Public Domain
The Mystery of Mrs. BlencarrowThe Mystery of Mrs. BlencarrowThe house of Blencarrow, which, without being one of the great houses of the county, was as comfortable and handsome as a country gentleman not exactly of the highest importance could desire, stood in a pretty little park of its...
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Silence is—DeadlySilence is—DeadlyThe hurried rat-a-tat of knuckles hammered on the cabin door. Commander Bob Curtis roused himself from his doze, got up from his chair, stretched himself to his full, lanky height and yawned. That would be Nelson, his navigating officer. Nelson always knocked that...
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Pastor HallinPastor HallinDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1911 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und heute nicht mehr gebruchliche Schreibweisen sowie Schreibvarianten bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert, sofern der Sinn des Texts dadurch nicht beeintrchtigt wird....
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Das Lyzeum in Birkholz: RomanDas Lyzeum in Birkholz: RomanDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1918 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und heute nicht mehr gebruchliche Schreibweisen sowie Schreibvarianten bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert, sofern der Sinn des Texts dadurch...
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The Court of the King, and Other StudiesThe Court of the King, and Other StudiesWe wake with wrists and ankles jewelled still. There are many ways of entering fairyland; sometimes there is a door in the ground, and he who goes through finds himself in some great hall or carved and...
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Buffalo historical society. Publications v. 27Seneca myths and folk talesIn presenting this collection of Seneca myths and legends, the collator feels that he should explain to the general reader that he does not offer a series of tales that can be judged by present day literary standards. These Indian...
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Obstetrics for NursesObstetrics for NursesIt might seem that an apology was necessary for presenting a new textbook on obstetrics for nurses when so many are to be had for the asking. But when a teacher is rarely or never satisfied with his own work it is...
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Byzantine Constantinople, the walls of the city and adjoining historical sitesByzantine Constantinople, the walls of the city and adjoining historical sitesIn the following pages I venture to take part in the task of identifying the historical sites of Byzantine or Roman Constantinople, with the view of making the events of which that city was...
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StrainStrainThe essence of military success is teamworkthe essence of that is absolute reliability of every man, every unit of the team, under any strain that may be imposed. And the duty of a good general? It was unreasonable, he told himself, to feel no...
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Is a Ship Canal Practicable?Is a Ship Canal Practicable? - Notes, Historical and Statistical, Upon the Projected Routes for an Interoceanic Ship Canal Between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, in Which is Included a Short Account of the Character and Influence of the Canal of Suez, and the...
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Autels privilégiésAutels privilégiésLe relev dun procs en Cour dart et damour, plaide tendrement avec dloquentes pices lappui de la canonisation proclame enfin pour Desbordes-Valmore.Pour le demi-dieu Leconte de Lisle, plus encore quune canonisation, un culte, peut-tre institu un peu trop tt, clbr avec plus dostentation...
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South Kensington Museum art handbooks no. 2Ivories Ancient and MediævalThese Handbooks are reprints of the dissertations prefixed to the large catalogues of the chief divisions of works of art in the Museum at South Kensington; arranged and so far abridged as to bring each into a portable shape. The Lords...
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Life of Edwin Forrest, the American Tragedian. Volume 2 (of 2)Life of Edwin Forrest, the American Tragedian. Volume 2 (of 2)The newspaper in some countries has been a crime and in others a luxury. In all civilized countries it has now become a necessity. With us it is a duty. It is often corrupted...
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History of Greece, Volume 11 (of 12)History of Greece, Volume 11 (of 12)This History has already occupied a far larger space than I at first intended or anticipated. Nevertheless, to bring it to the term marked out in my original prefacethe close of the generation contemporary with Alexander, on whose...
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Memoirs of Doctor Burney (Vol. 1 of 3)Memoirs of Doctor Burney (Vol. 1 of 3) - Arranged from his own manuscripts, from family papers, and from personal recollections by his daughter, Madame d'ArblayCOPIED FROM A MANUSCRIPT MEMOIR IN THE DOCTORS OWN HAND-WRITING. If the life of a humble individual, on whom...
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Muck ManMuck ManThe girl with the Slider egg glittering in her hair watched the bailiff lead Asa Graybar out of the courtroom. He recognized her as old Hazeltyne's daughter Harriet, no doubt come to see justice done. She didn't have the hothouse-flower look Asa would...
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The Queen's Quair or, The 6 Years' TragedyThe Queen's Quair; or, The Six Years' TragedyIf one were in the vein for the colours and haunted mists of Romance; if the thing, perhaps, were not so serious, there might be composed, and by me, a Romance of Queens out of my acquaintance...
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Apuntes para una Gramática Valenciana PopularApuntes para una Gramática Valenciana al Letor no le parecieren bien, no las siga como las he puesto, que mi intento no es inovar cosa alguna, sino en todo sujetarme la comn, y al prudente sentir de los eruditos. CARLOS ROS, Prctica de...
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Rede lectures 1890ErasmusTranscriber's Notes: Blank pages have been eliminated. Variations in spelling and hyphenation have been left as in the original. A few typographical errors have been corrected. The cover page was created by the transcriber and can be considered public domain. Desiderius Erasmus was born...
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Kaarinan kesälomaKaarinan kesälomaKaarina Holsti astui ensimmist kertaa elessn sisn sairaalan portista. Pelonsekaisella kunnioituksella hn katseli suurta punaista tiilirakennusta kirkkoineen. Kytvss, jo heti ovesta sisn tultaessa, lehahti sairaalailma vastaan; nuoresta, kevtilman tuoksua sken hengittneest tytst tuntui miltei kaamealta tn nukutusaineiden, lysolin ja lkkeiden tyttm ilmakeh. Kaarina...
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- €6,19 EUR
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