Public Domain
Puer romanusPuer romanusTHIS book is meant to fill the gap between a First Year Reader such as Primus Annus and the reading of an actual Latin author. It may be begun in the first term of the second year, but the authors themselves prefer to...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 51.44- CHF 5.72
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Larry Dexter and the Stolen Boy or, A Young Reporter on the LakesLarry Dexter and the Stolen Boy; or, A Young Reporter on the LakesMy Dear Boys: Most unexpected things happen to newspaper reporters. That is one reason why, in spite of the hard work attached to the profession, so many bright young lads like it....
- CHF 5.72
CHF 51.44- CHF 5.72
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Survey of the High Roads of England and Wales. Part the FirstSurvey of the High Roads of England and Wales. Part the First. - Comprising the counties of Kent, Surrey, Sussex, Hants, Wilts, Dorset, Somerset, Devon, and Cornwall. etc.Your Royal Highness having graciously condescended to extend your august patronage and protection to this work, I...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 51.44- CHF 5.72
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Harper's Young People, April 11, 1882Harper's Young People, April 11, 1882 - An Illustrated Weekly The sun in heaven was darkened when Christ the Lord was slain, And in the holy Temple the veil was rent in twain; And all His sad disciples in sorrow bowed the head; They...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 84.88- CHF 5.72
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Még egy csokrot: ElbeszélésekMég egy csokrot: ElbeszélésekKorbbi trvnyeink a prbajt csak mint trvnyes bizonytkot ismertk: mint Istenitletet. A ki olyan fbenjr bnnel volt vdolva, a mit nem lehetett r bizonytani, ktelezve volt a vdoljval letre-hallra megvvni. A prviadalt a bir rendelte el s a gyztes vdlottat rtatlannak...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 84.88- CHF 5.72
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High SocietyHigh Society - Advice as to Social Campaigning, and Hints on the Management of Dowagers, Dinners, Debutantes, Dances, and the Thousand and One Diversions of Persons of QualityNo reader will be permitted to pass beyond this page who is not actually in society. This...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 51.44- CHF 5.72
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Paint & Colour MixingPaint & Colour Mixing - A practical handbook for painters, decorators and all who have to mix colours, containing 72 samples of paint of various colours, including the principal graining grounds[5] [7] Clearly the first thing to be done before studying the subject of...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 51.44- CHF 5.72
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Esau e JacobEsau e JacobQuando o conselheiro Ayres falleceu, acharam-se lhe na secretaria sete cadernos manuscriptos, rijamente encapados em papelo. Cada um dos primeiros seis tinha o seu numero de ordem, por algarismos romanos, I, II, III, IV, V, VI, escriptos a tinta encarnada. O setimo...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 51.44- CHF 5.72
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Chronicles of Chicora WoodChronicles of Chicora WoodAs I sit in the broad piazza, watching the closing of the day, I gaze into the vistas of moss-draped giant oaks. All is mystery, the mystery of nature, the mystery of the ages. These oaks, still strong, still beautiful, have...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 51.44- CHF 5.72
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Sewage Disposal Works: Their Design and ConstructionSewage Disposal Works: Their Design and ConstructionIn approaching a subject upon which so much has already been written, it may be desirable to point out that the improvements which have taken place in recent years in connection with sewage disposal are so extensive and...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 51.44- CHF 5.72
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A Manual of Ancient HistoryA Manual of Ancient History1. The former inhabitants of our world are known to us by three kinds of evidence: (1) Written Records; (2) Architectural Monuments; (3) Fragmentary Remains. 2. Of these the first alone can be considered as true sources of History, though...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 51.44- CHF 5.72
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Nähtyä ja tunnettua: Kertoelmia ja kuvauksiaNähtyä ja tunnettua: Kertoelmia ja kuvauksiaAuringon laita painuu alas, taivaalle j vieno rusko ja tuulet liitelevt kaukana muilla mailla. Hanki on pehme, keve thtikudosta, mets henkii lumipuhtautta. Molemmin puolin tiet on puita, erikokoisia, suoria ja kyri, solakoita koivuja ja vntyneit leppi, kaikki huurteisia, hienon-hieno...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 51.44- CHF 5.72
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A Vagabond Journey Around the World: A Narrative of Personal ExperienceA Vagabond Journey Around the World: A Narrative of Personal ExperienceLaughter assailed the suggestion; yet as time rolled on I found myself often musing over that hastily conceived notion. Travel for pleasure has ever been considered a special privilege of the wealthy. That a...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 51.44- CHF 5.72
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Kaksi rakkauttaKaksi rakkauttaSalin kulmaan oli kokoontunut joukko herroja ja naisia. He istuivat piiriss, kasvot kntynein tanssiviin pin, mutta huomio thdttyn vallan toisaalle. Keskipisteen heidn joukossaan oli nuori oppinut Vitold Dargis, joka vasta oli saapunut Helsinkiin. Hnt tarkoittivat naisten hymyilyt, hnt seurasivat katseillaan herrat. Hn oli...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 84.88- CHF 5.72
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Tony the Tramp Or, Right is MightTony the Tramp; Or, Right is MightMore Alger Books are sold and they are more popular than any other line of Boys Books. Alger stands on the boys level, appeals to his heart, and what his heroes suggest or achieve is in the line...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 51.44- CHF 5.72
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Raamatun tutkisteluja 2: Aika on lähestynytRaamatun tutkisteluja 2: Aika on lähestynyt "Herran kasvoilta koittavat virvoituksen ajat; ja hn lhett Jeesuksen Kristuksen, hnet oli taivaan pidettv kaiken ennalleenasettamisen aikoihin asti, joista Jumala ammoisista ajoista asti on puhunut kaikkien pyhien profeettainsa suun kautta." "Te, veljet, ette ole pimeydess, niin ett se...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 140.05- CHF 5.72
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A Modern PurgatoryA Modern PurgatoryThis book is a record of the prison experiences of Carlo de Fornaro, artist, writer, editor, revolutionary. It is a record of experiences in the famous Tombs Prison, in New York City, and in the New York City penitentiary on Blackwell's Islanda...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 51.44- CHF 5.72
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The Irish CrisisThe Irish CrisisThe time has not yet arrived at which any man can with confidence say, that he fully appreciates the nature and the bearings of that great event which will long be inseparably associated with the year just departed. Yet we think that...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 51.44- CHF 5.72
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Harper's Round Table, April 7, 1896Harper's Round Table, April 7, 1896There are in every community young men to whom life at the desk or behind the counter is unutterably dreary and unattractive, and who long for some out-of-door occupation which shall, if possible, contain a spice of excitement. These...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 84.88- CHF 5.72
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An Everyday Girl: A StoryAn Everyday Girl: A StoryEllen settled herself on the most uncomfortable chair in the room for the simple reason that it was the only one left her, the others being occupied by her elders, relatives of various sorts. She pulled down her skimpy black...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 51.44- CHF 5.72
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