Public Domain
Nicaraguan AntiquitiesNicaraguan AntiquitiesNicaragua is a very rich field for research to the student of American Archology, and so I found it during my two years stay in Central America. I had there the good fortune several times to meet with localities more or less rich...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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The Epistles on the Romance of the Rose, and other documents in the debateThe Epistles on the Romance of the Rose, and other documents in the debateFrom its first appearance the Roman de la Rose enjoyed great vogue. We observe in this connection the glowing tributes of contemporary and succeeding writers, the numerous manuscripts, which compensate for...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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The Pharaohs and Their People: Scenes of old Egyptian life and historyThe Pharaohs and Their People: Scenes of old Egyptian life and historyThe growing interest that is felt in all that concerns Egypt and its past has led me to hope that there may be many who will be glad of a book containing, in...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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The story of my childhoodThe story of my childhoodOur classes in The History of the United States are studying about you, and we want to know more. Our teacher says she has seen you. That you live in, or near Washington, District of Columbia, and that, although very...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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Tested Recipes: Waterless Cooking for Better Meals, Better HealthTested Recipes: Waterless Cooking for Better Meals, Better HealthBEFORE USING NEW UTENSILSWash them thoroughly both inside and out in hot suds. Use either soap or detergent. This removes the thin coating of oil which clings to the utensil in the manufacturing process. Rinse in...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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UltimatumUltimatumThe sheriff rubbed a palm across his drooping mustaches and looked doubtfully at the old man who sat on the edge of the cell bunk, the bald dome of his head cradled dejectedly in his hands. "You couldn't rightly say there is a charge,...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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The Romance of the Forest, interspersed with some pieces of poetryThe Romance of the Forest, interspersed with some pieces of poetry. When once sordid interest seizes on the heart, it freezes up the source of every warm and liberal feeling; it is an enemy alike to virtue and to tastethis it perverts, and that...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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FombomboFombomboIn Caracas, Thomas Strawbridge called at the American Consulate, from a sense of duty. The consul, a weary, tropic-shot politician from Kentucky, received him with gin, cigars, and a jaded enthusiasm. He glanced at Mr. Strawbridge's business card and inquired if his visitor were...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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A History of the Comstock Silver Lode & MinesA History of the Comstock Silver Lode & Mines - Nevada and the Great Basin Region; Lake Tahoe and the High SierrasThe central idea in the preparation of this little book has been to give, as concisely as possible, such information in regard to...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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Buch und Bildung: Eine AufsatzfolgeBuch und Bildung: Eine AufsatzfolgeVor einem Fest stellt man sich wohl an einen Spiegel und prft, ob der Anzug sitzt, ob die Binde in Ordnung, ob das Haar richtig liegt. Wer aber Feste richtig zu feiern versteht, der bleibt nicht bei diesen eitlen uerlichkeiten....
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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Children of IndiaChildren of IndiaIndia is a very old land, and those who live there look far back into the past. They listen to the stories that were told of men and gods in those old days, and follow the customs that were followed then. There...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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Unwelcome TenantUnwelcome TenantMaynard was dividing his attention equally between the transparent bubble that housed the Meinz pendulum and the two ports, forward and aft, that broke the steel panelling of the control cubicle. He listened critically to the measured clicking of the Geiger counters and...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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Moon of TreasonMoon of TreasonClyde Vickers shuffled awkwardly down the gangplank. After two years on Jupiter he felt buoyant as a toy balloon in the mild gravity of Earth's satellite. Every step he expected to go sailing over the heads of the other passengersup, up into...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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A Biff Brewster mystery adventure, 8Mystery of the Caribbean PearlsThe chabasco had struck with the quickness and lashing fury that is the nature of this most feared of tropical storms. A chabasco strikes without warning, with tornado-like violence, whirling and smiting and soaking. The storm ends as abruptly as...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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Cambridge physical seriesRadio-ActivityI feel that some apology is due to my readers for bringing out at such an early date a new edition which includes so much new material, and in which the rearrangement is so extensive as to constitute almost a new work. Though only...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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Australian EssaysAustralian EssaysIt would be absurd to suppose that it will not seem clear, to whatever readers this little book may find here, that one of the principal characters of the Dialogue is a man for whom we all, I think, feel more interest, admiration,...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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Eternal Zemmd Must Die!Eternal Zemmd Must Die!Lancing out of the void at light-speed, it stabbed deep into the Solar Systemand vanished. Then began corruption ... poison and hate creeping from world to world. Too late men learned a death blow had been delivered! We have remained indecisive...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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The Dead-Star RoverThe Dead-Star RoverOnly savage engines roamed that arid world, charging one another with snarling guns beneath those grinding treads. And two puny machine-less humans like Torcred and Ladna should die quickly. That they suddenly could become the most dangerous things alive must surely be...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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The True Grecian Bend: A Story in VerseThe True Grecian Bend: A Story in Verse Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1868, by J. S. REDFIELD, In the Clerks Office of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of New York. Edward O. Jenkins,...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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A barátfalvi lévita Ujabb elbeszélésekA barátfalvi lévita; Ujabb elbeszélésekMost harmincznyolcz esztendeje, hogy az Eltkozott csald czm regnyemet az olvas kznsg el bocstottam befejezetten, de mgis befejezetlenl. Annyiban egsz volt a trtnet, hogy a vezreszme kiszenvedett benne, az ellenttek sszesimultak, tokmond s tokvisel egytt bukott el s egytt megnyugodott;...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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