Explore top psychology books, from social psychology and sports psychology to novels and beginner guides. Discover bestsellers and highly recommended reads in human psychology available online.
The Truth & Other Lies We Tell Ourselves: Learn How to Choose the Words That Determine the Outcomes in Your Life"Why do the words we use to express ourselves and interpret the world around us matter? Matt captures the answer to this question in a thought provoking and provocative way that makes you smile, makes you laugh, makes you embarrassed, makes you upset and...
- €22,82 EUR
- €22,82 EUR
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Illusions: My Journey to FreedomSix years after her husband's sudden death, Corina Taylor still felt the heaviness and deep pain of loss. As she embarked on a journey of self-discovery, every uncomfortable truth about herself, her relationships, the world she inhabited, and the systems and structures that silently...
- €21,72 EUR
- €21,72 EUR
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Police Resilience: Bulletproof Spirit Wellness Strategies for Training Academies and New Peace OfficersThe author of the gold-standard essential reading for many law-enforcement agencies and for first responders of every kind now speaks specifically to new recruits called to "protect and serve" in ever more challenging times If you're a peace officer (whether in policing, corrections, probation,...
- €29,09 EUR
- €29,09 EUR
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Find Your True VoiceDo you find yourself plagued by anxiety or depression? Do you struggle with your body image? Do you often feel stuck in destructive and toxic patterns and cycles? Trained psychotherapist, Emmy Brunner, has the ultimate 11-step programme you need to identify, and overcome unresolved...
- €38,89 EUR
- €38,89 EUR
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Mind Matters in ChildrenOur mind is one of the most extraordinary wonders of mankind! We use it to think critically and creatively, it stores our treasured memories, it helps us make friends and look after our loved ones, and it can transform our impossible dreams into reality.Sometimes...
- €59,55 EUR
- €59,55 EUR
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Jenseits aller Glaubenssätze: Die verlorenen Lehren von Sydney BanksLinda Quiring dokumentiert auch in ihrem zweiten Buch die frühen Jahre mit Sydney Banks und verpackt die von ihm selbst geschriebenen Worte geschickt in ihre eigenen Erinnerungen. Dieses Buch enthält reichlich Inspiration, selbst zu erkennen, was wir jenseits aller Konditionierung wirklich sind. Hier liegt...
- €33,92 EUR
- €33,92 EUR
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The Unbroken: A Firefighter's MemoirWhen a series of traumatic calls on the job as a firefighter leaves Steve shaken and unable to recover, he, reluctantly at first, seeks out clinical counselling. His one rule, "I won't talk about my childhood," closes the door on several therapists, until he...
- €26,07 EUR
- €26,07 EUR
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Thinking to Some Purpose"I am convinced of the urgent need for a democratic people to think clearly without the distortions due to unconscious bias and unrecognized ignorance. Our failures in thinking are in part due to faults which we could to some extent overcome were we to...
- €51,37 EUR
- €51,37 EUR
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When the Garden Isn't Eden: More Psychodynamic Concepts from LifeStories can explore complicated ideas and bring shared experiences to life. Footage of the Knicks' upset win in the NBA finals triggers a traumatic memory of family tragedy. A young girl starts bullying her best friend after her big sister goes off to sleepaway...
- €58,20 EUR
- €58,20 EUR
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Coaching Physicians and Healthcare Professionals: Supporting Workplace Wellbeing and High-Quality CareThis important volume applies the practice of professional coaching to the hospital setting specifically, imparting the authors' rich experience of coaching healthcare providers to other coaches working within the field. The book details how coaches can tailor their skills to the complex world of...
- €109,88 EUR
- €109,88 EUR
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Nala y su analista de conducta: Enséñame mi vozEste cuento que tienes en tus manos no es ficción, es una pequeña muestra de mi día a día con Nala. Todas y cada una de las páginas muestran un aprendizaje para ambas. Los procedimientos empleados, presentados aquí a modo de relato, se apoyan...
- €97,19 EUR
- €97,19 EUR
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Letters from the Grief Club: How We Live with LossWelcome to the club you never wanted to join. When someone you love dies, it may seem impossible to know what will happen next and how you will cope. Losing someone in early adulthood, you may feel even more alone, when no-one around you...
- €27,55 EUR
- €27,55 EUR
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Navigating Adult Stammering: 100 Points for Speech and Language TherapistsThis book, the first in an exciting new series, provides speech and language therapy students and newly qualified and beginning stammering specialists with 100 key points that will help form a strong foundation for their work supporting adults and teenagers who stammer. Composed of...
- €74,06 EUR
- €74,06 EUR
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My Anxiety Is Messing Things Up: Teacher and Counselor Activity Guide: Volume 4This teacher and counselor activity guide is designed to accompany theMy Anxiety is Messing Things Upchapter book, an empowering story about managing and overcoming stress and worry. The guide includes text from the story, along with clarifying and probing questions and suggested activities. The...
- €30,62 EUR
- €30,62 EUR
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The Psych Ward Notes: Surviving Anxiety & DepressionWhat happens when your first memories of life and conscious awareness centered around death and mental illness? You end up with a mental illness or illnesses. This book is an autobiography/documentary about Peter Vox, a retired school teacher and professional musician from Long Island,...
- €55,94 EUR
- €55,94 EUR
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The Relational Imperative: Resources for a World on EdgeWe enter an era of the unknown - global conditions move with unprecedented speed, unpredictably, disruptively, and uncontrollably. Conflict is unceasing and increasingly polarized. Global warming and the spread of deadly diseases are a threat to all. How are we to go on? One...
- €32,75 EUR
- €32,75 EUR
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Mythic FiguresThis volume collects Hillman's papers and lectures on the main figures of mythology, including Dionysus, Oedipus, Moses, Mars, and Athene: "Dionysus in Jung's Writings"; "Athene, Ananke, and the Necessity of Abnormal Psychology"; "The Inside of Strategies: Athene"; "Abandoning the Child"; "Wars, Arms, Rams, Mars";...
- €33,58 EUR
- €33,58 EUR
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Clinical Spinoza: Integrating His Philosophy with Contemporary Therapeutic PracticeDiscovering Spinoza's early modern psychology some 35 years into his own clinical practice, Ian Miller now gives shape to this connection through a close reading of Spinoza's key philosophical ideas. With a rigorous and expansive analysis of Spinoza's Ethics in particular, Miller explores how...
- €111,81 EUR
- €111,81 EUR
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The Marx Through Lacan Vocabulary: A Compass for Libidinal and Political EconomiesThis text explores a set of key concepts in Marxist theory as developed and read by Lacan, demonstrating links and connections between Marxist thought and Lacanian practice. The book examines the complexity of these encounters through the structure of a comprehensive vocabulary which covers...
- €111,81 EUR
- €111,81 EUR
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Pain Killer: A Memoir of Big League Addiction#1 BESTSELLER "This book is at times startling, yet very real and down to earth . . . I saw [Brantt] in all phases of his life and his career. I consider him a friend and an ally. Pain Killer sends a strong message."...
- €24,57 EUR
- €24,57 EUR
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