Explore our collection of education books and early education books at our online bookstore, including top titles for teachers and Pearson Education textbooks. Discover must-read and best-selling educational reads that provide valuable insights and resources for teaching and learning.
Report of the Committee of FifteenReport of the Committee of Fifteen - Read at the Cleveland Meeting of the Department of Superintendence, February 19-21, 1884, with the DebateThe undersigned Committee agrees upon the following report, each member reserving for himself the expression of his individual divergence from the opinion...
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The Colleges of Oxford: Their History and TraditionsThe Colleges of Oxford: Their History and Traditions - XXI Chapters Contributed by Members of the CollegesThe history of any one of the older Colleges of Oxford extends over a period of time and embraces a variety of interests more than sufficient for a...
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Humanistic Studies of the University of Kansas, Vol. 1Humanistic Studies of the University of Kansas, Vol. 1The pagination of this book is unusual. The book consists of four sections, each of which is page numbered within itself. Additionally, the pages of the entire document are numbered consecutively. This results in sections two,...
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On the Future of our Educational Institutions; Homer and Classical PhilologyOn the Future of our Educational Institutions; Homer and Classical Philology - Complete Works, Volume Three"On the Future of our Educational Institutions" comprehends a series of five lectures delivered by Nietzsche when Professor of Classical Philology at Ble University. As they were prepared when...
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Public School Life: Boys, Parents, MastersPublic School Life: Boys, Parents, MastersMy Dear Arnold,It was with genuine surprise that I read the other day, while turning over the pages of The Harrovians, the date 1913 upon the title-page. Only eight years ago, and since then so much has happened. What...
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Die Universität Basel in den fünfzig Jahren seit ihrer Reorganisation im Jahre 1835Die Universität Basel in den fünfzig Jahren seit ihrer Reorganisation im Jahre 1835Nachdem 1883 und 1884 die Universitten Zrich und Bern ihr 50jhriges Bestehen gefeiert haben, schickt sich in diesem Jahre auch die ltere Schwester in den Grenzmarken des Schweizerlandes an, bei einer hnlichen...
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Higher Education for Women in Great BritainHigher Education for Women in Great BritainThe movement for the education of girls is of recent growth, dating back less than a century, to the decade 1840-50. Before that time there was no public provision for them, educational endowments being used for boys only....
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Slechte TijdenSlechte TijdenAl wat ik vraag, zijn feiten. Leer die jongens en meisjes niets anders dan feiten. Dat is alles wat men in de wereld noodig heeft. Plant niet anders, en roei alle andere dingen uit. Door feiten alleen kunt gij den geest van met...
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Ameisenbüchlein oder, Anweisung zu einer vernünftigen Erziehung der ErzieherAmeisenbüchlein; oder, Anweisung zu einer vernünftigen Erziehung der ErzieherDie zweite Hlfte des vorigen Jahrhunderts war eine Zeit der Umwlzung auf dem Gebiete der Kunst, Wissenschaft und Poesie. Der Kunst wurden von Winkelmann (1716-1768) und Lessing (1729-1781) neue Richtlinien gegeben, und in der deutschen Litteratur...
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Oxford Days or, How Ross Got His DegreeOxford Days; or, How Ross Got His DegreeOxford Days is not shaped on the lines of either Verdant Green or Tom Brown at Oxford. Its purpose, rather, is to furnish a practical guide to all the features of University life; but it has been...
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Huxley and educationHuxley and education - Address at the Opening of the College Year, Columbia University, September 28, 1910The most sanguine day of the college year is the opening one: the student has not yet faced the impossible task annually presented of embracing the modern world...
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Unterm RadUnterm Rad Herr Joseph Giebenrath, Zwischenhndler und Agent, zeichnete sich durch keinerlei Vorzge oder Eigenheiten vor seinen Mitbrgern aus. Er besa gleich ihnen eine breite, gesunde Figur, eine leidliche kommerzielle Begabung, verbunden mit einer aufrichtigen, herzlichen Verehrung des Geldes, ferner ein kleines Wohnhaus mit...
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The Learned Lady in England, 1650-1760The Learned Lady in England, 1650-1760The theme to which this volume is specifically limited is the position and achievements of learned women in England in the period between 1650 and 1760. But before entering upon this detailed study it seems desirable to give a...
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Florence Nightingale to Her NursesFlorence Nightingale to Her Nurses - A selection from Miss Nightingale's addresses to probationers and nurses of the Nightingale school at St. Thomas's hospitalBetween 1872 and 1900 Miss Nightingale used, when she was able, to send an annual letter or address to the probationer-nurses...
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Erziehung zur MannhaftigkeitErziehung zur MannhaftigkeitErziehung zur Mannhaftigkeit, keine psychologisch-theoretische Abhandlung und kein Lehrbuch in paragraphos wohl eingeteilt. Lehren kann man nur, was man selbst wei, kann, hat und beherrscht. Mannhaftigkeit sollten unsere Erzieher sich erst erwerben. Da das als wnschenswert, ja notwendig, als mglich und allgemein...
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The Old Humanities and the New ScienceThe Old Humanities and the New ScienceIn writing a prefatory note to an American reprint of this notable address there are three things to considerthe writer, his subject, and the occasion. The greatly beloved author had a multitude of friends in all lands, and...
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Schools of tomorrowSchools of to-morrowThere has been no attempt in this book to develop a complete theory of education nor yet review any systems or discuss the views of prominent educators. This is not a text book of education, nor yet an exposition of a new...
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Ryerson Memorial VolumeRyerson Memorial Volume - Prepared on the occasion of the unveiling of the Ryerson statute in the grounds of the Education department on the Queen's birthday, 1889I have two reasons to give for the part which I have taken in the preparation of the...
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Fenelon's Treatise on the Education of DaughtersFenelon's Treatise on the Education of Daughters - Translated from the French, and Adapted to English Readers"Chaste and modest writings never alter the honour of any gentlewoman. For as the remembrance of infamous persons is much detested and hated by the Musesso is the...
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Un libro para las damas: Estudios acerca de la educación de la mujerUn libro para las damas: Estudios acerca de la educación de la mujerLa mayor parte de los escritores de nuestra poca que se han ocupado de la constitucion de la familia, se hallan conformes en la persuasion de que uno de los motivos que...
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