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2022 年ベストプラントベースレ シピ: 初心者ࡨ食欲をそそり、簡単に食事を準備できる、エネルギーに満ちた生活を送りたいですか?お気に入りのビーガン料理を楽しみながら、一度だけ体重を減らしたいですか?植物ベースの食事は退屈で当たり障りのないものである必要はありません。それは創造的で活発になることができます。この本は、どんな機会にも柔軟で絶対確実なレシピを提供することによって、あなたの時間と労力を節約します。まあ、答えがイエスなら、それが私がここにいる理由です。これを達成するのを助けるために、私は誰にとっても簡単で簡単にレシピを調理できる、優れた結果を得るための唯一の植物ベースのクックブックの作成に焦点を合わせました。このシンプルでありながら植物ベースのレシピ本は、あなたがあなたの健康を回復し、気分が良く、体重を減らす準備ができている、ユニークなおいしい食事を達成するのを助けます!この完全な植物ベースのクックブックは、あなたの乏しい調理時間を処理し、新しいライフスタイルに向けた最も簡単でおいしい方法を示します。心臓の健康、脂肪燃焼、全体的な健康のために植物ベースの食事療法を採用してください。これらのおいしいレシピと役立つ食事プランが道を示します。楽しみ!今すぐコピーを入手してください。Author: 陽子 三宅Publisher: Paul MayerPublished: 08/01/2022Pages: 226Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.68lbsSize: 9.00h x 6.00w x 0.48dISBN: 9781837894710Language: JapaneseThis title is not returnable
- €71,48 EUR
- €71,48 EUR
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Kompletna KsiĄŻka Kucharska Ryb I Owoców BrazylijskichKuchnia brazylijska wywodzi się z wplywów portugalskich, afrykańskich, rdzennych Amerykanów, hiszpańskich, francuskich, wloskich, japońskich i niemieckich. Różni się znacznie w zależności od regionu, odzwierciedlając mieszankę ludności rodzimej i imigrantów, a także wielkośc kontynentu. Stworzylo to kuchnię narodową naznaczoną zachowaniem różnic regionalnych. Brazylia jest największym...
- €67,23 EUR
- €67,23 EUR
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Dash Recepty 2022: Chutné Recepty Na Znízenie Krvného Tlaku a Zlepsenie Vaseho ZdraviaDASH diéta je jednoduchý a udrzateľný nástroj na vytvorenie zdravého zivotného stýlu.Zdravé stravovanie neznamená, ze sa musíte pripraviť o svoje obľúbené jedlá, aj keď trpíte hypertenziou a vysokým krvným tlakom.Musíte len vedieť, ako miesať a spájať potraviny a mať správnu veľkosť porcií, aby ste...
- €65,54 EUR
- €65,54 EUR
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Le Meilleur Livre de Recettes de Gâteaux Pour TousLa cuisson au four est le processus de cuisson à la chaleur sèche, en particulier dans une sorte de four. C'est probablement la méthode de cuisson la plus ancienne. Les produits de boulangerie, qui comprennent le pain, les petits pains, les biscuits, les tartes,...
- €70,28 EUR
- €70,28 EUR
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Natural Bakes: Everyday Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free BakingGluten-free and refined sugar-free baking recipes for over seventy healthier (but still delicious) sweets, from cookies and scones to pies and cakes. Have your cake and eat it too! Rather than relying on gluten or harmful sugars, Natural Bakes uses fruits and vegetables, as...
- €42,04 EUR
- €42,04 EUR
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Food Presentation: Styling Techniques for ProfessionalsFood presentation plays a crucial role in the culinary industry. In modern times, the aesthetic appeal of food is gaining prominence. Chefs are constantly experimenting with the arrangement and decoration of varied food items such as the icings on the cake, drizzling of sauces,...
- €296,00 EUR
- €296,00 EUR
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Bedste Middelhav Sopskrifter 2022: Mange LÆkre Opskrifter, Nemt at Overraske Familien Og VennerEr du ivrig efter at kende mange l kre middelhavsopskrifter?Hvis ja, forts t med at l se...Middelhavskosten er fuld af uendelig sund, frisk og l kker mad. Selvom der er mere v gt på visse typer ingredienser, er ingen udelukket. Folk, der spiser en...
- €68,73 EUR
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Indian Masala Chutney and Pickle: The Real Flavor of Indian FoodMasale/spices are an integral part of Indian cooking. These spices have medicinal and therapeutic effects. They help in maintaining the normal functioning of the body. Spices contain flavonoids, a type of antioxidant that helps prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer....
- €82,53 EUR
- €82,53 EUR
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The 2022 Sushi CookbookSushi is a real culinary art form, rich in colors, textures, sauces, and many presentation options. Behind every delectable dish is a creative sushi chef who used to be precisely where you are today. This beginning sushi recipe book and guide shows you how...
