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The Story of the Scottish Covenants in OutlineThe Story of the Scottish Covenants in OutlineThis short sketch was written as an Introduction to the recent edition of the late Rev. J. H. Thomsons Martyr Graves of Scotland. The publishers having now resolved to issue my sketch separately as a convenient summary...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.64- CHF 5.82
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The American Missionary — Volume 32, No. 05, May, 1878The American Missionary — Volume 32, No. 05, May, 1878may be sent to H. W. Hubbard, 56 Reade Street, New York, or, when more convenient, to either of the branch offices, 21 Congregational House, Boston, Mass., 112 West Washington Street, Chicago, Ill. Drafts or...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.64- CHF 5.82
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Histoire des origines du christianisme, livre 2Les apôtresLe premier livre de notre Histoire des Origines du christianisme a conduit les vnements jusqu' la mort et l'ensevelissement de Jsus. Il faut maintenant reprendre les choses au point o nous les avons laisses, c'est--dire au samedi 4 avril de l'an 33. Ce...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.64- CHF 5.82
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The American Missionary — Volume 32, No. 04, April 1878The American Missionary — Volume 32, No. 04, April 1878may be sent to H. W. Hubbard, 56 Reade Street, New York, or, when more convenient, to either of the branch offices, 21 Congregational House, Boston, Mass., 112 West Washington Street, Chicago, Ill. Drafts or...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.64- CHF 5.82
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The American Missionary — Volume 32, No. 02, February, 1878The American Missionary — Volume 32, No. 02, February, 1878may be sent to H. W. Hubbard, 56 Reade Street, New York, or, when more convenient, to either of the branch offices, 21 Congregational House, Boston, Mass., 112 West Washington Street, Chicago, Ill. Drafts or...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.64- CHF 5.82
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The American Missionary — Volume 32, No. 01, January, 1878The American Missionary — Volume 32, No. 01, January, 1878may be sent to H. W. Hubbard, 56 Reade Street, New York, or, when more convenient, to either of the branch offices, 21 Congregational House, Boston, Mass., 112 West Washington Street, Chicago, Ill. Drafts or...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.64- CHF 5.82
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Vähäinen kertomus Muinais-Suomalaisten pyhistä menoistaVähäinen kertomus Muinais-Suomalaisten pyhistä menoistaKussakin kansassa her jo aikaseen joku jumaluuden tieto ja ksitys. Vaan kukali sukukunta edestyy sivistyksen tiell, sikli muuttuu ja muodostuu entinen uskoutensakin; ja jommoinen kansa tietonsa ja laatunsa puolesta itse ompi, arvoin semmoisia ovat ne jumalatkin, joita se mielessns kuvaelee...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 18.62- CHF 5.82
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Smithson's Theory of Special CreationSmithson's Theory of Special CreationA critical reader of the works of Darwin, Huxley, Spencer, Haeckel, Romanes, Weismann, Mivart, Cope and other writers, on organic evolution, will find that there is much diversity in the views of these writers. Darwin believes that the first one,...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 18.62- CHF 5.82
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Torquemada and the Spanish Inquisition: A HistoryTorquemada and the Spanish Inquisition: A HistoryThe history of Frey Tmas de Torquemada is the history of the establishment of the Modern Inquisition. It is not so much the history of a man as of an abstract genius presiding over a gigantic and cruel...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.64- CHF 5.82
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Twice-born Men in AmericaTwice-born Men in America - or, The Psychology of Conversion as Seen by a Christian Psychologist in Rescue Mission WorkI taught psychology for fifteen years at the Atchison Institute, the predecessor of Midland College, located at Atchison, Kan. I was there greatly impressed by...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.64- CHF 5.82
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The MentorThe Mentor - A little book for the guidance of such men and boys as would appear to advantage in the society of persons of the better sortTo be welcome in the society of persons of the better sort, who are always persons of...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.64- CHF 5.82
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Elämän tarkoitus ja arvoElämän tarkoitus ja arvoJohdanto. Ajan vastaukset. Vanhemmat elmnksitykset. Uskonto. Immanenttinen idealismi. Uudemmat elmnmuodostukset. Tykulttuuri. Vlittmn maailmaan supistuvan kulttuurin elmnkuvat. Naturalistinen ja intellektualistinen elmnprobleemin ratkaisu. Pelkn ihmiskulttuurin riittmttmyys. Harkintaa ja valmistelua. Thnastisen tutkimuksen tulos. Vallitsevan tilan sekavuus. Positiivisen knteen valmistelu. Rakentamiskoe. Peruskeh. Pvite. Elmn lujittaminen....
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.64- CHF 5.82
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Geology and RevelationGeology and Revelation - or, the Ancient History of the Earth, considered in the geological facts and revealed religion.Dr. Molloy has, in the present work, made an important contribution to a department of scientific and theologic literature, which has already been enriched by the...
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CHF 11.64- CHF 5.82
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Jean Jacques Rousseau ja hänen filosofiansaJean Jacques Rousseau ja hänen filosofiansaI Rousseaun herminen ja hnen elmnkysymyksens II Rousseau ja hnen tunnustuksensa III Elm, Luonne ja Teokset 1. Nuoruus 2. Rousseau ja rouva De Worens 3. Oleskelu Parisissa 4. Rikkautuminen ensyklopedistein kanssa 5. Rikkautuminen Voltairen kanssa 6. Rousseaun ptkset ja...
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CHF 11.64- CHF 5.82
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Revelations of Divine LoveRevelations of Divine LoveDomini, refugium factus es nobis, a generatione in generationem. Respice in servos tuos, et in opera tua: et dirige filios eorum. Et sit splendor Domini Dei nostri super nos, et opera manuum nostrarum dirige super nos: et opus manuum nostrarum dirige....
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CHF 11.64- CHF 5.82
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Antikristus: Arvostelukoe kristinopistaAntikristus: Arvostelukoe kristinopistaTm kirja kuuluu harvimmille. Tuskin yksikn sen lukijoista on viel syntynyt. Ne ovat niit, jotka ymmrtvt Zarathustrani: kuinka saisin sekoittaa itseni sellaisiin, jotka jo tnn saavat kuulijoita? Vasta ylihuomenna on minun aikani. Muutamat syntyvt isn kuoltua. Ne ehdot, joilla minua ymmrretn, ja...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.64- CHF 5.82
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Reformed LogicReformed Logic - A System Based on Berkeley's Philosophy with an Entirely New Method of DialecticPhilosophies are either Ideal or Substantial. The ideal are those which resolve all things, actual and possible, into thought or consciousness. They seek to find in consciousness the reason...
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CHF 11.64- CHF 5.82
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Life of John Knox, Fifth Edition, Vol. 2 of 2Life of John Knox, Fifth Edition, Vol. 2 of 2 - Containing Illustrations of the History of the Reformation in Scotland This book was written in a period when many words had not become standardized in their spelling. Words may have multiple spelling variations...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.64- CHF 5.82
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Life of John Knox, Fifth Edition, Vol. 1 of 2Life of John Knox, Fifth Edition, Vol. 1 of 2 - Containing Illustrations of the History of the Reformation in Scotland In preparing this work for a second impression, Ihave endeavoured carefully to correct mistakes which had escaped me in the first, both as...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.64- CHF 5.82
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A Bible History of BaptismA Bible History of BaptismThe history of the ritual ordinances of Gods appointment is full of painful interest. Passing any reference to the times preceding the transactions of Sinai,the institutions then given to Israel constituted a system of transparent, significance, perfect in the congruous...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.64- CHF 5.82
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