Explore our collection of education books and early education books at our online bookstore, including top titles for teachers and Pearson Education textbooks. Discover must-read and best-selling educational reads that provide valuable insights and resources for teaching and learning.
The Rollo SeriesRollo's Philosophy [Fire]The main design in view, in the discussions which are offered to the juvenile world, under the title of The Rollo Philosophy, relates rather to their effect upon the little readers habits of thinking, reasoning, and observation, than to the additions they...
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The History of PedagogyThe History of Pedagogy[xxiii] THE HISTORY OF PEDAGOGY. [Pg 1] THE HISTORY OF PEDAGOGY. 1. Preliminary Considerations.A German historian of philosophy begins his work by asking this question: Was Adam a philosopher? In the same way certain historians of pedagogy begin by learned researches...
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Studies of childhoodStudies of childhoodThe following Studies are not a complete treatise on child-psychology, but merely deal with certain aspects of childrens minds which happen to have come under my notice, and to have had a special interest for me. In preparing them I have tried...
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EducationEducationOur ideas of education take too narrow and too low a range. There is need of a broader scope, a higher aim. True education means more than the pursual of a certain course of study. It means more than a preparation for the life...
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Rules of the Western Grammar School, BromptonRules of the Western Grammar School, Brompton1. Rev. J. F. LATEWARD, A.M. Kensington. 2. Rev. JOHN MORISON, 1, Hans Place. 3. Rev. R. H. SHEPHERD, 9, Palace Street, Pimlico. 4. E. J. CLARK, Esq. M.D. Hyde Park Place, West. 5. CAPTAIN PEEVOR, 36, Church...
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Positions wherin those primitive circumstances be examined, which are necessary for the training up of children, either for skill in their book, or health in their bodyPositionsMy booke by the very argument, most excellent princesse, pretendeth a common good, bycause it concerneth the generall traine and bringing vp of youth, both to enrich their minds with learning, and to enable their bodies with health: and it craues the fauour of...
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The Early Irish Monastic SchoolsThe Early Irish Monastic Schools - A study of Ireland's contribution to early medieval cultureThe aim of the present study is to give within reasonable limits a critical and fairly complete account of the Irish Monastic Schools which flourished prior to 900A.D. The period...
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The Burston School StrikeThe Burston School StrikeIn this sentence the Reverend Charles Kingsley carries forward the message left by Aristotle. When preparing to write this little booklet I was greatly impressed with the above words. No more fitting motto could I find for it, since it deals...
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The Educational Writings of Richard MulcasterThe Educational Writings of Richard MulcasterSome apology is needed for the presentation of an Elizabethan writer to English readers in any form but that of the original text. The justification of the present volume must lie in the fact that in the three centuries...
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The Rollo SeriesRollo Learning to ReadIn those intervals of rest which the serious cares and labors of life imperiously demand, a man may find the best amusement for himself in efforts for the amusement of children. This little work and its predecessor, Rollo Learning to Talk,...
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How to Teach Reading in the Public SchoolsHow to Teach Reading in the Public Schools[17] [18] [19] It must be clear that no progress can be made in the teaching of any subject unless the teacher possess a definite standard of criticism; and, furthermore, it must be granted that the teacher...
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Living Fountains or Broken Cisterns: An Educational Problem for ProtestantsLiving Fountains or Broken Cisterns: An Educational Problem for ProtestantsThere are few books which treat of the history of education, and fewer which attempt to show the part that the educational work has ever borne in the upbuilding of nations. That religion is inseparably...
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The Fall of Ulysses: An Elephant StoryThe Fall of Ulysses: An Elephant StoryI cannot deny that I was entirely to blame for the calamity that overtook Ulysses; and if I call attention to the high social and literary standing of the gentleman whom I employed as an accomplice in the...
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Muutamia mietteitä kasvatuksestaMuutamia mietteitä kasvatuksestaJohn Locke, Englannin huomattavin jrkeisfilosofian edustaja ja sen ensimminen klassillinen kasvatuskirjailija, syntyi 29 p. elok. 1632 Wringtonissa Bristolin lhell. Hn oli vanhempainsa, lakimies John Locken (synt. 1606) ja tmn vaimon Agnes tai Anne Keenen v. 1630 solmitusta avioliitosta syntynyt esikoinen; veli Thomas...
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The Art of Story-TellingThe Art of Story-TellingStory-telling is almost the oldest Art in the worldthe first conscious form of literary communication. In the East it still survives, and it is not an uncommon thing to see a crowd at a street-corner held by the simple narration of...
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English as She is TaughtEnglish as She is Taught - Being Genuine Answers to Examination Questions in Our Public Schools As the greatest compliment that could be paid a writer would be the assumption that the material contained in this little volume was the product of that writers...
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A Montessori MotherA Montessori MotherOn my return recently from a somewhat prolonged stay in Rome, I observed that my family and circle of friends were in a very different state of mind from that usually found by the home-coming traveler. I was not depressed by the...
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The Book of Trinity College Dublin 1591-1891The Book of Trinity College Dublin 1591-1891Footnote anchors are denoted by [number], and the footnotes have been placed at the end of each chapter. Four digit items such as [1466] are not footnote anchors but refer to a year. Macrons over e and u...
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Lippincott Educational Series, Vol. 1Thinking and learning to thinkFor a number of years it has been the authors duty as well as privilege to lecture at county institutes on the difficult art of teaching pupils to think. This led to the request that the lectures be thrown into...
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Father and the Boy Visit the University of IdahoFather and the Boy Visit the University of Idaho - The University of Idaho Bulletin, Vol. XVII, March, 1922, No. 11Father and son had a minute alone together on the first evening of their first visit to their own state universityIdaho. Arriving on a...
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