Public Domain
Jack Miner and the Birds, and Some Things I Know about NatureJack Miner and the Birds, and Some Things I Know about NatureMy reason, dear reader, for writing this book, I will assure you is not to expose my A, B, C education, but simply because my many friends have requested me to put into...
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Beskrivelser og tegninger af Øster Marie Kirke med særlig hensyn til den oprindelige formBeskrivelser og tegninger af Øster Marie Kirke med særlig hensyn til den oprindelige form.ster Marie Kirke paa Bornholm ligger ved Veien mellem Rnne og Svanike, omtrent en Mil fra den sidste. Den hrer til en Gruppe af Kirker, ialt 15, som omtrent samtidig ere...
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The Man Who Killed the EarthThe Man Who Killed the WorldIn his little tower, perched at the very peak of the great terraced pile of buildings which was his home and his citadel, Peter Groff sat brooding with hatred. The city, its factories, its vast plowed fields, lay stretched...
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How to Cook in Casserole DishesHow to Cook in Casserole DishesThere is no doubt that the fashion of cooking in casseroles or earthenware dishes has come to stay in this country; and it is hardly a matter of surprise when the advantages of this form of cookery are really...
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Food and Flavor: A Gastronomic Guide to Health and Good LivingFood and Flavor: A Gastronomic Guide to Health and Good LivingIt is not often that an author is so fortunate as to have a subject which is of vital importance to everybody, without exception. Everybody eats, and everybody wants to enjoy his meals; yet...
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Le sang de la sirèneLe sang de la sirèneJe mets ce livre sous vos auspices, madame, dabord parce quil ne saurait y en avoir pour lui de plus favorables, ensuite, parce que jai toutes raisons de croire que votre sympathie lui est davance assure. Il voque, en effet,...
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The Space FlameThe Space FlameCargyle wiped away the blood from a flesh wound over one eye. The body of a mutineer lay half across the threshold of the small cabin. They'd gotten that close to him. They were out there in the corridors, the mutineers, searching...
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The Devil's Motor: A FantasyThe Devil's Motor: A Fantasy In the dead midnight, at that supreme moment when the Hours that are past slip away from the grasp of the Hours yet to be, there came rushing between Earth and Heaven the sound of giant wheels,the glare of...
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Captain John Crane, 1800-1815Captain John Crane, 1800-1815Transcriber's Notes: Blank pages have been eliminated. Variations in spelling and hyphenation have been left as in the original. A few typographical errors have been corrected. The cover page was created by the transcriber and can be considered public domain. I...
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Kevään ajoilta: JutelmiaKevään ajoilta: JutelmiaOli kevt-lukukausi 1862. Pietarin Suomalaisten silloisessa ainoassa koulussa, kirkkokoulussa, oli uskonnontunti poikaosaston ylimmll, kolmannella, luokalla. Opettajana oli seurakunnan apulainen, pastori Kaarlo August Skutnabb, muutama vuosi sitten papiksi vihitty nuori mies. Tunnilta lhtiessn kutsui hn kolme eturivin ensimmist oppilasta tulemaan luokseen tnn kello...
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VeljeniVeljeni"Kermadec (Yves Marie), Yves-Marien ja Jeanine Danveoch'en poika. Syntynyt elokuun 28 p:n 1851, Saint-Pol-de-Lon'issa (Finistren piiriss). Pituus 1 m. 80 cm. Tukka ruskea, kulmakarvat ruskeat, silmt ruskeat, nen keskikokoinen, leuka tavallinen, otsa tavallinen, kasvot soikeat. Nuo ihopiirrokset olivat viel moodissa noin kymmenen vuotta sitten...
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The life and death of CleopatraCleopatra Cleopatra, that curiously perverse figure, that incarnation of fatal passion, what was she like? A combination of pride and frailty, adored and despised. Plutarch said that "Her charm entered into men's very souls," and Horace thanked the gods for delivering the earth from...
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Pig Raising: A Manual for Pig ClubsPig Raising: A Manual for Pig ClubsWhatever may be the status of the project system of teaching other subjects, it is coming to be quite generally agreed that the home project offers one of the best methods for teaching elementary agriculture. The essentials of...
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The boy's FroissartThe boy's Froissart - Being Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of adventure, battle, and custom in England, France, Spain, etc.PERHAPS no boy will deny that to find the world still reading a book which was written five hundred years ago is a very wonderful business....
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Revolt on the Earth-StarRevolt on the Earth-StarRod Carver panted heavily and the sweat froze on his brow. Depending on his ax work now, he swung again and again, chipped shallow holes into which he wedged trembling fingers and pulled himself a little higher. Inch by precarious inch...
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Madonna: NovellenMadonna: Novellen Er war allein mit ihr. Seit zwanzig Jahren zum ersten Mal. Sie war tot. Er legte den Reisehut auf den alten Lehnstuhl und trat mit gefalteten Hnden an die ungeschmckte Bahre. Das mdchenzarte Angesicht eines stillen tiefen Weibes ruhte auf dem schwarzen...
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Dictator of TimeDictator of TimeLarry Wilson was going to miss his train. He swung from his cab at Philadelphia's Broad Street Station, glanced swiftly at his wrist-watch, tossed a bill in the general direction of the cabby, then dashed for the staircase that led to the...
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Niccolò Machiavelli e i suoi tempi, vol. IIINiccolò Machiavelli e i suoi tempi, vol. III La ristampa di questo volume dovette, per diverse ragioni, procedere con molta lentezza. E intanto gli studi sul Machiavelli sembravano rifiorire. Vennero infatti alla luce parecchi nuovi lavori, e prima di tutti il secondo volume del...
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Niccolò Machiavelli e i suoi tempi, vol. IINiccolò Machiavelli e i suoi tempi, vol. II Il decennio in cui Giulio II sedette sulla sedia di San Pietro (1503-1513), fu un periodo memorabile nella storia della politica, memorabilissimo in quella della cultura italiana. Con una volont indomabile, con un impeto pi che...
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Niccolò Machiavelli e i suoi tempi, vol. INiccolò Machiavelli e i suoi tempi, vol. I Nel presentare al lettore una nuova edizione di questo libro, non ho bisogno di aggiungere molte parole. Mi basta dir solamente, che l'ho riveduto con quella maggiore diligenza che ho saputo, correggendo gli errori di cui...
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