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Main Currents in 19th Century Literature - 5. The Romantic School in FranceMain Currents in Nineteenth Century Literature - 5. The Romantic School in France Dis-nous mil huit cent trente. poque fulgurante, Ses luttes, ses ardeurs.... TH. DE BANVILLE Nicht was lebendig, kraftvoll sich verkndigt Ist das gefhrlich Furchtbare. Das ganz Gemeine ist's, das ewig Gestrige,...
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An Old Man's PrayerAn Old Man's PrayerThis simple story will be recognized by many throughout New England to whom the author has had the pleasure of reciting it. Frequent requests that he would place it in shape for preservation have emboldened him to issue it in its...
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Pomander WalkPomander WalkIt lies out Chiswick way, not far from Horace Walpole's house where later Miss Pinkerton conducted her Academy for Young Ladies. It is still there, although it was actually built in 1710; but London has gradually stretched its tentacles towards it, and they...
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Akilles: KuvausAkilles: Kuvaus Anni tulee meille huomenna aamupivll. Min annan sielt Annille ihomaalia ja puuderia. Annin pit laittautua oikein ntiksi pitoihin: maalata poskensa ja koristaa itsens. Sill Anni on entisest muuttunut. Ja senthden pit Annin ottaa avuksi kaunistuskeinoja. Min annan Annille sielt mys konjakkia. Se...
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Dust: A NovelDust: A NovelContents. Chapter I., II., III., IV., V., VI., VII., VIII., IX., X., XI., XII., XIII., XIV., XV., XVI., XVII., XVIII., XIX., XX., XXI., XXII., XXIII., XXIV., XXV., XXVI., XXVII., XXVIII., XXIX., XXX., XXXI., XXXII., XXXIII., XXXIV., XXXV., XXXVI., XXXVII. THE time at...
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Main Currents in 19th Century Literature - 4. Naturalism in EnglandMain Currents in Nineteenth Century Literature - 4. Naturalism in England "I am as a spirit who has dwelt Within his heart of hearts; and I have felt His feelings, and have thought his thoughts, and known The inmost converse of his soul, the...
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Veronica CyboVeronica Cybo Rovistando tra i miei fogli, i quali troppo pi spesso che non faceva di bisogno patirono disoneste invasioni, io ho trovato la espressione dei sentimenti che mi animavano verso di te, inclito amico, allora quando, volgono adesso venti e pi anni, io...
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I Bianchi e i Neri: DrammaI Bianchi e i Neri: Dramma Nel 1300 la detta citt (di Pistoia) haveva assai nobili e possenti cittadini, infra i quali una schiatta di nobili e possenti cittadini e gentil'huomini, li quali si chiamavano Canceglieri, et havea quella schiatta in quel tempo dieciotto...
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My Wife and I Or, Harry Henderson's HistoryMy Wife and I; Or, Harry Henderson's History[iii] During the passage of this story through The Christian Union, it has been repeatedly taken for granted by the public press that certain of the characters are designed as portraits of really existing individuals. They are...
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XLI, No. 6, December 1852Graham's Magazine, Vol. XLI, No. 6, December 1852With regard to the antiquity and origin of this most beautiful and most important of the early Christian artsmost important, because to it can be traced directly the invention of typography, as it now exists, bringing knowledge...
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XLI, No. 5, November 1852Graham's Magazine, Vol. XLI, No. 5, November 1852Rivers constitute an important part of the aqueous portion of the globe; with the great lines of water, with streams and rivulets, they form a numerous family, of which lakes, springs, or the meltings of ice and...
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Poèmes de Walt WhitmanPoèmes de Walt WhitmanParmi les papiers laisss par le pote se trouve cette note de sa main: Introduire dans quelque pome un passage leffet de dnoncer et de menacer qui que ce soit qui, traduisant mes pomes en une autre langue, ne traduira pas...
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The Pansy Magazine, August 1886The Pansy Magazine, August 1886Warranted absolutely pure Cocoa, from which the excess of Oil has been removed. It has three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup....
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Die Falkner vom Falkenhof. Erster BandDie Falkner vom Falkenhof. Erster Band.Es war die erste Auffhrung der neuen Oper eines unbekannten und ungenannten Komponisten, eine phantastische Oper, Satanella genannt, deren Libretto dem Publikum eine jener rtselhaften Teufelinnen der alten Zeiten vor Augen fhrte, die aus ihrem unterirdischen Reich heraufgekommen war,...
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A Tender Attachment: A FarceA Tender Attachment: A FarceA FARCE. BY THE AUTHOR OF Thirty Minutes for Refreshments, Sylvias Soldier, Once on a Time, Down by the Sea, Bread on the Waters, The Last Loaf, Stand by the Flag, The Tempter, A Drop too Much, Were All Teetotallers,...
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The Pier-GlassThe Pier-Glass 1916 Over the Brazier Poetry Bookshop. (New edition with slight alterations, 1920.) 1917 Fairies and Fusiliers William Heinemann. American edition, 1918. Alfred Knopf. 1920 Country Sentiment Martin Secker. American edition, 1920. Alfred Knopf. Contributions to Georgian Poetry, 1915-1917 and 1918-19. 1.F.3. LIMITED...
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Die Falkner vom Falkenhof. Zweiter BandDie Falkner vom Falkenhof. Zweiter Band. Dolores hatte in der letzten Nacht schwere, seltsame Trume. Ihr trumte, sie mte gegen dichte wogende Nebel ankmpfen in kalter Nacht auf einem unebnen, steinigen Wege, dessen scharfe Kanten ihre Fe verletzten. Endlich aber stand sie vor einer...
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Herraskartano: RomaaniHerraskartano: RomaaniOli vuosi 1891, lokakuu, maanantaipiv. Worsted Skeynesin rautatieaseman pimell ulkosivustalla vallitsi alaa mr Horace Pendycen omnibussi, hnen vaununsa ja tavaravankkurinsa. Mr Horace Pendycen kuskin kasvot vallitsivat yksinisen asemalyhdyn valokeh. Verevin, tuuhein, lyhyeksi leikatuin harmain poskiparroin ja yhteenpuristetuin tutkimattomin huulin ne kohosivat korkealla yls...
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Les cavaliers de la nuit, deuxième partie (t. 3/4)Les cavaliers de la nuit, deuxième partie (t. 3/4)Les Paysans, on le sait, forment une des grandes catgories dont la runion devait complter luvre immense entreprise par lillustre romancier sous le titre de la Comdie Humaine. Lide dominante de cette magnifique tude est lantagonisme...
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