- €70,15 EUR
- €70,15 EUR
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My Grandma's Best Desserts Recipes: A Book with RecipesSkip the packaged mixes at the supermarket and cook a range of delectable sweets in the comfort of your own home! From Red Velvet Cupcakes to Raspberry-Rhubarb Pie, this beginner's baking book is jam-packed with very easy recipes for traditional favorites and inventive new...
- €73,02 EUR
- €73,02 EUR
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The Book of FingerfoodWhether you want to offer fun, informal finger foods or sophisticated canapés, we've got 40 of the greatest dishes to get your next party started right. The appetizers, nibbles, and bite-sized treats included in the Finger Food Cookbook are easy to prepare and entertaining...
- €62,79 EUR
- €62,79 EUR
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The Ultimate Fresh Pasta at Home Cookbook: 100 incredible recipes for mastering the age-old art of making pasta at home and impressing friends and famThe ingredients that are used to make fresh pasta are flour and eggs and optionally salt. This is leads to one of the most puzzling aspects of making homemade pasta. With just two main ingredients you would be forgiven for wondering what all the...
- €73,35 EUR
- €73,35 EUR
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Saved by the Bellini: & Other 90s-Inspired CocktailsWhether you were born in the '90s or are longing for them, this themed cocktail book by acclaimed bartender John deBary is the perfect '90s nostalgia gift for yourself or anyone else. Plus, it features a foreword by Saved by the Bell star Tiffani...
- €30,55 EUR
- €30,55 EUR
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Dieta de Batidos del Dr. Sebi: 53 Batidos Alcalinos y Eléctricos Deliciosos y Fáciles de Hacer para Limpiar, Revitalizar y Sanar tu Cuerpo de Forma NBusca una forma más fácil y eficiente de limpiar, revitalizar y sanar su cuerpo?Con la dieta del Dr. Sebi Smoothie, obtendrá todos los beneficios de la lucha contra las enfermedades mientras toma un delicioso batido.Esta serie actualizada de la versión única del libro La...
- €13,68 EUR
- €13,68 EUR
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ФАНТАСТИЧЕСКОЕ РУКОВОД&#У всех нас есть инстинкт следовать чистому и здоровому образу жизни. Глубоко внутри мы знаем, что хорошо, а что плохо для нас, но иногда предпочитаем игнорировать тело и разум. Регулярная практика йоги помогает стимулировать эти естественные инстинкты. Йога меняет привычки и является процессом нормализации.Основная...
- €77,90 EUR
- €77,90 EUR
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A Neighborhood Café: A Guide and Celebration of Healthy Food and Community Engagement, Color EditionColor Paperback EditionIn describing her vision of a neighborhood café, Fran Weber imagines an inspired public space where people can both enjoy healthy food and fashion collaborative solutions to our shared challenges. Her book provides practical guidance for constructing a commercial or communal space...
- €50,05 EUR
- €50,05 EUR
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Cocina Los Postres de Harry PotterAuthor: Tom GrimmPublisher: Duomo EdicionesPublished: 02/21/2023Pages: 192Binding Type: HardcoverISBN: 9788419004789Language: Spanish
- €30,49 EUR
- €30,49 EUR
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완전한 간장 조리법 요리책대두(글리신 맥스)는 아프리카에서 비교적 새로운 작물입니다. 최근 몇 년 동안 콩과 식물을 "열대화"하는 연구의 발전으로 인해 생산량이 크게 증가했습니다.대부분의 식료품점에서는 두유, 모조 고기, 유아용 조제분유를 비롯한 다양한 콩 제품을 취급합니다. 대부분의 식물과 달리 콩은 모든 필수 아미노산을 포함하는 완전한 단백질입니다. 이를 통해 콩은 완전한...
- €61,12 EUR
- €61,12 EUR
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KsiĄŻka Przygotowania Stolu KulturyNikt nie zwraca tyle uwagi na to, co jedzą, co kulturysta. Kalorie muszą byc prawidlowe, a makra muszą byc zbilansowane i nie możemy też zapomniec o mikro.Są też różne filozofie dietetyczne, które walczą o pozycję pole position - przerywany post, kolarstwo węglowodanowe, ketogeniczna i...
- €68,76 EUR
- €68,76 EUR
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Buku masakan Essenţmangkuk untuk salad buahyang paling sihat di luar sana. Dipenuhi dengan buah-buahan segar dan sajian yang lazat, semua orang menyukai hidangan yang menyegarkan ini. Salad buah adalah mudah dan boleh dibuat pada bila-bila masa sepanjang tahun menggunakan buah segar atau dalam tin untuk pencuci mulut atau makan...
- €61,12 EUR
- €61,12 EUR
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