Old Is Gold
Galgenlieder nebst dem 'Gingganz'Galgenlieder nebst dem 'Gingganz'Wir leben in einer bewegten Zeit. Ein Tag folgt dem andern, und neues Leben sprot aus den Ruinen. Auf moralischem, medizinischem, poetischem, patriotischem Gebiete, in Handel, Wandel, Kunst und Wissenschaft, allberall dieselbe Erscheinung, dieselbe Tendenz. Symptom reiht sich an Symptom. Und...
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Wondrous Love, and other Gospel addressesWondrous Love, and other Gospel addressesIt is often recorded in Scripture that Jesus was moved by compassion; and we are told in this verse that after the disciples of John had come to Him and told Him that their master had been beheaded, that...
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Hard PressedHard PressedIT was a gala night at the National Opera House, and the theatre was crammed from floor to roof, for Melba was sustaining a new part, and all London had gathered to listen. It was rarely indeed that so fashionable an audience assembled...
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The Trembling of the VeilThe Trembling of the Veil [Pg 1] [Pg 2] [Pg 3] At the end of the eighties my father and mother, my brother and sisters and myself, all newly arrived from Dublin, were settled in Bedford Park in a red-brick house with several mantelpieces...
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Ayala's AngelAyala's AngelWhen Egbert Dormer died he left his two daughters utterly penniless upon the world, and it must be said of Egbert Dormer that nothing else could have been expected of him. The two girls were both pretty, but Lucy, who was twenty-one, was...
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Mathilde: mémoires d'une jeune femmeMathilde: mémoires d'une jeune femmeVers la fin du mois de dcembre 1838, on voyait (et l'on voit probablement encore) un modeste caf appel le caf Lebuf, situ rue Saint-Louis au Marais, en face du vieil htel d'Orbesson, vaste et triste demeure, mise en location,...
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The Man of TasteThe Man of Taste The idea of "taste" and the ideal of the "man of taste" have fallen considerably in critical esteem since the eighteenth century. When F. R. Leavis calls Andrew Lang "a scholar and a man of taste, with a feeling for...
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StevensonianaStevensoniana - Being a Reprint of Various Literary and Pictorial Miscellany Associated with Robert Louis Stevenson, the Man and His WorkThe early days of the literary career of Robert Louis Stevenson can hardly be said to have been entirely devoid of recognition, though it...
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Les diables noirs: drame en quatre actesLes diables noirs: drame en quatre actesUn salon de vieux chteau. A gauche, premier plan, une petite porte, entre, bille, au deuxime plan, grande chemine. Au fond, pan coup, une porte qui conduit la bibliothque.Porte d'entre au milieu.A droite, pan coup, une fentre ouvrant...
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Le roman bourgeois: Ouvrage comiqueLe roman bourgeois: Ouvrage comiqueLa fatalit qui a poursuivi Furetire pendant sa vie s'est attache aprs sa mort ses crits. Cet auteur, d'une incontestable originalit, d'un immense savoir et d'une rare intelligence au travail, peut passer pour exemple de ce qu'une seule mauvaise qualit...
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Geography and PlaysGeography and PlaysPossible typesetting errors, spelling mistakes and inconsistencies in spelling, punctuation and hyphenation have been preserved as they appear in the printed edition, including paragraphs with no or non-sentence-ending punctuation at the end. Passages with questionable text are marked like this. A suggestion...
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Raison et sensibilité, ou les deux manières d'aimer (Tome 1)Raison et sensibilité, ou les deux manières d'aimer (Tome 1)La famille des Dashwood tait depuis long-temps tablie dans le comt de Sussex. Leurs domaines taient tendus, et leur rsidence habituelle tait Norland-Park, au centre de leurs proprits, o plusieurs gnrations avaient vcu avec honneur,...
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The Poetical Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Volume 2The Poetical Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Volume 2[6] A fact rendered pathetically historical by Mr. Horne's report of his Commission. The name of the poet of "Orion" and "Cosmo de' Medici" has, however, a change of associations, and comes in time to remind...
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The Vagabond in LiteratureThe Vagabond in LiteratureThere are some men born with a vagrant strain in the blood, an unsatiable inquisitiveness about the world beyond their doors. Natural revolutionaries they, with an ingrained distaste for the routine of ordinary life and the conventions of civilization. The average...
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Reveries over Childhood and YouthReveries over Childhood and YouthSometimes when I remember a relative that I have been fond of, or a strange incident of the past, I wander here and there till I have somebody to talk to. Presently I notice that my listener is bored; but...
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Lafcadio HearnLafcadio HearnWhen Death has set his seal on an eminent man's career, there is a not unnatural curiosity to know something of his life, as revealed by himself, particularly in letters to intimate friends. "All biography ought, as much as possible, to be autobiography,"...
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British Committees, Commissions, and Councils of Trade and Plantations, 1622-1675British Committees, Commissions, and Councils of Trade and Plantations, 1622-1675 In considering the subject which forms the chief topic of this paper, we are not primarily concerned with the question of settlement, intimately related though it be to the larger problem of colonial control....
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Maria EdgeworthMaria EdgeworthThough many notices of Miss Edgeworth have appeared from time to time, nothing approaching to a Life of her has been published in this country. As I have had the good fortune to have access to an unpublished memoir of her, written by...
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The Laughing Cavalier: The Story of the Ancestor of the Scarlet PimpernelThe Laughing Cavalier: The Story of the Ancestor of the Scarlet Pimpernel AN APOLOGY THE PROLOGUE THE ADVENTURE CHAPTER I New Year's Eve CHAPTER II The Fracas by the Postern Gate CHAPTER III An Interlude CHAPTER IV Watch-night CHAPTER V Brother and Sister CHAPTER...
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Entre o caffé e o cognacEntre o caffé e o cognac aquelle um templo consagrado unicamente Arte. Alli tem altar a pintura, a archeologia, a historia natural, e a litteratura. Presente-se que se est no gabinete d'um grande romancista porque se adivinha a historia de cada quadro, a novella...
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