Old Is Gold
Pope, His Descent and Family Connections: Facts and ConjecturesPope, His Descent and Family Connections: Facts and ConjecturesThe following Tract is an enlargement of the principal portion of an account which I propose to give of Pope, in Poets and Verse Writers, from Chaucer to Pope: new Facts in their Historyshould the public...
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La vie infernaleLa vie infernale - 1. Pascale et Marguerite; 2. Lia d'ArgelèsLes domestiques de lhtel de Chalusse, un des plus magnifiques de la rue de Courcelles, taient runis chez le concierge, lequel occupait, avec son pouse, un pavillon de deux pices, droite de la vaste...
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8 Harvard PoetsEight Harvard Poets with closed eyes in the sleeping curves of my Will I complete the mystery night ascending ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number: 36508 Author: Cummings, E. E. (Edward Estlin) Release Date: Jun 24, 2011 Format: eBook Language: English
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The Happy Hypocrite: A Fairy Tale for Tired MenThe Happy Hypocrite: A Fairy Tale for Tired MenNone, it is said, of all who revelled with the Regent, was half so wicked as Lord George Hell. I will not trouble my little readers with a long recital of his great naughtiness. But it...
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Publication Number 218-219The Toy Shop (1735) The King and the Miller of Mansfield (1737) The career of Robert Dodsley (1703-1764), or "Doddy" as Samuel Johnson affectionately called him, resembles nothing so much as the rise of Francis Goodchild in Hogarth's Industry and Idleness (1747) series. Like...
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Renaissance in Italy, Volume 5 (of 7)Renaissance in Italy, Volume 5 (of 7) - Italian Literature, Part 2This e-book contains a few phrases in ancient Greek, which may not display properly depending on the fonts the user has installed. Hover the mouse over the Greek phrase to view a transliteration,...
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La femme auteur ou, les inconvéniens de la célébrité, tome IILa femme auteur; ou, les inconvéniens de la célébrité, tome IILa vie ressemble une coupe d'eau limpide, qui se trouble mesure qu'on la boit. Anas n'avait encore prouv aucun de ces chagrins qui amnent leur suite la dfiance. La mort de ses parens avait...
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The Disturbing CharmThe Disturbing Charm PART I CHAPTER I. The Coming of the Charm CHAPTER II. The Accepting of the Charm CHAPTER III. The Launching of the Charm CHAPTER IV. The Charm Begins to Work CHAPTER V. Further Plans for the Charm CHAPTER VI. The Clutching...
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The Soul of Susan YellamThe Soul of Susan YellamThe village church at Nether-Applewhite has been described as an interesting chapter in ecclesiastical architecture. It stands a little apart from the cottages upon a hill which presents something of the appearance of a tumulus. Part of the church is...
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La femme auteur ou, les inconvéniens de la célébrité, tome ILa femme auteur; ou, les inconvéniens de la célébrité, tome INote sur la transcription: Les erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont t corriges. L'orthographe d'origine a t conserve et n'a pas t harmonise. Les numros des pages blanches n'ont pas t repris. A...
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Drei Meister: Balzac, Dickens, DostojewskiDrei Meister: Balzac, Dickens, DostojewskiAnmerkungen zur Transkription: Es wurde grte Sorgfalt darauf verwendet den Text originalgetreu zu bertragen. Unbliche und uneinheitliche Schreibweisen der Namen wurden beibehalten. Lediglich offensichtliche Fehler wurden korrigiert. Smtliche vorgenommenen nderungen sind markiert, der Originaltext erscheint beim berfahren mit der Maus....
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Dorothy's Double. Volume 3 (of 3)Dorothy's Double. Volume 3 (of 3)Higher and higher rose the flames as fresh sticks were constantly piled on. The blood again began to circulate through the veins, and enjoyable as the heat was, the sharp tingling in the hands and feet caused the girls...
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Life of John Keats: His Life and Poetry, His Friends, Critics and After-FameLife of John Keats: His Life and Poetry, His Friends, Critics and After-FameTo the name and work of Keats our best critics and scholars have in recent years paid ever closer attention and warmer homage. But their studies have for the most part been...
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The SalamanderThe SalamanderPrecarious the lot of the author who elects to show his public what it does not know, but doubly exposed he who in the indiscreet exploration of customs and manners publishes what the public knows but is unwilling to confess! In the first...
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A Day with Samuel Taylor ColeridgeA Day with Samuel Taylor Coleridge IN a beautiful part of beautiful Somerset, where the "soft orchard and cottage scenery" is dimpled between blue hillslopes, where meadows and woods and translucent streams compete with each other in charm,in the lovely region of the Quantock...
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A Day with Walt WhitmanA Day with Walt Whitmanbout six o'clock on a midsummer morning in 1877, a tall old man awoke, and was out of bed next moment,but he moved with a certain slow leisureliness, as one who will not be hurried. The reason of this deliberate...
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Ormond Or, The Secret Witness. Volume 3 (of 3)Ormond; Or, The Secret Witness. Volume 3 (of 3)"My father, in proportion as he grew old and rich, became weary of Aleppo. His natal soil, had it been the haunt of Calmucks or Bedouins, his fancy would have transformed into Paradise. No wonder that...
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Ormond Or, The Secret Witness. Volume 2 (of 3)Ormond; Or, The Secret Witness. Volume 2 (of 3)On leaving Mr. Ormond's house, Constantia was met by that gentleman. He saw her as she came out, and was charmed with the simplicity of her appearance. On entering, he interrogated the servant as to the...
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Ormond Or, The Secret Witness. Volume 1 (of 3)Ormond; Or, The Secret Witness. Volume 1 (of 3)You are anxious to obtain some knowledge of the history of Constantia Dudley. I am well acquainted with your motives, and allow that they justify your curiosity. I am willing to the utmost of my power...
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