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De reis om de wereld in tachtig dagenDe reis om de wereld in tachtig dagenIn het jaar 1872 werd het huis no. 7 in Saville Row, Burlington Gardens, waarin Sheridan in 1814 overleed, bewoond door Phileas Fogg esq., een der zonderlingste en meest bekende leden van de Reform-club te Londen, al...
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The Booming of Acre Hill, and Other Reminiscences of Urban and Suburban LifeThe Booming of Acre Hill, and Other Reminiscences of Urban and Suburban LifeAcre Hill ten years ago was as void of houses as the primeval forest. Indeed, in many ways it suggested the primeval forest. Then the Acre Hill Land Improvement Company sprang up...
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The LakeThe LakeThe concern of this preface is with the mistake that was made when 'The Lake' was excluded from the volume entitled 'The Untilled Field,' reducing it to too slight dimensions, for bulk counts; and 'The Lake,' too, in being published in a separate...
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Vain Fortune: A NovelVain Fortune: A NovelI hope it will not seem presumptuous to ask my critics to treat this new edition of Vain Fortune as a new book: for it is a new book. The first edition was kindly noticed, but it attracted little attention, and...
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Les gens de bureauLes gens de bureau Je ne sais en vrit, mon cher, o vous avez puis vos renseignements. Vos personnages n'ont pas la moindre vraisemblance. Ils n'existent pas. Que vous connaissez peu les employs! Ce sont tous, sans exception, des hommes de mrite, intelligents, laborieux,...
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Lehtori Hellmanin vaimoLehtori Hellmanin vaimoAnni Kemppainen oli jo kello kuudesta saakka ollut Selma Varnin luona neulomassa Selman sinist leninki, joka edellisen sunnuntaina oli repeytynyt. Hnen mielestn Selma siin leningissn oli kaikkein somin, sen vuoksi hn vlttmtt tahtoi saada sen hnelle kuntoon tksi pivksi. Itse ei Selma...
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One Second of Eternity: An Eastern NovelСекунд вечности, источњачки роман [*] , , , , . , , , , . , . , , , , - [ ] , , , , . . , , , . ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number: 11292 Author:...
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Een HeldinEen Heldin[De vestibule van het Iersche kasteel.]Dit verhaal bevat veel, dat verdicht is en toch is het op waarheid gegrond, omdat de voornaamste gebeurtenissen, die erin worden beschreven, werkelijk hebben plaats gehad. Ook de ervaringen op de Engelsche kostschool zijn, zonder de minste overdrijving,...
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Maggie Miller: The Story of Old Hagar's SecretMaggie Miller: The Story of Old Hagar's Secret'Mid the New England hills, and beneath the shadow of their dim old woods, is a running brook whose deep waters were not always as merry and frolicsome as now; for years before our story opens, pent...
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The Slim PrincessThe Slim PrincessThe Mohammedan sanctuaries with their hideous stencil decorations and bulbous domes are jostled by many new shops with blinking fronts and German merchandise. The orthodox turn their faces toward Mecca while the enlightened dream of a journey to Paris. Men of title...
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Folk-Tales of NapoleonFolk-Tales of Napoleon - Napoleonder from the Russian; The Napoleon of the People from the French of Honoré De BalzacMost of the literature that has its origin in the life and career of a great man may be grouped and classified under two heads:...
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The Adventures of a Special Correspondent Among the Various Races and Countries of Central AsiaThe Adventures of a Special Correspondent Among the Various Races and Countries of Central Asia - Being the Exploits and Experiences of Claudius Bombarnac of "The Twentieth Century"[Redactors Note: A Special Correspondent (Number V040 in the T&M numerical listing of Vernes works) is a...
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Martin Hewitt, InvestigatorMartin Hewitt, Investigator Those who retain any memory of the great law cases of fifteen or twenty years back will remember, at least, the title of that extraordinary will case, "Bartley v. Bartley and others," which occupied the Probate Court for some weeks on...
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The Exploits of Brigadier GerardThe Exploits of Brigadier GerardYou do very well, my friends, to treat me with some little reverence, for in honouring me you are honouring both France and yourselves. It is not merely an old, grey-moustached officer whom you see eating his omelette or draining...
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Miles WallingfordMiles Wallingford - Sequel to "Afloat and Ashore"The conclusion of this tale requires but little preface. Many persons may think that there is too much of an old man's despondency in a few of the opinions of this portion of the work; but, after...
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The Apartment Next DoorThe Apartment Next DoorIt was three o'clock in the morning. Along a deserted pavement of Riverside Drive strode briskly a young man whose square-set shoulders and erect poise suggested a military training. His coat, thrown carelessly open to the cold night wind, displayed an...
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The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner, Volume 1The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner, Volume 1 - With an Account of His Travels Round Three Parts of the Globe,Daniel De Foe was descended from a respectable family in the county of Northampton, and born in London, about the...
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Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall-StreetBartleby, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall-Street I am a rather elderly man. The nature of my avocations for the last thirty years has brought me into more than ordinary contact with what would seem an interesting and somewhat singular set of men, of...
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The Purple CloudThe Purple CloudAbout three months agothat is to say, toward the end of May of this year of 1900the writer whose name appears on the title-page received as noteworthy a letter, and packet of papers, as it has been his lot to examine. They...
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The Marrow of TraditionThe Marrow of TraditionI. At Break of Day II. The Christening Party III. The Editor at Work IV. Theodore Felix V. A Journey Southward VI. Janet VII. The Operation VIII. The Campaign drags IX. A White Man's "Nigger" X. Delamere Plays a Trump XI....
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