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Martin Eden: RomaaniMartin Eden: RomaaniToinen avasi oven ja astui sisn mukanaan nuori mies, joka kmpelsti otti hatun pstn. Seuralaisen puku oli karkea ja tuoksui merelt, ja nytti ilmeiselt, ettei hn ollut kotonaan siin upeassa salissa, johon oli joutunut. Kun hn ei tietnyt, mihin hattunsa panisi, hn...
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Painted VeilsPainted VeilsThis Parable, with its notations and evocations of naked nerves and soul-states, is inscribed in all gratitude to the charming morganatic ladies, les belles impures, who make pleasanter this vale of tears for virile men. What shall it profit a woman if she...
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Le paravent de soie et d'orLe paravent de soie et d'orLes branches basses du paltuvier, enguirlandes de lianes, forment comme un hamac au-dessus du marais, et c'est l que le pasteur de buffles est couch nonchalamment, une jambe pendante, caressant de son pied nu les longs rubans d'herbes qui...
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The MessageThe MessageWarden gradually became aware that these ineptitudes were by way of comment. He turned and read the weatherprophets label at a glance. But life was too gracious at that moment, and he was far too welldisposed toward all men, that he should dream...
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Memorias de un hombre de acción, tomo 1El aprendiz de conspiradorNota del Transcriptor: Se ha respetado la ortografa y la acentuacin del original. Errores obvios de imprenta han sido corregidos. Pginas en blanco han sido eliminadas. La portada fue diseada por el transcriptor y se considera dominio pblico Mi ta rsula,...
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All Sorts and Conditions of Men: An Impossible StoryAll Sorts and Conditions of Men: An Impossible StoryThe ten years' partnership of myself and my late friend Mr. James Rice has been terminated by death. I am persuaded that nothing short of death would have put an end to a partnership which was...
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TuulentupiaTuulentupiaTuttu, kimakka ni hertti kki Almayerin loistavista tulevaisuudenunelmistaan nykyhetken vastenmieliseen todellisuuteen. Tuo nikin oli niin vastenmielinen. Hn oli saanut kuulla sit vuosikausia, ja vuosi vuodelta oli hn siit yh vhemmn pitnyt. Mutta vhtp siit. Pian tm kaikki loppuisi. Almayer liikahteli levottomasti, mutta ei vlittnyt...
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Huckleberry Finnin (Tom Sawyerin toverin) seikkailutHuckleberry Finnin (Tom Sawyerin toverin) seikkailut George Washington Grangerford, tykistn upseeri. Jos te, hyvt ihmiset, ette ole sattuneet lukemaan erst kirjaa, jonka nimi on "Tom Sawyerin seikkailut", niin ette ollenkaan tied, mik mies min olen; mutta se voikin olla yhdentekev. Sen kirjan on rapsinut...
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Cradock Nowell: A Tale of the New Forest. Vol. 2 (of 3)Cradock Nowell: A Tale of the New Forest. Vol. 2 (of 3)It was a Tuesday evening when Cradock Nowell and Amy Rosedew signed and sealed, with the moons approval, their bond to one another. On the following day, Dr. Hutton and wife were to...
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Cradock Nowell: A Tale of the New Forest. Vol. 1 (of 3)Cradock Nowell: A Tale of the New Forest. Vol. 1 (of 3)Within the New Forest, and not far from its western boundary, as defined by the second perambulation of the good King Edward the First, stands the old mansion of the Nowells, the Hall...
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Cradock Nowell: A Tale of the New Forest. Vol. 3 (of 3)Cradock Nowell: A Tale of the New Forest. Vol. 3 (of 3)Upon the Christmas morning the parish flocked to church, and the church was dressed so beautifully that every one was amazed. Amy and Eoa made the wreaths, the garlands, and rosettes; there was...
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Der Amateursozialist: RomanDer Amateursozialist: RomanIn der Dmmerung eines Oktoberabends trat eine nervs aussehende Frau von etwa vierzig Jahren durch eine Eichenholztr auf einen breiten Flur, der sich im ersten Stockwerk eines alten englischen Landhauses befand. Eine Haarlocke war ber ihre Stirne gefallen, als ob sie tiefgebckt...
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HiilikaivoksessaHiilikaivoksessa1. Kaksi vastakkaista kirjett. 2. Matkalla. 3. Yhdistetyn Kuningaskunnan sisusta. 4. Dochartin kaivos. 5. Fordin perhe. 6. Selittmttmi ilmiit. 7. Ers Simon Fordin tekem valinta. 8. Dynamiitti-laukaus. 9. Uusi Aberfoyle. 10. Kvely ja palaaminen. 11. Tulinaiset. 12. Jack Ryanin toimia. 13. Hiilikaupunki. 14. Hengen...
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Mr. Incoul's MisadventureMr. Incoul's MisadventureThe work is remarkable in every way and its originality and power will compel for it more than an ephemeral existence, for independently of the force with which it deals with its theme its literary merits are of a high order, and...
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Las inquietudes de Shanti AndíaLas inquietudes de Shanti AndíaI.Shanti se disculpa II.El mar antiguo III.Tengo que hablar de m mismo IV.La casa de mi abuela V.La ta rsula VI.Lope de Aguirre, el traidor VII.El funeral de mi to Juan VIII.Correras de chico IX.Yurrumendi, el fantstico X.Las indignaciones de...
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Brothers: The True History of a Fight Against OddsBrothers: The True History of a Fight Against OddsFIRST EDITION . . May 1904 Reprinted . . June 1904 Reprinted . . August 1904 Reprinted . . November 1904 Reprinted . . December 1904 Reprinted . . The same month Reprinted . . January...
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Kophetua the 13thKophetua the ThirteenthThe outburst of political speculation which followed the Renaissance is well known to us by its remarkable literature. True it is that the greater part of it is long since dead and sleeps in peace, save where every now and then its...
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TähdistälukijaTähdistälukija Voi kiertothti-tehon hetkin avittaa sanat, merkkisetkin, niin sanotaan; mut en m niit uhmaisen taidon tit kiit. 1. Harhateill. 2. Hoviherra ja koulumestari. 3. Thdist lukeminen. 4. Ennustukset osuvat yhteen. 5. Mr. Bertram selittelee. 6. Uudet luudat lakaisemassa. 7. Skotlannin mustalaiset. 8. Ht. 9....
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Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume 19Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume 19In a little house in the Canongate of Edinburgh, there lived, not very long ago, Mr Gustavus MIver(for he never would allow himself to be called Ensign MIver, though that was his proper professional designation),as...
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Dreamy Hollow: A Long Island RomanceDreamy Hollow: A Long Island RomanceDreamy Hollow may be reached three waysby automobile, aeroplane or boat through Great South Bay. But to go there without invitation would have spoiled the welcome, for, at the time of which we write, the master of this magnificent...
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