Old Is Gold
Crying for the Light Or, Fifty Years Ago. Vol. 2 [of 3]Crying for the Light; Or, Fifty Years Ago. Vol. 2 [of 3]This is the condition of humanity; we are placed as it were in an intellectual twilight where we discover but few things clearly, and yet we see enough to tempt us with the...
- CHF 5.73
CHF 11.47- CHF 5.73
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Crying for the Light Or, Fifty Years Ago. Vol. 1 [of 3]Crying for the Light; Or, Fifty Years Ago. Vol. 1 [of 3]This is the condition of humanity; we are placed as it were in an intellectual twilight where we discover but few things clearly, and yet we see enough to tempt us with the...
- CHF 5.73
CHF 11.47- CHF 5.73
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Rebel VersesRebel Verses VERSE: Lincolnshire Lays; Farming Lays; Gone To the War; War Workers. Mr. Bernard Gilbert is one of the discoveries of the War. For years, it seems, he has been writing poetry, but it is only recently that an inapprehensive country has awakened...
- CHF 5.73
CHF 11.47- CHF 5.73
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PersuasionPersuasionL il trouvait de l'occupation dans les heures de dsuvrement, et de la consolation dans les heures de chagrin. Devant ces vieux parchemins, il prouvait un sentiment de respect et d'admiration. L, toutes les sensations dsagrables provenant des affaires domestiques se changeaient en piti...
- CHF 5.73
CHF 11.47- CHF 5.73
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Triumphs of Invention and Discovery in Art and ScienceTriumphs of Invention and Discovery in Art and ScienceIt is not difficult to account for the pre-eminence, generally assigned to the victories of war over the victories of peace in popular history. The noise and ostentation which attend the former, the air of romance...
- CHF 5.73
CHF 11.47- CHF 5.73
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Das TrottelbuchDas TrottelbuchDie Betrunkenen bleiben stehen, die Lssigkeit ist aus ihren Gliedern gewichen, ein Rausch ballt sich zusammen. Sie jagen dem Tier nach, verstellen den Weg, sie schlagen mit ihren Stcken als ob das Tier schuld wre an ihrer Jugend und ihrer Betrunkenheit, so schlagen...
- CHF 5.73
CHF 11.47- CHF 5.73
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English Men of LettersDickensAt the close of a letter addressed by Dickens to his friend John Forster, but not to be found in the English editions of the Life, the writer adds to his praises of the biography of Goldsmith these memorable words: I desire no better...
- CHF 5.73
CHF 11.47- CHF 5.73
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Revisiting the EarthRevisiting the Earth CHAPTER I. Revisiting the Earth CHAPTER II. The Picture Land of the Heart CHAPTER III. The Dearest Spot on Earth to Me CHAPTER IV. The Land of Used-to-be CHAPTER V. Seen Through the Long Vista of Departed Years CHAPTER VI. Where...
- CHF 5.73
CHF 11.47- CHF 5.73
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The Puddleford Papers Or, Humors of the WestThe Puddleford Papers; Or, Humors of the WestMany years have passed since Puddleford was first published. In the meanwhile the world has turned round and round, and so has Puddleford. The book, too, has been growing in size, from time to time, and some...
- CHF 5.73
CHF 11.47- CHF 5.73
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A Discourse on the Evils of DancingA Discourse on the Evils of Dancing Harrisburg, March 11, A. D. 1846. Rev. John F. MesickDear Sir: On last Sabbath evening, 8th inst., you preached a sermon to our congregation on "The Evils of Dancing." As this is a custom which is in...
- CHF 5.73
CHF 11.47- CHF 5.73
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Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign: A Book of AppreciationsWomen Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign: A Book of AppreciationsHaving been concerned for many years in the publication of works of fiction by feminine writers, it has occurred to us to offer, as our contribution to the celebration of "the longest Reign," a volume...
- CHF 5.73
CHF 11.47- CHF 5.73
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Amitié amoureuseAmitié amoureuseQuoiqu'il traite de l'amour, ce petit volume n'est point un roman, et surtout n'est pas amusant comme un roman. C'est tout uniment une description exacte et scientifique d'une sorte de folie trs rare en France. L'empire des convenances, qui s'accrot tous les jours,...
- CHF 5.73
CHF 11.47- CHF 5.73
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The Cup of Trembling, and Other StoriesThe Cup of Trembling, and Other StoriesHis nearest way was by an unfrequented road that led to the Dreadnaught, a lofty and now abandoned mine that had struck the vein three thousand feet above the valley, but the ore, being low-grade, could never be...
- CHF 5.73
CHF 11.47- CHF 5.73
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Marital Power Exemplified in Mrs. Packard's Trial, and Self-Defence from the Charge of InsanityMarital Power Exemplified in Mrs. Packard's Trial, and Self-Defence from the Charge of InsanityA brief narrative of the events which occasioned the following Trial seems necessary as an Introduction to it, and are here presented for the kind readers candid consideration. It was in...
- CHF 5.73
CHF 11.47- CHF 5.73
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The English Stage: Being an Account of the Victorian DramaThe English Stage: Being an Account of the Victorian DramaThe French public has heard a great deal about modern English poets, novelists, statesmen, and philosophers. What is the reason that it hears nothing, or next to nothing, about the English drama? Your first impulse...
- CHF 5.73
CHF 30.28- CHF 5.73
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The Heiress a comedy, in five actsThe Heiress; a comedy, in five acts The author of this play was an elegant writer, and a brave soldieryet, as an author he had faults, and as a general failures. His life was eventful; and he appears to have had, among his other...
- CHF 5.73
CHF 11.47- CHF 5.73
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- CHF 5.73
CHF 18.93- CHF 5.73
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The Widow Barnaby. Vol. 3 (of 3)The Widow Barnaby. Vol. 3 (of 3)Mrs. Barnaby's horror on recovering her senses (for she really did fall into a swoon) was in very just proportion to the extent of the outlay her noble vision had cost her. To Miss Morrison, who had listened...
- CHF 5.73
CHF 11.47- CHF 5.73
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The Widow Barnaby. Vol. 2 (of 3)The Widow Barnaby. Vol. 2 (of 3)Though it was two minutes and a half past the time named for dinner when Agnes made her appearance, she found her aunt's temper very slightly acerbated by the delay, for the delightful recollections of her morning expedition...
- CHF 5.73
CHF 11.47- CHF 5.73
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The Widow Barnaby. Vol. 1 (of 3)The Widow Barnaby. Vol. 1 (of 3)The elder of these ladies is the person I propose to present to my readers as the heroine of my story; but, ere she is placed before them in the station assigned her in my title-page, it will...
- CHF 5.73
CHF 11.47- CHF 5.73
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