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The Brook Kerith: A Syrian storyThe Brook Kerith: A Syrian storyMy dear Mary Hunter. It appears that you wished to give me a book for Christmas, but were in doubt what book to give me as I seemed to have little taste for reading, so in your embarrassment you...
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Headlong HallHeadlong HallAll these little publications appeared originally without prefaces. I left them to speak for themselves; and I thought I might very fitly preserve my own impersonality, having never intruded on the personality of others, nor taken any liberties but with public conduct and...
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PankkiherrojaPankkiherrojaSamalla keksivtkin hnen silmns pankinjohtaja Soisalon keskelt sankkaa ihmisjoukkoa, joka oli tullihuoneen kahden puolen rantaan kokoontunut. Itse seisoi hn laivan kannella, nuori, kaunis, vaikka hiukan kalseahkon nkinen nainen vierelln, ja iloitsi jo edeltksin siit herkullisesta illallisesta, jonka hn nyt kuukauden kestneen ulkomaa-matkan jlkeen aikoi...
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Vanha tarina MontrosestaVanha tarina MontrosestaKerrottavamme alkaa sen suuren, verisen sodan aikana, joka raivosi Suur-Britanniassa seitsemnnelltoista vuosisadalla. Skotlanti oli viel silynyt keskinisen sodan raatelemisista, vaikka senkin asukkaat olivat valtiollisissa mietteissns suuresti eripuraiset. Olipa heiss monta, jotka kyllstynein parlamentin hallitukseen ja suuttuneina siit, kun parlamentti oli rohjennut laittaa...
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By Rock and Pool on an Austral Shore, and Other StoriesBy Rock and Pool on an Austral Shore, and Other StoriesThe text in this file contains a number of characters not contained in the standard ASCII character set. To enable the display of these characters the UTF-8 character set must be used by the...
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The Log of a Cowboy: A Narrative of the Old Trail DaysThe Log of a Cowboy: A Narrative of the Old Trail DaysJust why my father moved, at the close of the civil war, from Georgia to Texas, is to this good hour a mystery to me. While we did not exactly belong to the...
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The Young Captives: A Story of Judah and BabylonThe Young Captives: A Story of Judah and Babylon This volume is the fruit of my leisure hours; and those hours in the life of a pastor are not very abundant. That the story has suffered from this, I do not believe. Whatever its...
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Ladies Must LiveLadies Must LiveMrs. Ussher was having a small house party in the country over New Year's Day. This is equivalent to saying that the half dozen most fashionable people in New York were out of town. Certain human beings are admitted to have a...
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Wells Brothers: The Young Cattle KingsWells Brothers: The Young Cattle KingsThe first herd of trail cattle to leave Dodge City, Kansas, for the Northwest, during the summer of 1885, was owned by the veteran drover, Don Lovell. Accidents will happen, and when about midway between the former point and...
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Laulu tulipunaisesta kukastaLaulu tulipunaisesta kukastaHn oli pitk ja solakka kuin vastakaatamansa kuuset. Hattunsa keinuili kuusen lehvll ja takkinsa ja liivins riippuivat kuivuneessa oksantyngss. Valkoisen paidan avatusta aukeamasta paistoi ruskea, voimakas rinta ja kyynrpihin saakka krityt hihat paljastivat lujat, pivettyneet ksivarret. Kummallinen kevt! ajatteli hn edelleen. Ei...
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Helen with the High Hand (2nd ed.)Helen with the High Hand (2nd ed.)In the Five Towns human nature is reported to be so hard that you can break stones on it. Yet sometimes it softens, and then we have one of our rare idylls of which we are very proud,...
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Mr. ProhackMr. ProhackArthur Charles Prohack came downstairs at eight thirty, as usual, and found breakfast ready in the empty dining-room. This pleased him, because there was nothing in life he hated more than to be hurried. For him, hell was a place of which the...
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Penny PlainPenny PlainThe hills circling the little town were shrouded with mist. The wide bridge that spanned the Tweed and divided the town properthe Highgate, the Nethergate, the Eastgatefrom the residential part was almost deserted. On the left bank of the river, Peel Tower loomed...
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Tokyo to Tijuana: Gabriele Departing AmericaTokyo to Tijuana: Gabriele Departing America "It is probable, then, that if a man should arrive in our city, so clever as to be able to assume any character and imitate any object, and should propose to make a public display of his talents...
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The Vale of Cedars Or, The MartyrThe Vale of Cedars; Or, The MartyrGrace Aguilar was born at Hackney, June 2nd, 1816. She was the eldest child, and only daughter of Emanuel Aguilar, one of those merchants descended from the Jews of Spain, who, almost within the memory of man, fled...
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Le nabab, tome IILe nabab, tome IICinq heures de l'aprs-midi. La pluie depuis le matin, un ciel gris et bas toucher avec les parapluies, un temps mou qui poisse, le gchis, la boue, rien que de la boue, en flaques lourdes, en tranes luisantes au bord des...
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Le nabab, tome ILe nabab, tome I_Comme il y a des personnes qui ne sauraient lire sans faire des applications des caractres vicieux ou ridicules qu'elles trouvent dans les ouvrages, je dclare ces lecteurs malins qu'ils auraient tort d'appliquer les portraits qui sont dans le prsent livre....
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The Splendid Idle Forties: Stories of Old CaliforniaThe Splendid Idle Forties: Stories of Old CaliforniaWithin memory of the most gnarled and coffee-coloured Montereo never had there been so exciting a race day. All essential conditions seemed to have held counsel and agreed to combine. Not a wreath of fog floated across...
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StukStukDet var Skumring endnu, og over Parken og Skt. Peders Mlle hvilede det graablaa sidste Skr af Dag. Men langs Gaden var der allerede tndt, og Lygter og alle Butikers Blus lyste ud over Vrimlen. Lig en hel Arm strmmede Arbejderne langs Fortovene ud...
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DorianDorianDorian Trent was going to town to buy himself a pair of shoes. He had some other errands to perform for himself and his mother, but the reason for his going to town was the imperative need of shoes. It was Friday afternoon. The...
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