Public Domain
A House Divided Against Itself vol. 1 of 3A House Divided Against Itself; vol. 1 of 3The day was warm, and there was no shade; out of the olive woods which they had left behind, and where all was soft coolness and freshness, they had emerged into a piece of road widened...
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The Little Green GoblinThe Little Green GoblinLittle Bob Taylor was mad, discouraged, and thoroughly miserable. Things had gone wrongas things have the perverse habit of doing with mischievous, fun-loving boys of tenand he was disgruntled, disgusted. The school year drawing to a close had been one of...
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Shylock reasons with Mr. Chesterton, and other poemsShylock reasons with Mr. Chesterton, and other poemsThe plan by which individual Viennese are allowed to obtain their own wood supplies has already been described by more than one observer. It will, however, in time to come appear so incredible, and it so completely...
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The Time of ColdThe Time of ColdCurt felt the airship going out of control as he passed over a rock spattered stretch of sand. Automatically he looked for a smooth place to land and steered the bucking ship for it. The jolt of the landing triggered the...
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Sónnica la cortesana: NovelaSónnica la cortesana: NovelaCuando la nave de Polyantho, piloto saguntino, lleg frente al puerto de su patria, ya los marineros y pescadores, con la vista aguzada por las distancias del mar, haban reconocido su vela teida de azafrn y la imagen de la Victoria,...
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Set Down in Malice: A Book of ReminiscencesSet Down in Malice: A Book of ReminiscencesVery many of the following pages were written in the trenches and dug-outs of Greece and Serbia. I added a chapter or two in Port Said, Alexandria and Marseilles. That is to say, I wrote far away...
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Ancient legends, Mystic Charms & Superstitions of IrelandAncient legends, Mystic Charms & Superstitions of Ireland - With sketches of the Irish pastThe three great sources of knowledge respecting the shrouded part of humanity are the language, the mythology, and the ancient monuments of a country. From the language one learns the...
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Captain Billy's Whiz Bang, Vol. 3, No. 25, October, 1921Captain Billy's Whiz Bang, Vol. 3, No. 25, October, 1921 - America's Magazine of Wit, Humor and FilosophyCaptain Billys Whiz Bang employs no solicitors. Subscriptions may be received only at authorized news stands or by direct mail to Robbinsdale. We join in no clubbing...
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Mightiest QornMightiest Qorn"They were a warlike race known in this sector back in Concordiat times, perhaps two hundred years ago. They vanished as suddenly as they had appeared. There was no record of where they went." He paused for effect. His Supreme Excellency The Qorn,...
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Mammals of Mount McKinley National ParkMammals of Mount McKinley National ParkThe Mount McKinley region was set aside as a National Park in 1917. The foresighted conservationists who advocated National Park status for this country were activated chiefly by their desire to preserve the flora and fauna in its pristine...
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Forest Pictures in the AdirondacksForest Pictures in the AdirondacksBy JOHN A. HOWS WITH ORIGINAL POEMS BY ALFRED B. STREET NEW YORK: JAMES G. GREGORY, 540, BROADWAY. M DCCC LXV. {2} Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1864, By JAMES G. GREGORY, In the Clerks Office...
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Das erste Wort der kleinen Elinontis, und andere IndianergeschichtenDas erste Wort der kleinen Elinontis, und andere IndianergeschichtenDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und heute nicht mehr gebruchliche Schreibweisen sowie Schreibvarianten bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert, sofern der Sinn des...
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Manners and Customs of the ThridManners and Customs of the ThridThe real trouble was that Jorgenson saw things as a business man does. But also, and contradictorily, he saw them as right and just, or as wrong and intolerable. As a business man, he should have kept his mind...
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The Heart of a DogThe Heart of a DogWhen the Stippled Silver Kennel, Inc., went into the wholesale raising of silver foxes for a world market, its two partners brought to the enterprise a comfortable working capital and an uncomfortable ignorance of the brain-reactions of a fox. They...
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With Lawrence in ArabiaWith Lawrence in ArabiaSurely no one ever offered a volume to the public who was quite so deeply indebted to others, and I have long looked forward to the opportunity of expressing my gratitude. To do this I must turn back the pages of...
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Marooned in the Forest: The Story of a Primitive Fight for LifeMarooned in the Forest: The Story of a Primitive Fight for LifeIf a man or a well-grown boy is lost in the wilderness, what can he do? Shall he whimper and give up? Never, if he has real blood in his veins. He faces...
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Joan and Peter: The story of an educationJoan and Peter: The story of an educationEarly one summer morning in England, in the year 1893 in the reignwhich seemed in those days to have been going on for ever and to be likely to go on for evermoreof Queen Victoria, there was...
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Navalta navalle IINavalta navalle II 1. Matka Nordkapiin. 2. Brittilisen maailmanvallan keskus. 3. Maailman pkaupunki. 4. Ikuinen kaupunki. 5. Pompeji. 6. Gordon ja orjakauppa. 7. Gordon Kartumissa. 8. Kitchenerin sotaretki Sudanissa. 9. Afrikan elinmaailmasta. 10. Leijona. 11. David Livingstone. 12. Henry Stanley. 13. Sahara. 14. New...
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The Customs LoungeThe Customs LoungeThere were usually a few Customs Inspectors in the lounge, waiting to begin their shifts, hanging around trading news and incidents and drinking the bad, lukewarm kasser that was a standing joke in the Immigration-Customs Service. "... They had this small box...
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Cesare Lombroso, a modern man of scienceCesare Lombroso, a modern man of scienceThe subject of this little book is, as its title shows, Cesare Lombroso, the man and the investigator; it makes no attempt to deal adequately with Lombroso, the reformer of criminology and criminal sociology. To do justice to...
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