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In the Days of Queen ElizabethIn the Days of Queen ElizabethOf all the sovereigns that have worn the crown of England, Queen Elizabeth is the most puzzling, the most fascinating, the most blindly praised, and the most unjustly blamed. To make lists of her faults and virtues is easy....
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The Usurper: An Episode in Japanese HistoryThe Usurper: An Episode in Japanese HistoryNight was nearly gone. All slept in the beautiful bright city of Osaka. The harsh cry of the sentinels, calling one to another on the ramparts, broke the silence, unruffled otherwise save for the distant murmur of the...
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Dimbie and I—and AmeliaDimbie and I—and Amelia The chestnut in the frog-pond field at the bottom of the garden is holding forth eager arms, crowned with little sticky, swelling buds, to the white, warm light. The snowdrops and crocuses have raised their pretty faces for a caress,...
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Suor Giovanna della Croce: romanzoSuor Giovanna della Croce: romanzo Questa che viene a Voi, come un puro e schietto invio di amicizia, un'anima semplice. Cos assolutamente semplice che, avendo portato due nomi, nella vita del secolo e nella vita della Chiesa, la poveretta non pu che ricordarne uno...
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Die Armen: Ein RomanDie Armen: Ein Roman Die Kinder schrien tosend vor dem groen Arbeiterhaus von Gausenfeld; hunderte von Kindern, hervorgequollen aus dem berfllten Haus, worin sie alle geboren waren, rannten, zappelten, prgelten sich auf der grauen Wiese. Alte Mnner, die nicht mehr arbeiteten, standen, wenn sie...
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Willem Tell: De Zwitsersche vrijheidsheldWillem Tell: De Zwitsersche vrijheidsheldUit onze vaderlandsche geschiedenis weten we reeds, dat Duitschland in de dertiende eeuw geen toonbeeld van orde, welvaart en eendracht was. Wie leerde niet de gebeurtenissen kennen waaraan onze Hollandsche Graaf Willem II, als Roomsch-Koning deelnam? Toen Willem II in...
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Isabella Orsini: A Historical Novel of the Fifteenth CenturyIsabella Orsini: A Historical Novel of the Fifteenth CenturyIn reply to your letter dated May 27th, I send you a portrait of Isabella Orsini. You could not have been successful in obtaining it from any one except myself, for notwithstanding the many researches made...
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Adam Hepburn's Vow: A Tale of Kirk and CovenantAdam Hepburn's Vow: A Tale of Kirk and CovenantTowards the close of a bleak grey February afternoon, in the year 1638, a small party of travellers might have been seen approaching Edinburgh by the high road from Glasgow. It consisted of a sturdy brown...
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Så slutades min lek: En tafla ur lifvetSå slutades min lek: En tafla ur lifvetDet kan visserligen synas frmtet, synnerligen i vrt land, att ett fruntimmer vgar sig ut p den slippriga frfattarebanan. Men i frlitande p tidsandan, som frfktar fven vrt kns rttighet att deltaga uti andra angelgenheter, n de...
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Niccolò de' Lapi ovvero, i Palleschi e i PiagnoniNiccolò de' Lapi; ovvero, i Palleschi e i PiagnoniLa presente edizione Originale, posta sotto la tutela delle veglianti leggi e convenzioni dei Governi dItalia che concorsero a garantire le propriet letterarie, e si agir rigorosamente contro quelli che ardissero eseguirne ristampe o introdurne edizioni...
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"Nuori Kotka" ja vanha metsästäjä"Nuori Kotka" ja vanha metsästäjäNoin vuonna 1673 majoittihe Pennsylvaniaan uutisasukas. Rikas kun oli, hankki hn omakseen laajat alat asumatonta maata, josta antoi osia viljeltvksi varattomille, avustaen heille siten kodin ja toimeentulon. Hnen oma elmns oli moitteetonta. Hnt pidettiin suuressa arvossa ja hnelle oli monta...
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Bouvard and Pécuchet: A Tragi-comic Novel of Bourgeois Life, part 2Bouvard and Pécuchet: A Tragi-comic Novel of Bourgeois Life, part 2 IT WOULD perhaps make criticism easier, if, before giving our opinion, we should make known our preferences. To omit this preliminary distinction is a great injustice, as every book contains a peculiarity pertaining...
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Le Dragon ImpérialLe Dragon ImpérialNul n'ignore que si l'ombre d'un homme prend la forme d'un dragon qui suit humblement les pas de son matre, cet homme tiendra un jour dans sa main la poigne de jade du sceptre imprial. C'tait dans le grand champ de Chi-Tse-Po,...
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The Kentucky WarblerThe Kentucky WarblerWhen the population of this immense Western Republic will have diffused itself over every acre of ground fit for the comfortable habitation of man, ... then not a warbler shall flit through our thickets, but its name, its notes, its habits will...
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The Eternal Boy: Being the Story of the Prodigious HickeyThe Eternal Boy: Being the Story of the Prodigious HickeyShrimp Davis, on the platform, piped forth the familiar periods of Phillips's oration on Toussaint L'Ouverture, while the Third Form in declamation, disposed to sleep, stirred fitfully on one another's shoulders, resenting the adolescent squeak...
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Goethe and Schiller: An Historical RomanceGoethe and Schiller: An Historical RomanceThe honest and peaceful inhabitants of Mannheim, the capital of the Palatinate, had long since retired to rest; the streets were deserted, and the houses wrapped in darkness. Only high up in the little bow window of a corner...
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Naja tripudiansNaja tripudians Lasciamo fare a Madre Natura, disse Mr Williams, il medico di campagna, uscendo dalla camera della sofferente e chiudendo cautamente l'uscio dietro di s. E batt sulla spalla del marito, accasciato su una seggiola nel corridoio col capo tra le mani: Lasciamo...
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The Fortunes of Hector O'Halloran, and His Man, Mark Antony O'TooleThe Fortunes of Hector O'Halloran, and His Man, Mark Antony O'Toole It was a cold frosty evening in December, seventeen hundred and ninety-five, and the whole of the month had been unusually tempestuous. Throughout wide Britain, there are no shores on which the wind...
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O Napoleão de Notting HillO Napoleão de Notting Hill Para cada pequena cidade ou lugar Deus fez as estrelas especialmente; Os bebs olham para cima como corujas E as veem acima enroscadas em uma rvore: Voc viu uma lua nas colinas de Sussex, Uma lua de Sussex, parada,...
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