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Maria: Vanhan legendan mukaanMaria: Vanhan legendan mukaanHietaisella lakeudella ulkopuolella Juudan kaupungin porttia kulki kylst kaupunkiin pin kaksi naista. Pivn aurinko paahtoi viel kuumasti autereiselta taivaalta, vaikka oli jo iltapuoleen kallistumassa. Heill oli valkoiset hunnut lyhsti plaella ja kummallakin yhdenvriset tummansiniset hameet yll. Vanhempi heist, Elisabet, oli naitu...
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Back o' the Moon, and other storiesBack o' the Moon, and other storiesHalifax, Sunday, 26th August, 1778.Understanding there was great need of it, I preached on Render unto Csar the things that are Csars, and unto God the things that are Gods. I spoke with all plainness, and yet did...
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La Comédie humaine - Volume 04La Comédie humaine - Volume 04Dans la semaine suivante, aprs la messe de mariage qui, selon l'usage de quelques familles du faubourg Saint-Germain, fut clbre sept heures Saint-Thomas-d'Aquin, Calyste et Sabine montrent dans une jolie voiture de voyage, au milieu des embrassements, des flicitations...
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Ruecas de Marfil (Novelas)Ruecas de Marfil (Novelas)Nota del Transcriptor: Se ha respetado la ortografa y la acentuacin del original. Errores obvios de imprenta han sido corregidos. Pginas en blanco han sido eliminadas. La portada fue diseada por el transcriptor y se considera dominio pblico Nodrizas de nuestros...
- €5,92 EUR
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Sonnets and CanzonetsSonnets and CanzonetsObvious misspellings were corrected. Uncertain or antiquated spellings or ancient words were not corrected. The period to which the scholar of two and eighty years belongs, is seldom that of his youngest readers: it is more likely to be the epoch of...
- €5,92 EUR
- €5,92 EUR
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Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London during the Eighteenth Century; Vol. 2 (of 2)Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London during the Eighteenth Century; Vol. 2 (of 2) - Including the Charities, Depravities, Dresses, and Amusements etc.INCLUDING THE CHARITIES, DEPRAVITIES, DRESSES, AND AMUSEMENTS, OF THE CITIZENS OF LONDON, DURING THAT PERIOD; WITH A REVIEW OF THE...
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Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London during the Eighteenth Century; Vol. 1 (of 2)Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London during the Eighteenth Century; Vol. 1 (of 2) - Including the Charities, Depravities, Dresses, and Amusements etc.I beg leave to return my sincere thanks to the community, for the flattering reception with which this undertaking has...
- €5,92 EUR
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KirjekyyhkynenKirjekyyhkynenTodistan siis, ett aikomukseni oli antaa sinun maksaa elinkautisella vankeudella se palvelus, jonka sinulle tein: niin itseks on ihmissydn, ettei se osaa mitn hyv tehd vaatimatta palkkiota, useinpa kaksin verroin suurempaa kuin hnen tekonsa ansaitsee. Lhde siis, armas airut, lhde sinne, mist tulit, ja...
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Miscellaneous Pieces, in ProseMiscellaneous Pieces, in ProseVarious are the methods which art and ingenuity have invented to exhibit a picture of human life and manners. These have differed from each other, both in the mode of representation, and in the particular view of the subject which has...
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Tuliliemen tuttavana: AlkoholimuistelmiaTuliliemen tuttavana: AlkoholimuistelmiaTm asia johtui mieleeni ern vaalipivn. Oli lmmin kalifornialainen iltapiv ja min olin ratsastanut maatalostani alas Kuulaakson pieneen kyln nestkseni muutoksista ja lisyksist, joita oli ehdotettu Kalifornian valtion perustuslakeihin. Helteen thden olin tyhjentnyt useita laseja, ennenkuin kvin antamassa nestyslippuni, ja perst pin...
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Facts in JinglesFacts in JinglesThese jingles were written by a child for children. The young author does not expect that any one will imagine they were intended to be a contribution to poetry or literature. They will be of interest to adults principally as an illustration...
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Main Currents in 19th Century Literature - 6. Young GermanyMain Currents in Nineteenth Century Literature - 6. Young Germany "Si l'artiste ne se prcipite pas dans son oeuvre, comme Curtius dans le gouffre, comme le soldat dans la redoute, sans rflchir; et si, dans ce cratre, il ne travaille pas comme le mineur...
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Unter Palmen und Buchen. Dritter BandUnter Palmen und Buchen. Dritter Band.In Tanunda einem kleinen, fast nur von Deutschen bewohnten Stdtchen in Sd-Australien war Ball, und die ganze weibliche Bevlkerung des Orts befand sich, wie bei all solchen Gelegenheiten, in einer gelinden Aufregung. Kein Wunder auch; jede Dame wnschte doch...
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Arrows of the Chace, vol. 2/2Arrows of the Chace, vol. 2/2 - being a collection of scattered letters published chiefly in the daily newspapers 1840-1880The letters relating to Mr. Ruskin's candidature for the Lord Rectorship of Glasgow University were published when this volume was almost out of the printer's...
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Souvenirs d'égotismeSouvenirs d'égotisme - autobiographie et lettres inédites publiées par Casimir StryienskiAUTOBIOGRAPHIE ET L E T T R E S I N D I T E S PUBLIS PAR CASIMIR STRYIENSKI PARIS BIBLIOTHQUE-CHARPENTIER G. CHARPENTIER et E. FASQUELLE, diteurs 11, rue de grenelle, 11 1892...
- €5,92 EUR
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18th Century VignettesEighteenth Century Vignettes Sixteen of the twenty papers comprised in this volume appeared in America; but only one of these'The Citizen of the World'has been reprinted in England. Of the four papers remaining, one was published (in part) in the Saturday Review, and the...
- €5,92 EUR
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Les Idoles d'argileLes Idoles d'argile. LES IDOLES D'ARGILE. I La loge du concierge. Rien n'est plus doux que le spectacle d'un bonheur vrai, d'une joie sincre: le cur s'y dilate et se laisse gagner par la contagion. Sous les lambris des riches, de pareilles motions sont...
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Les Aventures d'un fifreLes Aventures d'un fifre. LES AVENTURES D'UN FIFRE. I Le souterrain. La soixante-neuvime demi-brigade tait cite en gypte pour son corps de musique, l'un des mieux exercs de l'arme expditionnaire. Sous la rpublique, cette branche de l'art n'tait pas cultive comme elle l'est aujourd'hui...
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Le Capitaine Martin ou, les Trois croisièresLe Capitaine Martin; ou, les Trois croisières LE CAPITAINE MARTIN OU LES TROIS CROISIRES. I Le cadeau de noce. Parmi les ports franais qui se rendirent, vers la fin du dix-septime sicle, redoutables dans la guerre des corsaires, il faut placer en premire ligne...
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La vendetta paternaLa vendetta paterna Pochi, in verit, diedero s stessi alla patria quanto Francesco Domenico Guerrazzi. Pochi ebbero la sua fede in un avvenire di libert e di civilt, la sua tenacia nei propositi, il suo carattere, il suo ingegno. Pochi lavorarono come lui alla...
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