Old Is Gold
Aimer quand mêmeAimer quand mêmeBernard Cbronne, fils d'un chirurgien qui avait eu ses heures de clbrit, et lui-mme mdecin minent, traversait un soir de mai le jardin du Luxembourg. Absorb dans une rverie, il regardait distraitement les vieux arbres, tmoins de tant de vieilles choses, les...
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The Court JesterThe Court JesterThe old duchess was talking of the past, while behind her chair Le Glorieux was silently and joyously turning handsprings. I wish I might give him another name, for that one is certainly a mouthful, but as he really lived, and that...
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Oeuvres de P. Corneille, Tome 02Œuvres de P. Corneille, Tome 02D'abord c'est dans cette pice qu'il a substitu pour la premire fois, comme il en fait lui-mme la remarque[2], une suivante la nourrice traditionnelle de la vieille comdie qu'il avait fait figurer dans Mlite et dans la Veuve. A...
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L'enfant de ma femmeL'enfant de ma femmeNous n'arriverons jamais ce soir Strasbourg, Mullern!... Dis donc au postillon de fouetter ces maudits chevaux.Je le lui ai dj dit plus de vingt fois depuis une heure, mon colonel, et il m'a rpondu qu' moins de nous casser le cou...
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Ludwig Fugeler: RomanLudwig Fugeler: RomanIch ging mit meinem Freund Haller, den du den Tolpatsch nennst, gegen die Wilhelmsburg hinauf. Er hatte das kaffeebraune Sommerrckchen an, das du ihm lngst wegsprechen wolltest, und ging, die eine Hand in der Tasche, mit der andern lebhaft seine Rede begleitend,...
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The Love Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft to Gilbert ImlayThe Love Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft to Gilbert Imlay Of Mary Wollstonecrafts ancestors little is known, except that they were of Irish descent. Her father, Edward John Wollstonecraft, was the son of a prosperous Spitalfields manufacturer of Irish birth, from whom he inherited the...
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The WesternersThe Westerners A tourist of to-day, peering from the window of his vestibule train at the electric-lit vision of Three Rivers, as it stars the banks of the Missouri like a constellation against the blackness of the night, would never recognize, in the trim...
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Hans Brinker Or, The Silver SkatesHans Brinker; Or, The Silver SkatesThis little work aims to combine the instructive features of a book of travels with the interest of a domestic tale. Throughout its pages the descriptions of Dutch localities, customs, and general characteristics, have been given with scrupulous care....
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Le moulin du FrauLe moulin du FrauJe ne me rappelle pas avoir jamais eu, du temps que j'tais critique, l'occasion d'apprcier un roman rustique offrant la moindre ressemblance de facture avec le Moulin du Frau. Le Marquis des Saffras, de La Madelne, les Paens innocents, de Babou,...
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L'amore di LoredanaL'amore di LoredanaFilippo sal, sorrise a Loredana, si volse a prender dalle mani del facchino le valigie, le colloc sulla rete, e sedette infine di fronte alla giovane, con un sospiro di sollievo. Poco dopo, lo sportello era chiuso e il treno riprendeva la...
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The Complete Story of the Galveston HorrorThe Complete Story of the Galveston HorrorIn presenting to the people of this country and the world a chronicle of the frightful visitation of hurricane and flood upon the beautiful and enterprising City of Galveston, which unparalleled calamity occurred on September 8, 1900, the...
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The Poetical Works of Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, Bart. M.PThe Poetical Works of Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, Bart. M.P.In this collection of the Author's Poems will be found some not before printed, and some entirely re-written from the more imperfect productions of earlier years. Few, if any, that have previously appeared, have escaped...
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Partie carréePartie carréeUne ple aurore de novembre encore mal veille se frottait les yeux derrire une courtine de nuages gristres, et dj le digne htelier Geordie se tenait debout sur le seuil de son auberge, les bras aussi croiss que le permettait un abdomen plus...
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La petite FadetteLa petite FadetteC'est la suite des nfastes journes de juin 1848, que troubl et navr, jusqu'au fond de l'me, par les orages extrieurs, je m'efforai de retrouver dans la solitude, sinon le calme, au moins la foi. Si je faisais profession d'tre philosophe, je...
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Ιστορία των Εθνικών ΔανείωνΙστορία των Εθνικών Δανείων - Μέρος Α' - Τα δάνεια της ανεξαρτησίας (1824-1825) - Το Δημόσιον Χρέος επί της Βαυαρικής ΔυναστείαςNote: The tonic system has been changed from polytonic to monotonic, otherwise the spelling of the book has not been changed. Words in italics...
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The Celestial Omnibus, and Other StoriesThe Celestial Omnibus, and Other StoriesEustace's careerif career it can be calledcertainly dates from that afternoon in the chestnut woods above Ravello. I confess at once that I am a plain, simple man, with no pretensions to literary style. Still, I do flatter myself...
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Curious Punishments of Bygone DaysCurious Punishments of Bygone DaysIn ransacking old court records, newspapers, diaries and letters for the historic foundation of the books which I have written on colonial history, I have found and noted much of interest that has not been used or referred to in...
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Comic TragediesComic Tragedies - Written by 'Jo' and 'Meg' and Acted by The 'Little Women'"It was at this period of her life that she was violently attacked by a mania for the stage, and writing and enacting dramas. Her older sister, Anna, had the same...
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Godey's Lady's Book, Vol. 42, May, 1851Godey's Lady's Book, Vol. 42, May, 1851Bright, gladsome May-day!the fairest maiden in all the train of the merry "Queen of Seasons." May-day! what happy scenes this word recallsthe day of all days for childhood's pleasures! I see the little darlings tripping along the streets...
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