Public Domain
The House of Orchids, and Other PoemsThe House of Orchids, and Other PoemsAt the seas verge, near Cypress Point, in Monterey County, the rain, wind, sun and sea have shaped a crag of the Santa Lucian granite into the form of a cowled or crowned figure, bent above the surf....
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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North Italian Folk: Sketches of Town and Country LifeNorth Italian Folk: Sketches of Town and Country Life Italyabout which so much has been writtenpolitical, geographical, social, pontifical, poeticalItaly is my theme. But not the Italy of popes and priests and controversies, of civic struggles and new kingdoms, nor the Italy of tourists...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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Wild Life in New Zealand. Part I. MammaliaWild Life in New Zealand. Part I. Mammalia. - New Zealand Board of Science and Art. Manual No. 2.In a land which depends to a very large extent on agricultural and pastoral pursuits and industries some knowledge of the animal and vegetable life of...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 82.04- CHF 5.70
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Universal Brotherhood, Volume XIII, No. 10, January 1899Universal Brotherhood, Volume XIII, No. 10, January 1899 - A Magazine Devoted to the Brotherhood of Humanity, the Theosophical Movement, Philosophy, Science and ArtUniversal Brotherhood AMAGAZINE Devoted To The BrtherhdofHumanity TheThesphicalMvement PhilsphyScienceAndArt FOUNDEDIN1886UNDERTHETITLEOF THEPATHBY WQJUDGE ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number: 56761...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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De drie steden: LourdesDe drie steden: LourdesDe heer J. M. Meulenhoff verzoekt mij een kort woord ter inleiding te schrijven voor Zolas bekende serie: Lourdes, Rome, Parijs. Ik kan in deze beknopte inleiding over de literaire en dramatisch-psychologische waarde van zijn drie romans, als nawerk op de...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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A Chance for Himself or, Jack Hazard and His TreasureA Chance for Himself; or, Jack Hazard and His TreasureThe mannoticeable for his round shoulders, round puckered mouth, and two large, shining front teethwielded a stout iron bar called a crow, with which he pried up the turf-bound rocks, and helped to tumble them...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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Anton Tchekhov, and Other EssaysAnton Tchekhov, and Other EssaysIt is not to be denied that Russian thought is chiefly manifested in the great Russian novelists. Tolstoi, Dostoevsky, and Tchekhov made explicit in their works conceptions of the world which yield nothing in definiteness to the philosophic schemes of...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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Kloka Maja och andra berättelserKloka Maja och andra berättelserKloka Maja var hela den kvinnliga befolkningens oumbrliga hjlpreda och orakel. Deras frtroende till henne var lika obegrnsadt som karlarnas hat var brinnande, och det vill sga mycket. Ty deras hat var s mycket intensivare, som de icke vgade gifva...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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The Young Book Agent or, Frank Hardy's Road to SuccessThe Young Book Agent; or, Frank Hardy's Road to SuccessMany years ago the author of the present volume resolved to write a long series of books describing various phases of village and city life, taking up in their turn the struggles of the bootblacks,...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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VirradóraVirradóraA skon a tavasz, a mosolyg menyasszony, piros virggal a fejn, srgazld pzsit ruhban, nefelejts kk tavak nevet szemeivel; a tetn az agg fltkeny vlegny zuzmars szakllval, kds rosszkedvvel, jg alatt bujdokl patakereivel, a kinek nagy biztats kell, hogy rgondolja magt s letegye hsvegt...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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Nuori VenäjäNuori VenäjäNeljnnes-vuosisataa sitten pidettiin Shitnitskin kihlakuntaa Staromirskin lnin rikkaimpana alueena. Kihlakunnan pkaupunki Shitnitsa, jota vilja-aitat renkaana ympritsivt ja jossa yt-piv kaadeltiin ja ammenneltiin jyvi, muistutti nltn ainaisia markkinoita, joiden hlin kantautui yli likaisten katujen, yli kuhisevan sataman ja yli vienosti vreilevn, silen joenpoukaman, mik...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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Satanella: A Story of PunchestownSatanella: A Story of PunchestownThe speaker was a rough-looking man in a frieze coat, with wide mouth, short nose, and grey, honest Irish eyes, that twinkled with humour on occasion, though clouded for the present by disappointment, not to say disgust, and with some...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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Double Play: A Story of School and BaseballDouble Play: A Story of School and BaseballDan Vinton returned to Yardley after the Christmas vacation on an afternoon of one of those bright, warm days which sometimes happen along in the middle of Winter. As the train rumbled over the bridge, Dan caught...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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The Jolly Book of BoxcraftThe Jolly Book of BoxcraftThe Jolly Book of Boxcraft has been enlarged and rewritten from work started in May, 1909. This work was purchased by St. Nicholas, Little Folks, Good Housekeeping, The Congregationalist and Christian World, The Designer, Hollands Magazine, The Housekeeper, The Ladies...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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Tarry thou till I come or, Salathiel, the wandering JewTarry thou till I come; or, Salathiel, the wandering Jew.There has appeared from time to time in Europe, during the past thousand years, a mysterious individuala sojourner in all lands, yet a citizen of none; professing the profoundest secrets of opulence, yet generally living...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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Ruize-rijmenRuize-rijmenDeze verzameling bevat den inhoud der vijf vroegere bundels en de Rijmen, die verder in de beide Groenen en elders verschenen zijn, herzien, geschikt, geschift. Vele Rijmen heb ik geschrapt te weinig, zal menigeen misschien zeggen. t Is mogelijk; het geheele hoofdstuk Oorlogsrijmen b.v....
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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Little Stories of Married LifeLittle Stories of Married LifeOh, Henry! Pretty Mrs. Waring looked tragically across the breakfast-table at her husband, or rather at the newspaper that screened him completely from her view. Do put down that paper for a moment. I never get a chance to speak...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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The Grandeur That Was Rome: a survey of Roman culture and civilisationThe Grandeur That Was Rome: a survey of Roman culture and civilisation THENS and Rome stand side by side as the parents of Western civilisation. The parental metaphor is almost irresistible. Rome is so obviously masculine and robust, Greece endowed with so much loveliness...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 84.60- CHF 5.70
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Airplane Boys #5Airplane Boys at Platinum RiverI say, Buddy, my esophagus feels as if my pharynx is severed, Robert Caldwell remarked very soberly to his step-brother, Jim Caldwell, as the pair made their way among the gay crowd attending the Spanish-Peruvian fiesta near Cuzco. Is that...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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ElektraElektraAgamemnon, Argos s Mykene kirlya, Trja ostromra indulvn, hrom lenyt, Elektrt, Iphianasst s Chrysothemist, s fit, Orestest, otthon hagyta nejvel Klytaemnestrval, Iphigenia lenyt pedig magval vitte. De kedveztlen szelek miatt a grg hajhad knytelen volt Aulisban vesztegelni, mig a jslat ki nem jelent, hogy...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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