale school at St. Thomas's hospitalBetween 1872 and 1900 Miss Nightingale used, when she was able, to send an annual letter or address to the probationer-nurses...
- CHF 5.67
CHF 84.08- CHF 5.67
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How to Settle Accounts with your Laundress: An Original Farce, in One ActHow to Settle Accounts with your Laundress: An Original Farce, in One ActEXITS AND ENTRANCES.R. means Right; L. Left; D.F. Door in Flat; R.D. Right Door; L.D. Left Door; S.E. Second Entrance; U.E. Upper Entrance; M.D. Middle Door; L.U.E. Left Upper Entrance; R.U.E. Right...
- CHF 5.67
CHF 50.96- CHF 5.67
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Jean BaroisJean BaroisVotre nom, au seuil de ces pages, n'est pas seulement le tmoignage du respectueux et vivace attachement que je vous porte depuis vingt ans. Je suis assur qu'il me vaudra, de tous ceux qui connaissent la noblesse de votre pense et le riche...
- CHF 5.67
CHF 50.96- CHF 5.67
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Briefe aus Aulestad an seine Tochter Bergliot IbsenBriefe aus Aulestad an seine Tochter Bergliot Ibsen Der grte Teil dieser Briefe ist in den Jahren 1887 bis 1890 geschrieben. Der Zeitraum ist kurz, aber gerade aus diesem Grunde verstrkt sich der Gesamteindruck. Als ich sie von neuem durchlas, berraschte es mich, welch...
- CHF 5.67
CHF 50.96- CHF 5.67
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Uusi katakombi ja muita kertoelmiaUusi katakombi ja muita kertoelmiaNuo kaksi kuuluisaa romalaisten muinaisjnnsten tutkijaa istuivat kahden kesken Kennedyn mukavassa kamarissa, jonka ikkunat olivat Corsolle pin. Y oli kylm, ja kumpainenkin oli vetnyt tuolinsa kehnon italialaisen uunin luo, joka lmmn asemesta pikemmin loi tunkkaisen kehn ymprilleen. Ulkopuolella levisi vilkkuvien...
- CHF 5.67
CHF 50.96- CHF 5.67
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Puck on PegasusPuck on Pegasus - Fourth Edition The custom of inditing a preface is one which is perhaps more honoured in the breach than in the observance: nevertheless, I cannot allow the present opportunity to pass without returning my hearty thanks and acknowledgments to my...
- CHF 5.67
CHF 50.96- CHF 5.67
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