Old Is Gold
Voyage en EspagneVoyage en EspagneIl y a quelques semaines (avril 1840), j'avais laiss tomber ngligemment cette phrase: J'irais volontiers en Espagne! Au bout de cinq ou six jours, mes amis avaient t le prudent conditionnel dont j'avais mitig mon dsir et rptaient qui voulait l'entendre que...
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A Letter from Mr. Cibber to Mr. PopeA Letter from Mr. Cibber to Mr. Pope[1] Not even the winner of the contest has been beyond dispute. 150 years afterward, Robert W. Lowe, Supplementary Chapter to Colley Cibbers Apology in his edition of An Apology for the Life of Colley Cibber, Comedian,...
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Amerikanische Wald- und Strombilder. Erster BandAmerikanische Wald- und Strombilder. Erster Band.Seit dem Krieg mit den Seminolen (1818) hatten sich die Stmme der nordamerikanischen Indianer ziemlich still und ruhig verhalten und die Regierung selbst vermied natrlich Jedes, was wieder zu Reibungen und Streitigkeiten Anla geben konnte. Nichts desto weniger und...
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A Day with Lord ByronA Day with Lord Byronne February afternoon in the year 1822, about two o'clock,for this is the hour at which his day begins,"the most notorious personality of his century" arouses himself, in the Palazzo Lanfranchi at Pisa. George Gordon Noel, Lord Byron, languidly arises...
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The Canadian Curler's ManualThe Canadian Curler's Manual - Or, an account of curling, as practised in Canada: with remarks on the history of the gameThis little pamphlet has been produced at the request of the Toronto Curling Club. The original object in its publication was simply to...
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Sekunde durch Hirn: Ein unheimlich schnell rotierender RomanSekunde durch Hirn: Ein unheimlich schnell rotierender Roman . . . Kunst ist, wenn schon nicht ein Vorurteil, so doch immer eine Privatansicht, stolzierte mir dieser bedenkliche Gedanke bedeutend durch das wirre Straennetz meines wasserschtigen Hirns, ehe ich in und durch Sumpf sank und...
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ObermanObermanLe prsent ouvrage est mis sous la sauvegarde des lois et de la probit des Citoyens. Nous poursuivrons devant les tribunaux tout contrefacteur, distributeur ou dbitant d'ditions contrefaites. Deux exemplaires de la prsente dition originale sont, conformment la loi, dposs la Bibliothque Nationale. On...
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Christopher Crayon's RecollectionsChristopher Crayon's Recollections - The Life and Times of the late James Ewing Ritchie as told by himselfIn 1837 Lord Melbourne was Prime Ministerthe handsomest, the most cultivated, the most courteous gentleman that ever figured in a Royal Court. For his young mistress he...
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The Night Side of LondonThe Night Side of LondonIt is said of a stranger who came to London for the first time, and took up his quarters in one of the most crowded city streets, that he remained standing at the door the whole of the first day...
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About LondonAbout LondonThe author of the following pages, must plead as his apology for again trespassing on the good nature of the public, the success of his other books. He is aware that, owing to unavoidable circumstances, the volume here and there bears marks of...
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Anthero do Quental, e Ramalho OrtigãoAnthero do Quental, e Ramalho OrtigãoAmigo! Contente com a alma sublimemente burgueza, que tu me conheces, vejo com pasmo, do limiar da minha porta, desfilar a soberba cohorte dos predestinados, que vo quebrando lanas em prol do bello, do ideal, do justo, por elles...
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Famous Scots Series, 2Allan RamsaySince this Volume was in type, I have received some additional information which I feel constrained to lay before my readers. With reference to the Easy Club, I have been favoured, through the courtesy of the Rev. Dr. A. B. Grosart, with a...
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Famous Scots Series, 1Thomas CarlyleOf the writing of books on Carlyle there is no end. Why, then, it may pertinently be asked, add another stone to the Carlylean cairn? The reply is obvious. In a series dealing with famous Scotsmen, Carlyle has a rightful claim to a...
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Reminiscences, 1819-1899Reminiscences, 1819-1899Julia Ward Howe. FROM SUNSET RIDGE: Poems Old and New. 12mo, $1.50. REMINISCENCES. With many Portraits and other Illustrations. Crown 8vo, $2.50. IS POLITE SOCIETY POLITE? and other Essays. With a Portrait of Mrs. Howe. Square 8vo, $1.50. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. Boston...
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Elizabethan EnglandElizabethan England - From 'A Description of England,' by William HarrisonTo the Right Honourable, and his singular good Lord and Master, Sir William Brooke, Knight, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, and Baron of Cobham, all increase of the fear and knowledge of God,...
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A Novelist on NovelsA Novelist on NovelsA BED OF ROSES THE CITY OF NIGHT ISRAEL KALISCH[1] THE MAKING OF AN ENGLISHMAN[2] THE SECOND BLOOMING THE STRANGERS' WEDDING OLGA NAZIMOV (Short Stories) The chapters that follow have been written in varying moods, and express the fluctuating feelings aroused...
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Rambling Recollections of Chelsea and the Surrounding District as a Village in the Early Part of the Past CenturyRambling Recollections of Chelsea and the Surrounding District as a Village in the Early Part of the Past Century - By an Old Inhabitant In offering my early recollections of Chelsea and surrounding neighbourhood, I thought they might be interesting to many of my...
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Margaret Fuller (Marchesa Ossoli)Margaret Fuller (Marchesa Ossoli)The present volume bears the name of Margaret Fuller simply, because it is by this name that its subject is most widely known and best remembered. Another name, indeed, became hers by marriage; but this later style and title were borne...
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Rostem und Suhrab: Eine Heldengeschichte in zwölf BüchernRostem und Suhrab: Eine Heldengeschichte in zwölf Büchernnderungen: Strophe 16: nach der glaubt wol dem Gerchte wurde ein Komma ergnzt Strophe 32: nach bringt mein Kind zurck? wurde ein ergnzt Strophe 40: nach umschweifen in den Landen wurde ein Punkt ergnzt Strophe 53: nach...
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The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth — Volume 4 (of 8)The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth — Volume 4 (of 8)Wordsworth left Grasmere with his household for Coleorton in November 1806, and there is no evidence that he returned to Westmoreland till April 1808; although his sister spent part of the winter of 1807-8...
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