Public Domain
The Description and Use of the Globes and the OrreryThe Description and Use of the Globes and the Orrery - To Which is Prefix'd, by Way of Introduction, a BriefA Brief Account of the Solar System, and of the Fixed Stars. Of the Order and Periods of the Primary Planets revolving about the...
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Frank Brown, Sea ApprenticeFrank Brown, Sea ApprenticeIn order to make it plain to my readers that the following pages may be read without danger of acquiring false information about the sea, or the ways of its servants, I beg to say that every incident recorded is fact,...
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Grampa in OzGrampa in OzThis book is all about an old soldier called Grampa, a young Prince, a lost Princess and a weather cock named Bill. I might never have known a thing about them if Dorothy had not been mixed up in the story. But...
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A magyar előidőkből Egy asszonyi hajszálA magyar előidőkből; Egy asszonyi hajszálVolt id, midn a magyar ngy annyi volt, mint mennyi most. Mg ellensgei is magyarbl teltek ki; a kn, a jsz, a besseny, mind az nyelvt beszltk, egy haza blcsje ringatta ket, egy nv volt skirlyuk neve. Egy rksgen...
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The Girl Scouts' Motor TripThe Girl Scouts' Motor TripMarjorie Wilkinson and Lily Andrews sauntered down the hall of the dormitory towards their rooms, humming tunes and dragging their hockey sticks along the floor behind them. They were enjoying a particularly jubilant mood, for their team had just been...
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Seasoning SuggestionsSeasoning Suggestions - Revealing the Chef's Seasoning Secrets for Improving Over One Hundred and Fifty Dishes With Lea & Perrins' SauceIt stands on the tables of every-equipped dinning car, steamship line, luxurious hotel and in millions of homes: the housekeeper also uses it in...
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NälkämailtaNälkämailta - Kuvia ja havaintoja Koillis-Suomesta nälkävuodelta 1902Ken etelsuomalaisista ei muista katovuosia 1867-68, hnell ei ole mitn ksityst siit, millainen todellinen nlk on. Min muistan niit aikoja niinkuin hmr unta, mutta yksi kuva on sentn siit saakka pysynyt selvn mielessni: kuva nlst. Se oli...
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American LifeAmerican Life - A Narrative of Two Years' City and Country Residence in the United StatesIn submitting these few sheets to the public, the authoress wishes to be considered as presenting a faithful record of her observations, and of events as they occurred within...
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EllenEllenOui, c'est trs grave, je ne puis vous le cacher, madame, l'tat de votre fille est des plus alarmants. Je ne sais qui a conseill cet t miss Horneby le sjour des lacs italiens d'abord et de Venise ensuite, mais je veux ignorer le...
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War-Lords of the MoonWar-Lords of the MoonBruce Ross, on the Earth-Moon run, asked a simple question, "How are the stars behaving, Harry?" But Harrell Moore could only stare at him in horror. For the stars had run amokcosmic engines of destruction in the hands of the twisted...
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Partners 3Partners ThreeThe Crystal Spring nosed her way out of Herricks Cove, caught the southeasterly breeze on her big sail and moved lazily along past the end of Greenhaven Neck. The Crystal Spring was not built for speed. She was snub-nosed and square-sterned and wide...
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Handbook for Light ArtilleryHandbook for Light ArtilleryIn preparing this work it has been my endeavor to place in compact form all the data I could obtain that might prove of service to those persons interested in the subject of light artillery, both in the Regular Army and...
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Uncle Wiggily on The Flying Rug Or, The Great Adventure on a Windy March DayUncle Wiggily on The Flying Rug; Or, The Great Adventure on a Windy March Day1. One day in March, Nurse Jane bought a new rug, and Uncle Wiggily helped her take it home to the hollow stump bungalow. If you hadnt helped me I...
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Unschuld: Ein modernes MädchenbuchUnschuld: Ein modernes MädchenbuchDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1901 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und heute nicht mehr gebruchliche Schreibweisen sowie Schreibvarianten bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert, sofern der Sinn des Texts dadurch nicht...
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The Valley of the ShadowThe Valley of the ShadowFor the twentieth time Hilda Garling asked herself the same questionWhy had her husband asked Jack Denver to stay? Mechanically she helped herself to some dish which the footman was handing to her, hardly knowing what it was she took....
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Little Classics, Volume 2 (of 18)Stories of Intellect FRIEND of mine, who is a man of letters and a philosopher, said to me one day, as if between jest and earnest, Fancy! since we last met I have discovered a haunted house in the midst of London. Well, I...
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Junge Herzen: Erzählungen für die reifere JugendJunge Herzen: Erzählungen für die reifere JugendDie Fragerin, ein noch sehr junges, schlank gebautes Mdchen, stand auf der inneren Schwelle der Thre des groen Bureauzimmers, whrend der am Schreibpult beschftigte Herr sich umsah, erhob und der zgernden Mdchengestalt um einige Schritte entgegentrat. Womit kann...
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Le chemin des écoliersLe chemin des écoliers - Promenade de Paris à Marly-le-Roy, en suivant les bords du RhinCe vieux spectre ple et frissonnant, le pre des brumes et des neiges, a fui devant ce joli enfant nomm Avril. Ami, vois-tu Avril le poursuivre, arm de sa...
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A mudança que é possivel na vidaA mudança que é possivel na vidaNo outono passado encontrou o autor numa livraria da California um livrinho com o seu nome no frontispiciolivro que le no sabia que existia, que no escrevera, nem adornara com o titulo que o encimava. No repele porm...
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Suzanne et le PacifiqueSuzanne et le PacifiqueC'tait pourtant un de ces jours o rien n'arrive, o, comme les poules quand la pluie va durer, sentant que jusqu'au soir la vie sera monotone, les astres occups d'habitude la varier sortent sans emploi et voisinent. Il y avait de...
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