Old Is Gold
Isis: RomanIsis: RomanIsis est le titre d'un ensemble d'ouvrages qui paratront, si je dois l'esprer, de courts intervalles: c'est la formule collective d'une srie de romans philosophiques; c'est l'X d'un problme et d'un idal; c'est le grand inconnu. L'uvre se dfinira d'elle-mme, une fois acheve....
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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La fêteLa fêteIls taient comme d'une autre race, si dissemblables, si peu crs, on l'aurait dit, pour quelque heurt passionnel, fatal, o le cur se donne tout entier, s'offre perdment aux sacrifices d'amour, que nul ne se serait jamais imagin qu'ils auraient mme la vague...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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Συρανό δε ΜπερζεράκΣυρανό δε Μπερζεράκ . , , , , , , , . , , , . , . , . . , . . . . , . , , , , , , , , . , , , . . , ,...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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Reminiscences of Anton ChekhovReminiscences of Anton ChekhovSome corrections of spelling and punctuation have been made. They are marked like this in the text. The original text appears when hovering the cursor over the marked text. A list of amendments is at the end of the text. Once...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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The Sixty-First SecondThe Sixty-First SecondIn the year 19, toward the end of the month of October, the country was on the eve of a stupendous panic. A period of swollen prosperity had just ended in which Titans had striven in a frenzy for the millions that...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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Cedric, the ForesterCedric, the ForesterThat was a blithe spring morning when the messenger from the King brought to my father the order to join the army at Lincoln for the great expedition into Scotland. Six armored knights with their squires and a hundred men-at-arms made up...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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L'Instruction Publique en France et en Italie au dix-neuvième siècleL'Instruction Publique en France et en Italie au dix-neuvième siècleGot de la socit franaise sous Napolon Ier pour la langue italienne, que de sots propos et des mesures oppressives semblaient menacer.Reprsentation de nos pices de thtre, et enseignement de notre langue en Italie.Napolon Ier...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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Americanisms and Briticisms with other essays on other ismsAmericanisms and Briticisms; with other essays on other isms N a novel written in the last decade but one of the nineteenth century by an Australian lady in collaboration with a member of Parliament, one of the characters stops another "to ask for the...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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Rosmersholm: Schauspiel in vier AufzügenRosmersholm: Schauspiel in vier AufzügenSchreibweise und Interpunktion des Originaltextes wurden bernommen; lediglich offensichtliche Druckfehler wurden korrigiert. nderungen sind im Text so gekennzeichnet. Der Originaltext erscheint beim berfahren mit der Maus. Eine Liste der vorgenommenen nderungen findet sich am Ende des Textes. Das Wohnzimmer auf...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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The ghosts of their ancestorsThe ghosts of their ancestorshere was a clanging, brassy melody upon the air. For three-score years since York of the Scarlet Coats died, and the tune "God Save the King" floated for the last time out of tavern door and mansion window, the bells...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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The Life of Mr. Richard SavageThe Life of Mr. Richard Savage - Who was Condemn'd with Mr. James Gregory, the last Sessions at the Old Baily, for the Murder of Mr. James Sinclair, at Robinson's Coffee-house at Charing-Cross.Every effort has been made to replicate this text as faithfully as...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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Saiban裁判 You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported to you within 90 days of receipt of the work. 1.F.3....
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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Harriet MartineauHarriet Martineau The material for this biographical and critical sketch of Harriet Martineau and her works has been drawn from a variety of sources. Some of it is quite new. Her own Autobiography was completed in 1855; and there has not hitherto been anything...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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George Alfred Henty: The Story of an Active LifeGeorge Alfred Henty: The Story of an Active LifeG.A. Henty occupied so large a place in the hearts of boys that, when his active life all too soon came to a close, it seemed desirable that those readers whom he had entertained for so...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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George EliotGeorge EliotDetailed accounts of George Eliot's life have hitherto been singularly scanty. In the dearth of published materials a considerable portion of the information contained in this biographical study has, necessarily, been derived from private sources. In visiting the places connected with George Eliot's...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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A Tree with a Bird in it:A Tree with a Bird in it: - A Symposium of Contemporary American Poets on Being Shown a Pear-tree on Which Sat a Grackle A little while since, I had the fortune to live in a house, outside of whose windows there grew a...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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Le barbier de Séville ou, la précaution inutileLe barbier de Séville; ou, la précaution inutileJ'ai l'honneur de vous offrir un nouvel Opuscule de ma faon. Je souhaite vous rencontrer dans un de ces momens heureux o, dgag de soins, content de votre sant, de vos affaires, de votre Matresse, de votre...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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TabletsTablets"I never had any desire so strong and so like to covetousness," says Cowley, "as that one which I have had always that I might be master at last of a small house and ample garden, with very moderate conveniences joined to them, and...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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Le livre de la pitié et de la mortLe livre de la pitié et de la mortIl renferme mme un long chapitre (le neuvime, pages 221 286) que je n'ai consenti livrer aucune revue, de peur qu'il ne tombt sous les yeux de gens quelconques, sans que j'aie pu les avertir. D'abord,...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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Crying for the Light Or, Fifty Years Ago. Vol. 3 [of 3]Crying for the Light; Or, Fifty Years Ago. Vol. 3 [of 3]This is the condition of humanity; we are placed as it were in an intellectual twilight where we discover but few things clearly, and yet we see enough to tempt us with the...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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