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The GeniusThe GeniusSeek ye help of them that have gone before? Ye shall find it not. Dream ye of sympathy, of praise, from those that watch your work to-day? They shall give ye rather mockery. Finally, would ye leave to your children legacies of wisdom...
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A Simple StoryA Simple StoryIt is said, a book should be read with the same spirit with which it has been written. In that case, fatal must be the reception of thisfor the writer frankly avows, that during the time she has been writing it, she...
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Kept in the DarkKept in the DarkThere came an episode in the life of Cecilia Holt which it is essential should first be told. When she was twenty-two years old she was living with her mother at Exeter. Mrs. Holt was a widow with comfortable means,ample that...
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The Lion's MouseThe Lion's Mouse I. The Lion II. The Net III. The Mouse IV. The Murmur of the Storm V. On the Way to the Car VI. The Parcel with the Gold Seals VII. The Queen's Pearls VIII. Beverley Talks IX. The Bluff That Failed...
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The Wind BlowethThe Wind BlowethWhilst I was working on the various problems of "The Wind Bloweth"problems of wisdom, of color, of phrasing, and trying to capture the elusive, unbearable ache that is the mainspring of humanity, and doing this through the medium of a race I...
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The Dash for Khartoum: A Tale of the Nile ExpeditionThe Dash for Khartoum: A Tale of the Nile ExpeditionMy dear Lads, The story of the Nile Expedition is so recent that no word of introduction is necessary to the historical portion of the tale. The moral, such as it is, of the story...
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A Son of the SunA Son of the Sun The Willi-Waw lay in the passage between the shore-reef and the outer-reef. From the latter came the low murmur of a lazy surf, but the sheltered stretch of water, not more than a hundred yards across to the white...
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The OutcryThe Outcry NO, my lord, Banks had replied, no stranger has yet arrived. But Ill see if any one has come inor who has. As he spoke, however, he observed Lady Sandgates approach to the hall by the entrance giving upon the great terrace,...
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The Scarlet PlagueThe Scarlet Plague THE way led along upon what had once been the embankment of a railroad. But no train had run upon it for many years. The forest on either side swelled up the slopes of the embankment and crested across it in...
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Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to His SonLetters from a Self-Made Merchant to His Son - Being the Letters written by John Graham, Head of the House of Graham & Company, Pork-Packers in Chicago, familiarly known on 'Change as "Old Gorgon Graham," to his Son, Pierrepont, facetiously known to his intimates...
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A Filha do CabindaA Filha do CabindaResolvido agora, e quem sabe se imprudentemente, a fazel-a correr mundo, nas azas da publicidade, lembrou-me collocar os seus nomes na primeira pagina, como pequenissima significao da muita estima e da muita gratido, que devo a cada um. O cabinda negro,...
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Aurelian or, Rome in the Third CenturyAurelian; or, Rome in the Third CenturyThis booka sequel to Zenobiapublished nearly ten years ago under the name of 'Probus,' was soon republished, in several places abroad, under that of 'Aurelian.' So far from complaining of the innovation, I could not but regard it...
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Hubert's WifeHubert's Wife - A Story for YouIt was the night after the funeral. Ellice Lisle, the loving wife, devoted mother, kind mistress, and generous friend, had been laid away to rest; over her pulseless bosom had been thrown the red earth of her adopted...
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Op Eigen WiekenOp Eigen WiekenOm een goed begin te maken en met een vrij hart naar Metas bruiloft te kunnen gaan, mogen wij eerst nog wel eens een praatje over de familie March houden. En dan moet ik al dadelijk zeggen, dat wanneer, sommige mijner oudere...
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The Pleasant Street Partnership: A Neighborhood StoryThe Pleasant Street Partnership: A Neighborhood StoryPleasant Street was regarded by the Terrace as merely an avenue of approach to its own exclusive precincts. That Pleasant Street came to an end at the Terrace seemed to imply that nothing was to be gained by...
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NantasNantasNantas bewoonde, sinds zijn aankomst te Parijs, een kamer op de derde verdieping van een huis in de rue de Lille, grenzende aan het prachtige gebouw van baron Danvilliers, lid van den Raad van State, die het huis in weelderigen ouden stijl had doen...
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EmbarrassmentsEmbarrassments I had done a few things and earned a few penceI had perhaps even had time to begin to think I was finer than was perceived by the patronising; but when I take the little measure of my course (a fidgety habit, for...
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Light FreightsLight FreightsTitle: Light Freights, Complete Author: Jacobs /home/widger/test/test.rst:2: (INFO/1) Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "W" (ordinal 23) /home/widger/test/test.rst:2: (INFO/1) Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "W" (ordinal 23) Release Date: June 25, 2007 [EBook #21928] Reposted: November 28, 2016 [corrections made] Language: English...
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Sea UrchinsSea UrchinsThis ain't your fust v'y'ge, captin, he said admiringly; don't tell me. I could twig that directly I see you. Ho, what's the use o' trying to come it over a poor 'ard-working man like that? I want to go off to the...
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SalthavenSalthaven"Three years at Cambridge," resumed Mr. Vyner, meditatively, "and two years spent up and down the world studying the business methods of other nations ought to render him invaluable to us." "For a time," said the ship-owner, leaning back and placing the tips of...
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